Last Week in Review



Private sector America has donated at least a billion to Haiti for relief after Earthquake.

Politics in the UK

Tea Party in Britain kicks off this Saturday with key speaker Daniel Hannan and see some more about the Tea Party that started in the US that is having an impact on elections in Virginia, New Jersey and of all places Massachusetts at Video: "Don't tread on us". Signs of a 21st Century Political Awakening

Video: Political party in the UK trying to court religious voters who can't help but see the hypocrisy

Daniel Hannan predicts in Europe voters will again vote against Big Government referencing the recent American victory against Big Government in Massachusetts

Health Care

What does CBO say about our Presidents new health care proposal? and President Obama's new health care proposal will include tax payer funding of abortion breaking yet another promise

As evidence by the recent Health Care Summit it really does appear that the Democrat party is indeed the party of no. See Video: Who really is the party of no

First, both the House majority leader at the time of PelosiCare's passage and the Senate leader at the time of ReidCare's passage both come out short on the fact checking during health care summit. It is sad when both leaders of the House and Senate can be called out so easily like this. And this is on two issues that the American people are very concerned about. See Video: Nancy Pelosi vs Boehner from health care summit on whether or not tax payer funding of abortion is in Senate bill. and Senate Majority leader Harry Reid in Health Care Summit claims nobody is talking about reconciliation but just 6 days ago he did on a local Nevada news station.

Tax payer funding of abortion still an issue see Minority House leader's comments at Video: Minority leader in the House brings out the issue of tax payer funding of abortion at Health Care Summit and also see pro-life Democrat in the House speak about this just before Health Care Summit at Video: Pro-life Democrat Bart Stupak says President Obama's health proposal probably won't pass in the House and So what does pro-life Democrat Bart Stupak think of President Obama's health care proposal? and House Minority leader thought this an important enough issue to send a letter to request Stupak to attend the summit at Letter: Minority Leader Boehner sends letter to White House to include Stupak in health care summit tomorrow 

Here is Values Voter News analysis that may be of interest at Video: Health Care Summit and some comments and analysis 



Samaritan's Purse sends disaster relief to Chile after earthquake


Video: Republican Representative takes up Hillary on abortion in recent hearing.

Video: Abby Johnson ex-Planned Parenthood Director speaks at kick off event for 40 days for life

Video: Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin help hide sexual activity of a 14 year old girl and a 31 year old man.

Authorities raid abortion clinic after lady dies from an abortion and finds frozen fetuses in clinic 


Video interview of The Rocket Summer new album #1 on ITunes "Of Men and Angels".

Bill Watch

Video: Watch heated debate from Senate floor on Friday. Bunning argues we should not extend unemployment without paying for it which he believes can be done with stimulus package money.


Graduation Rates for Choice and Public School Students in Milwaukee, 2003-2008. Guess who had better graduation rates?


North Dakota unemployment rate is half of the nation's unemployment rate and they have a surplus budget why? 


Pro-life studies

Stillbrith 4 times more likely after IVF says new study of 20,000 in Europe's leading reproductive medicine journal

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