
Pro-choice atheist columnist at the Denver Post makes excellent point and argument for the most innocent of our society. and If you are a convert to the pro-life position, what prompted your change of heart?

Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, George Soros and other billionaires get together to put their money behind abortion.

Abstinence-based education in Texas is working. Teen pregnancies down 24% and abortions down 41%. vs Sexually transmitted infections amongst those under 16 years old in the UK is on a 58% rise despite 20 million pounds invested by the Government.



YouTube video of 4 Texans cured by Adult Stem Cells

CSPAN video of White House Briefing on 05/28/2009 with more than 40 questions and follow-ups from reporters on abortion and right to privacy.

YouTube video release of voicemail recording of comments made concerning protest group's pictures at Notre Dame.

YouTube video of 2 mile long prolife protest at Notre Dame.

YouTube video of arrest of pro-life evangelist ironically at the Liberty Bell and another video of a more recent incident

YouTube CNN update and AP YouTube video report of George Tiller death and YouTube video of testimony of lady who had an abortion at Tiller's clinic.

Same Sex Marriage

YouTube video of commercial opposing same sex marriage running in New York right now as new Gallup Poll shows gay marriage become less popular

Taxes and the economy

Video documenting excellent comments by Stephen Smith (ESPN anchor) on Government Spending and Tax Hikes

Recovery.org vs Recovery.gov. Government vs Private Sector on transparency on government spending of the $787 billion stimulus package.

Global Warming

Video of O'Rielly explains GE owns CNBC resulting in a conflict in interest over cap and trade since GE is the largest wind turbine generator maker.

Liberal Media Bias

YouTube video of Rachel Maddow's biased report of Liberty University democrat club as Liberty University President sets the record right.


What better reduces maternal mortality rates in developing nations? Prolifers in Geneva providing some badly needed balance on the issue.


Video: The Importance Of Reading The Bible


Many videos documenting the problems with universal health care which Big Media seems to ignore.



California Governor to cut tax payer funding of Planned Parenthood who argues it needs the money to provide essential care but won't give up abortion.


Wisconsin Right to Life released its final ad exposing Madison, Wisconsin residents to late-term abortions at a local University ran surgery center.

Planned Parenthood

Pro-abortion advocate has a solution to responding to videos exposing Planned Parenthood's violation of statutory rape laws.


Providence would have it that Big Media gets no credit for the 5 recent polls bearing witness to a major shift in public opinion on the issue of life.

Further evidence that the grassroots pro-life community are breaking grounds on the issue of abortion with Obama's recent pick for Supreme Court



Beware of Canada's major newspaper and publicly funded CBC. Recent liberal media bias has raised itself in a big way on coverage of prolife event.

Canadians public TV station grossly unfair with coverage of public pro-life event even though turn out is about 60 times the other cause they covered.


Togo in Africa is ready to ban the death penalty but legalizes death to the unborn under international pressure as pressure mounts on N. Ireland and..


5 workers in the last 4 months sacked or threatened in the UK over religious beliefs. The latest a nurse of 40 years experience.


Abortion Dr commits suicide in court in India after she is found guilty of sex selection abortion.


International community pressures Nepal, East Timor and the Dominican Republic to loosen laws on abortion.

Weekly Address

This weeks Weekly Address from President Obama and Republican Party and update from CitizenLink

Obama Watch

Kiefer Sutherland, Marisa Tomei, Jamie Foxx, Ron Howard, Steven Spielberg, Dreamworks and more Obama says got him in office

YouTube videos concerning Obama's recent Supreme Court nominee.

Same Sex Marriage

The APA flip flops on the "gay gene" theory while a book written by pro-gay researchers find a link between homosexuality and childhood sexual abuse


Breaking News. California court rules in favor of the will of the people in California on Prop 8 by a margin of 6-1.

Academic Freedom

See the gun rights pamphlet that a Student Development Specialist told her student that she couldn't distribute on campus and to destroy says student

200 students and parents gather to pray in protest outside of Pace High School against an ACLU restriction of speech on public schools.

YouTube video of recent arrest of pro-life Christian evangelists at Sinclair Community College along with other videos of their ministry.


Memorial Day: Sergeant York (1941). When is it ok to fight?


The paleontologist who brought Ida to the media spotlight dropped a cool $750,000 (£465,000) to get his hands on it.

Church and Family Philanthropy

See trailer of new Hallmark Motion Picture based on highly successful (95% success rate and 25 years) Christian youth ministry in Florida.

First Amendment Case Victories

98 First Amendment Case victories since June of 2008. Read about the two latest.

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