
Tolerance and Inclusion except for any true to their beliefs

A lesson in tolerance from an 8th Grader in Illinois-"Just before the election, Catherine, with the approval of her history teacher, decided to conduct an experiment about tolerance at her day she wore a T-shirt to school on which she’d written “McCain Girl.” She carried a journal with her to record the reactions she got....The next day, Catherine wore a T-shirt on which she’d written “Obama Girl.” The response to that?...Catherine turned the experiment into a report for her history class and got extra credit?"

Christian prayer group sexually and physically assaulted by homosexual mob? Where is the media? Even Gay blacks are being yelled at!!!-"They started saying 'We're going to kill you' and they started taking our pictures saying 'We're going to kill you, we know who you are,'" she said. "They started raging at our leader - 'We're going to kill you' - swearing at us, pouring hot coffee on us."-You Tube live video of the mob. No tolerance in San Francisco. Christians not allowed to sing on the streets or pray. Maybe they shouldn't have been there in the first place some may say. Well if that is the case what does that tell you about tolerance in San Francisco. I thought San Francisco was pretty liberal and accepting of all points of view. Boy am I wrong. Imagine if gays were in the streets of a town in Texas praying and singing for the Christians and the churches emptied like the bars did in San Francisco here and the police had to come to escort them out I bet there would be a different media take then mostly silence or that they should not have been there in the first place. 1) this is happening by protests all over right at churches now as we type and 2) nobody is mobbing them but rather responding peacefully and lawfully!!!

A week of many wildfires (protests and natural) in California as lawsuites to overturn Prop 8 are submitted!!!-"Not a single elected leader has spoken out against what is happening. Where is Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger while churches are being attacked? And where is Senator Dianne Feinstein while people are losing their jobs and grandmothers are being bullied by an angry mob?"-See video report of gay activists protesting outside a Mormon temple and much more to add to Roseanne Barr: Blacks who supported Prop 8 are 'bigots'....

4 more First Amendment victories in NM, AZ, CO and WV. Another employee fired over "homophebia" in the UK and 6 new cases!!! Talk about intolerance!!!-"On November 11, 2006 was reported of 6 new victories at 6 New First Amendment and Religious Freedom Victories!!! "First Amendment related victories since 06/08 and we are now at 31 and there are many more coming.." Well here are 4 more and some other cases and more to come. So now we are at 35. Also, on November 11, 2006 was this post Exactly 388 years ago to date the Pilgrims sign the Mayflower Compact.. Have we come this far to regress 400 years of religious liberty? Also, see American Remembrance for more on the history of American religious liberties that gave the foundation for civil liberties!!!!

Petition California AG for Church Protection-"If homosexuals were being assaulted, their property vandalized and their meetings disrupted by Christians, we would never hear the end of it in the media...I called the cops, and when they got there, they pulled her out of the circle and asked her if she wanted to press charges. She said 'No, tell him I forgive him.'...He believes, if the tables were turned and Christians were vandalizing the property of and physically assaulting homosexuals, "we would never hear the end of it in the media." He notes because the victims are Christians and not homosexuals, the pro-homosexual media covers it up."

Why same-sex 'marriage' matters. An excellent article expressing concern over this issue.-"Gay activists (and a few Episcopal bishops) would have you believe that votes against gay "marriage" are a result of bigotry, the equivalent of racism or sexism...S.T. Karnick, writing in the autumn issue of SALVO magazine, points out that homosexuals may already "marry" in any number of places, under the auspices of any number of organizations. Churches such as the Episcopal Church USA, the Presbyterian Church USA, the United Church of Christ..No law prevents these religious organizations from conducting such rituals...But if and when same-sex "marriage" becomes law, it becomes against the law not to follow it. And that could indeed result in the government not only dictating doctrine to churches, but to religious schools, and to individuals..."Equality" laws in Great Britain recently forced a Christian adoption agency there out of business. Like a similar case in Massachusetts (where same-sex "marriage" is law), a Roman Catholic adoption agency in Wales can no longer continue its work of placing abandoned and abused children in homes. Why? Based on its Christian beliefs, St. David's Children sought out only homes with a mother and a father. As one British MP pointed out, there are plenty of other adoption agencies gay couples could have used. The government, because of innocuous-sounding "equality" laws, has essentially told the agency it can no longer base its work on its Roman Catholic tenets because they are, in effect, discriminatory. That is frightening"

Monty Python vs Barbara Walters-"While Barbara Walters is wasting Big Media air time trying to convince people that a woman is a man certainly she could waste a little airtime reporting on the mistreatment of those who don't believe a woman is a man....As you read below make a mental note "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools...". This is no name calling this is what seems to be the case!!! I am as much a fool as any other without God but when we are reasoning like fools let it be known to us so we can get back on the right track and be greatful to God that He has not left us to our own reasoning capabilities..."-See why...

Big Liberal Media Bias

How Obama Got Elected? Zogby and new documentary to be released reveals that voters are not stupid but definitely uninformed!!!-Excellent video broadcast of another Hannity and Colmes show over this issue!!! That is fair and balanced....

Fairness Doctrine issue being ignored by Big Media like many other issues thus the need for conservative talk radio!!!-"Although abortion was covered more prominently in previous presidential elections, Pew found this year was an Pew Forum study found less than 1 percent of campaign news coverage related to abortion issues...When the mainstream media bothered to cover pro-life issues, a good portion of it centered around criticism of Governor Sarah Palin"- I wonder why!!!

Is Obama eligible to be president? Some would like to know will Obama respond? Even a life long democrat wants to know before the Supreme Court.-"The court document joins a host of litigation questioning Obama's eligibility in as many as 15 states, with confirmed cases in Ohio, Connecticut, Washington, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Hawaii, and unconfirmed reports from Utah, Wyoming, Florida, New York, North Carolina, Texas, California and Virginia, according to WorldNetDaily"


Union Workers at Big Three Automakers average $73 an hour compared to Toyota at only $47.60, Honda $43 and Nissan $42!!!-"Only it has little to do with saving Detroit and a lot to do with helping out the Democratic Party’s political machine. The chief recipient of this deal isn’t the companies, it’s the union...The Los Angeles Times says unions funded the Democratic victory to the tune of more than $80 million just this election. The San Francisco Chronicle puts the number a bit higher – $450 million. Either way, they want their payback"

Wasteful spending at tax payers expense at the UN and Citibank and what does a key adviser to President-elect Obama have to do with it!!!-"The Socialist government of Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero contributed almost $14 million of taxpayers’ money to the project, including nearly $1 million earmarked for African aid. Other funding came from private Spanish donors...The Spanish government calls it one of the U.N.’s most significant artworks – some are even calling it “the Sistine Chapel for the 21st century”

Dow has dropped over 2000 points since election day....-However, when Obama picked his new Secretary of Treasure the stocks immediately boosted on Friday!!! I don't know if there is any correlation but Warren Buffet came out and praised this selection. So I will get an update to this when I know more about this!!!

Video: Congress Considers Bailout for Detroit’s Big Three-Interesting video report concerning the economy and auto bailout. Also, interesting perspective on Paulson's recent actions in handling this economic crisis: "When no one knows how the rules of the game are going to change — and they seem to change from week to week — who wants to take a risk? Who wants to borrow money? Who wants to invest? Business and consumers are hunkering down, waiting for the storm of change to pass.....The problem isn’t liquidity. It’s uncertainty. Paulson doesn’t realize that his erratic attempts at creating liquidity are creating the uncertainty that makes liquidity meaningless."

Do you trust congress to run the auto industry?-"If Congress goes through with this auto bailout, it will not be the first nor last time Detroit will be coming to Washington with its hand out....Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) and Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) will introduce legislation to carve out $25 billion for Detroit from the $700 billion Wall Street bailout passed last month. This is on top of the $25 billion Congress already gave Detroit this past September. Oh, and the auto unions have already told Congress they will ask for another $15 billion next year...There is an alternative. And it’s right there in the U.S. Constitution: bankruptcy. Since the founding of our country, the bankruptcy process has been an essential part of the nation’s commercial fabric. Bankruptcy is not the end of the road; it is, rather, a new beginning. The reorga­nization process provides unique flexibility to unlock the fundamentally sound productive capa­bilities of a faltering business by freeing it of many obstacles to success, such as unviable contracts, crushing debt and poor management. Reorganiza­tion is the right tonic for businesses like the Big Three that need to adjust quickly to new economic realities but are, at their cores, sound, productive and potentially profitable."


Excellent article articulating why those on the right are concerned about Ayers as a university professor!!!-"I want to make one thing perfectly clear: I do not regret my decision to engage in the bombings of those abortion clinics. In fact, I regret that we did not do more. Some people on the Far Left in America are trying to hold the Pro Life movement accountable for actions I engaged in before Sarah Palin was even involved in politics."

Homeshooling under attack in Germany and Florida social workers abuse their power on homeschooling family...-"By supporting a political asylum application we will be able to shine the light of truth on this real and ongoing problem. A successful application will provide a path to safety for German homeschool families escaping persecution," said Donnelly.HSLDA, with support from the Alliance Defense Fund, has hired immigration attorney Will Humble of Houston, Texas to handle this groundbreaking case. For more information about Germany's persecution of homeschoolers, visit"

Is it ok for Obama to send their kids to the school of their choice?-"Okay for Obamas to Send Their Kids to Private Schools, Teachers’ Union President Says!!!"-Interesting video interview.


Tear jerking testimony of pro-abort/euthanais mother turn pro-life!!!!-Amazing true real time story of mother turning to life for the sake of her daughter and more!!!! Another excellent Hannity and Colmes fair and balance report on this issue before the mother changed her mind!!!

Born alive infant death case revisited. Jill Stanek blog keeps moving up and she recieves Life Prize Award!!!-"Jill Stanek's blog has moved up into the top 5500 blogs according technorati and in the top 32000 web sites overall in the US according to!!! She has been announced as on of the Life Prizes Announces Winners of $600,000 Pro-Life Award-"Jill Stanek - Nurse who first publicly exposed infanticide of abortion survivors, Born-Alive Infant Protection Act proponent and chief witness, and prolific writer who uses the media and her popular blog to continue revealing the truth about late-term abortion." reports on her honest feelings after the election results along with others.-"It is 6 days after the election, and my sorrow persists, if not deepens...Then my eye caught a teen with Down syndrome coming late to service with his mother, sitting down the row from me....And he immediately began to sing, and his face was so ecstatic, and he was looking heavenward and air-playing guitar with the band, and I began to cry..His Mom thanked me, saying she always worried Eric might be a distraction. It was so opposite of that for me. Eric reminded me of Jesus and the coming joy and why I fight abortion and why I am so sad, all rolled up in one kid. I could only murmer, "Oh, no," and cry harder. Just like now, crying harder."....

Bidens hometown bishop says, "I cannot have a vice president-elect coming to Scranton to say he’s learned his values there when those values are utterly against the teachings of the Catholic Church"

Texas an ultrasound bill introduced and in Oklahoma the ultrasound bill is put on hold. American organizations file briefs tp defend Ireland abortion ban.

Reports from China, Uruguay, Phillipines, El Salvador but check out these Italian nuns request:

"If there are those who consider her dead, let Eluana remain with us who feel she is alive. We don’t ask anything but the silence and the liberty to love and to devote ourselves to those who are weak, poor and little in return."

Get a sneak preview of what will be airing tonight on ABC World News right now!!!-"WATCH MORE: CBN News' Charlene Israel first reported this story in August. On Wednesday, Nov. 19, ABC's "World News with Charles Gibson" will be looking more at the successful adoption program in Possum Trot, Texas....The couple says their faith led them to take in so many kids."God was really working in my heart because children have always been a passion," Mrs. Lathan told CBN News. "I love children."...The Lathans attend Bennett Chapel, a small Missionary Baptist church located on the outskirts of Shelbyville, Texas. Twelve years ago, parishioners from the 200-member congregation were motivated to adopt 70 children from the local foster care system."

Help TX pregnancy care center win $25k by your quick online vote!!!-By now the voting will be over with. But go ahead and click to see who won on 11/26/2008

Wow!!! Post abortive ads are a hit but revealing of the necessity of post-abortive healing!!!-"The U.N. agency has lost around $240 million since President Bush in 2002 invoked legislation that denies funding for any organization supporting or participating in forced abortion or involuntary sterilization programs"

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Wife: I'm "a Catholic in Good Standing" But Also Pro-abortion and Pro-Homosexual-"I find I don't spend a lot of time trying to square my own daily life with the institutional Church," said Shriver. "I pick and choose."-Well that's obvious. Do you spend any time trying to square your own daily life with the Bible and do you pick and choose there? Just curious. We all got something to work on but let us not stop working on it with excuses like this!!! She also said, "I often talk to my daughters at the dinner table about the difference between being pro-abortion and being pro-choice."-Of course there is a difference. Pro-abort means you are for the legalization of abortion usually because you are also pro-choice which means you are for the choice of a woman to abort the life of the child in her womb.


Hats off to Sears and Wal Mart and other good things happening like Laura Bush's endorsement of Cry of the Oprhan.-It appears to me that this adoption thing is something that God is doing in the church right now. Family Life and Focus on the Family and many other Christian Family organizations right now are pushing adoption big time. Even though I feel ill equipped and have 4 of my own I tell you I am almost convinced after listening to these programs.

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