A new link is available at the top of www.valuesvoternews.com called Bill Watch. This will give you interesting information concerning bills that congress are trying to pass and other things happening in congress. I think you will find this quite valuable for yourself and others. It does a good job in weeding out all the other news and focus's more specifically on what is going on in Washington from a values voter perspective.

American Remembrance

The Question of Freemasonry and the Founding Fathers (Part 1) and (Part 2)-"Some facts to check before you conclude that all the forefathers were corrupted by free-masonry."


Africa sticks it to the CEDAW of the UN. Way to go Cameroon.-"The committee that monitors state compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) will begin a new session in Geneva next week, but even prior to the meeting six of the eight states who will be reviewed have already been questioned on abortion. In a stinging written response to the CEDAW committee’s advance questions, Cameroon fired back that “abortion is murder.”

EU resolves to force EU member states to adopt same-sex "marriage" or civil unions and legalised abortion...-"The resolution, authored by Giusto Catania, an Italian Communist MEP . . ."

Will the EU not give foreign aide to those countries who ban same-sex marriages?

The Christian Institute from the UK has similar concerns as Christian law groups in America...

55 First Amendment case victories since June '08 in the states and European Court of Human Rights unanimously decide against Bulgaria

Approximately 3,000 Christians are being held in Eritrea simply because of their faith in Christ...


A tear jerking testimony of an ex-abortion rights activist and post abortive woman herself turn to Christ and now is pro-life and pro-women...

Four tear jerking testimonies by families whose stories recently aired on Family Life Today daily radio program...

Story of Serial-Killer Ted Bundy to be re-aired....

(Story Continues below)


Nation's first Government-funded Abortion Alternatives Program successes. Take note that Pregnancy Crisis centers are NOT anti-woman but pro-woman...

"Bush has achieved more than any other pro-life president"-On Thursday, in one of his last acts as president, Bush declared Jan. 18 “National Sanctity of Human Life Day,” stating that the "the most basic duty of government is to protect the life of the innocent."...In the annals of history, George W. Bush will be remembered as a president who believed and fought to protect innocent human life,” Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America (CWA), told CNSNews.com. “While we'll never know how many lives were saved, and rarely will a person know that his or her life was rescued because of his policies, we do know that he set a standard that others can follow.”

What did Bush do on his first day in office and what will Obama do? America get ready to pay for abortions worldwide...

Marriage saves the lives of the unborn-"The pro-life movement in this country has been very successful in reducing the numbers of abortions and the abortion rate (the number of abortions per 1,000 women of child-bearing age). In 2005, the abortion rate was down 33% from its peak in 1980/81...Today, 47% of all abortions are obtained by women who have already had at least one previous abortion...In addition, it was found that mothers who were married to the father were significantly more likely to deliver the baby."

Planned Parenthood fights Bush's abortion protections for Docs and we have to fund this organization with our taxes!!!-"Your tax money at work via tax payers funding of Planned Parenthood to fight the rights of pro-life Dr's and health professionals who wish to have nothing to do with abortions."

In a letter recently sent to President Obama entitled "Only in love, with logic and concern..."-"You said that you don't know when life begins. If this be the case then why do you take a chance with your soul and allow the legalization of what even by your own standard and admission could be the killing of the unborn. If you truely don't know that life begins in the womb wouldn't it make more sense to protect then to destroy the unborn for safety sake."

Pennsylvania ranks as the most pro-life state and California the least. See where your state ranks and why...

About 200,000 are expected to join the "March for Life" today in DC. Republicans call on Obama to govern more in the center on abortion...

Breaking News!!! Obama unexpectedly has yet to overturn Bush's pro-life Mexico City Policy

Obama makes it official. The Unborn will be under attack worldwide via American Tax Dollars and more media bias attacks of the unborn.

Republicans in Congress give a political voice for the unborn.... and Republicans give a political voice for the unborn... and Republicans in congress give a political voice for the unborn .

Check out the new pro-life Obama ad viewed by over 250,000 times in three days will continue to air....

Prayer for the unborn in Kansas state house upset those who oppose the unborn.


A report that should really encourage abstinence till marriage.

Liberal Media Bias

Oprah's show leaves a biased onesided view of "right wingers"....-"Oprah censors conservative Kurt Warner and Palin but touts liberal pastor at the expense of others. This is not compassionate, inclusive, fair nor just. See Oprah not only censors Palin but now censors Kurt Warner's faith...Hey Kurt, why not Tim Tebow it... for Oprah censorship of Kurt Warners faith and Sarah Palin....This show is pure bias and bears false witness of the integrity of others."

ABC cites only Democrats as 'Warriors' in Civil Rights Movement

Gene Robinson's prayer excluded the faith of at least 3 major religions......

Obama's inauguration will cost 5 million more then Bush's but only Obama is free to party according to New York Times, AP and others...

Same Sex Marriage

Google submits a brief in opposition to Prop 8 and so do many more for and against. Find the briefs here and read them yourself...-"At Least 60 Court Briefs Filed In Prop. 8 Lawsuit
The court battle over the Marriage Amendment in California gets briefs from all sides. Below you may view most yourself."

Lessons learned from San Francisco and why the homosexual agenda is dangerous to religious liberties...


Tom Hanks calls Mormons "un-American" and not African Americans or Hispanics who voted for Prop 8 in California....

John Legend, Susan Sarandon and Bruce Springsteen on Obama....


Various prayers for Obama and wishes from various conservative christian groups....

House minority leader and House speaker give weekly briefing. Hear them yourself unfiltered by the media....


The Dow Jones fell 4 percent. The worst performance on any Inauguration Day ever...

This won't make the headlines but you need to know that the "Stimulus" bill includes taxpayer funding for abortion industry..


A Brief History of Intolerance in Modern Cosmology...f

Black and white twins...Twincredible


Lesson in Big Media and liberal media's coverage of abstinence studies and a "fact that many media reports have missed cold."
-"A medical journal starts it off by announcing a study comparing teens who take a pledge of virginity until marriage with those who don't. Lo and behold, when they crunch the numbers, they find not much difference between pledgers and nonpledgers: most do not make it to the marriage bed as virgins.

Like a pack of randy 15-year-old boys, the press dives right in.

"Virginity Pledges Don't Stop Teen Sex," screams CBS News. "Virginity pledges don't mean much," adds CNN. "Study questions virginity pledges," says the Chicago Tribune. "Premarital Abstinence Pledges Ineffective, Study Finds," heralds the Washington Post. "Virginity Pledges Fail to Trump Teen Lust in Look at Older Data," reports Bloomberg. And on it goes.

In other words, teens will be teens, and moms or dads who believe that concepts such as restraint or morality have any application today are living in a dream world. Typical was the lead for the CBS News story: "Teenagers who take virginity pledges are no less sexually active than other teens, according to a new study."

Here's the rub: It just isn't true...."-Two excellent articles and must reads. Quite revealing how a study's title can mislead a biting media at a time when congress is trying to pass funding for Planned Parenthood's sex ed.

Same Sex Marriage

"There are more and more "ex-gay" people...and not one single ex-African American"-Got a point...

Exposing San Francisco as a city of intolerance see trailer to Shaky Town.-"Here is a youtube video trailer of Shaky Town of how San Francisco treats other San Franciscans over the issue of gay marriage. Talk about intolerance!! It is a little scary if San Franciscan liberals have their way. You can bet on it this will effect religious freedom and already has."

Who said, "We can no longer tolerate people who tolerate intolerance"?-"Barney Frank Democrat from Massachusettes.

"We can no longer tolerate people who tolerate intolerance," he said. See Hundreds rally in Hub for equal rights for gays

1) This is completely inconsistent logically for the statement itself tolerates intolerance of people who believe differently then Mr Frank on the issue of hate crimes and same sex marriage.

2) I believe it is possible to tolerate and love one another though we have differing opinions apparently Mr Frank does not.

3) Hate crimes elevate some members of society over others which creates unequality and unfair treatment of those not listed in the special classes within hate crimes laws. If Mr Frank would have his way he would rather not tolerate this point of view.

4) If you believe marriage should be between one man and one woman you will not be tolerated if Mr Frank had anything to say about it. It may actually be deemed a hate crime.

5) This is further evidence that many on the left will not tolerate other points of views and will use these laws to punish those who differ."


Everything you wanted to know about Obama's transition team and more....-Keep up to date...

Two current happenings in the 111th congress: Democrats pass bill for a less open Congress and Republicans introdue the Broadcast Freedom Act.-So much for bypartisan hopes...

Democrat Bill Clinton is the recipient of Big Foreign Oil Money...-"The largest foreign-government donor was Saudi Arabia, which gave between $10-25 million. The foundation did not reveal specific amounts, only ranges for the donations..The Dubai Foundation -- established by the Sultan of Dubai -- and the Friends of Saudi Arabia both gave between $ 1-5 million..Sheikh Mohammed H. Al-Amoudi, a Saudi oil tycoon, gave between $1-5 million...Saudi billionaire Nasser Al-Rashid gave $1-5 million. Rashid owns The Lady Moura, the 11th largest yacht in the world and is the founder of Rashid Engineering....The list, which accounts for $492 million in contributions from 205,000 donors, did not say when during the last decade the amounts were given, nor did it give any information about the donors other than their names and range of their donations"



India Supreme Court Order Protection for Orissa Christians being targeted by Hindu extremists in the worst sectarian violence since....-"India’s Supreme Court ordered this week the state government of Orissa to protect the tens of thousands of Christians being targeted by Hindu extremists in the worst sectarian violence since the country’s independence from Britain."


Baby Kai is born after parents reject Dr's advice to abort-"A couple who went against medical opinion and twice refused an abortion before switching hospitals are now the proud parents of a healthy baby boy.

Even though doctors gave up on baby Kai’s chances of survival and advised he be aborted, his parents never gave up on him."

Burma and Iraq

Burma in the news again....-"In the heavily Buddhist country of Burma, both Christians and Muslims were ordered last week to stop holding religious services in residential apartments....."The lifeless body of a young Christian was found yesterday by the army in Mosul (Northern Iraq). The abandoned body uncovered in a street in the east of the city was that of 36 year old Chourik Bagrad..."


Vietnam War Memorial is 10 ft high and 500 ft long. How long would a memorial for the unborn in America since Roe vs Wade look like?-81 miles long...." See video by clicking on link.

TV ads from personhood.net. Vote for your favorite.

Former employees of Planned Parenthood are alleging that Planned Parenthood.....-"As I’m sure you’ve seen in the news over the past several months, there have been allegations that Planned Parenthood is engaged in inappropriate activities and misrepresentation in obtaining federal funds for its activities. The allegations are being made by former employees of Planned Parenthood in southern California."

New Pro-Life movie based on a true story that Jill Stanek first wrote about in 2005.-"BornAliveTruth.org is pleased to announce its first post-election project: co-hosting with Operation Rescue the premiere of 22Weeks, a movie telling the true story of a baby aborted alive in an Orlando abortion mill in 2005."

ACLU file a anti-religious phobic lawsuite in support of abortion "care" against people of faith who don't want to give the option of abortion.-"Abortion what? Yes you heard it abortion care. Some kind of care. Check out what the ACLU is suing over...Or how about in the second article below abortion "services". So now we have called abortion a service and a care. Not in my dictionary.

Will the ACLU ever quit imposing their anti-religious phobia on those who do find it uncomfortable to support abortion. So what if these catholics believe that only life should be supported. They are helping people out. Leave them alone."

64 percent of women who had an abortion felt pressured to abort by others and 80 percent reported inadequate to no counselling...


Family and Faith key to good grades, school attendance and much more...-"Makes you wonder how much doing things His way saves a society."

Faith and Family key to curbing theft and shoplifting..."This could be considered preventive philanthropy. Or catching the need for philanthropy before it gets expensive."

Stories of ultrasounds saving babies as mothers testify and a fact sheet-"An ultrasound can help a woman to make a more informed decision consistent with her own values and priorities...Virtually none return to say they regret the decision to give their baby life"..."Over 400 ultrasound grants in 49 states"..."Focus on the Family provides 80% of the cost"..."100% donor supported"...""International expansion of Option Ultrasound is now underway, with the first grant anticipated in Romania in 2009."

Bush's Faith Based Initiative a success...-"Securing a “level playing field” for faith-based organizations and establishing clear, constitutional guidelines for their use of public funds...has fundamentally changed the government's strategy for improving the lives of the downtrodden…. [D]ue to the achievements of faith-based charities that have received Federal aid, the partnership between government and religious organizations will continue to strengthen.”
– Peyton Miller, Harvard Political Review, 11/5/08..Thousands of participating FBCOs helped produce results that outperform many national programs on multiple measures."

Hollywood, Liberal and Smithsonian Bias

Tom Hanks, Robin Williams, George Clooney, Michael J Fox, Ted Danson, David Lettermean, Mike Myers, Dan Aykroyd and Steve Martin....-"Hollywood bias. Money talks louder then movies."

Oprah not only censors Palin but now censors Kurt Warner's faith...Hey Kurt, why not Tim Tebow it...-"During a visit to The Oprah Winfrey Show, Warner "basically had three sentences to say, so, in the middle one, I made sure I mentioned my faith, because how could they cut it out?" he said. "I went to watch the show on replay . . . and they cut it out!"

Plaque on Bush at Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery-"It is sad that all we know of Bush is what Big Media wants us to know of him. Big Media is so influential that even the Smithsonian can't acknowledge some of his accomplishments and only focus' on the controversial issues. This plaque is banking on highly interpretive events as if their is no interpretation as if Big Media is the thus saith the Lord."

Sludge Spill 30 times worse then Exxon-Valdez.-"Just as with Fannie and Freddie the networks aren't giving you the whole story. Whenever a private sector company fails in some area the networks make a bigger issue about it then when a government program company fails and when it is reported you would barely know it was a government failure.

For similar story on Fannie and Freddie see Media is not giving you the whole Mortgage Crisis story: Fannie and Freddie is Enron x 19/Microsoft Sized Monopoly/Leading Compaign Giver and Lobbyist.

Read the article below all the way thru for more interesting info and click on link for article in its entirety comparing the government ran company TVA and those around and where they are at now. Bear in mind this economic crisis we are in is largely a government sponsored enterprise failure not a private sector free market failure. See for why."


The Heritage Foundation vs Center for American Progress go head to head on CSpan. See video here.-"The Heritage Foundation (Conservative Think Tank) vs Center for American Progressive(Liberal Think Tank)

A suggestion to readers who desire to truely get both sides of the political debate on many issues. Bookmark these two reputable think tanks from both sides and maybe even subscribe to their daily emails. You may then better understand the political arguments on all sorts of issues. Big Media doesn't do a good job in presenting both sides of the debate so why not get it straight from the think tanks on both sides and decide for yourself. This should better inform one self for a more informed vote and understanding of the issues for those who care to be a well informed voter."

Now list Planned Parenthood among democrats, ACLU and other left wings groups that all benefitted from Wall Street's biggest Ponzi scheme in history..-"...The Florida-based Picower Foundation, which gave substantial donations to the abortion business, shut down in December because Bernard Madoff had mismanaged its assets. The foundation was worth $1 billion and one of the top financial backers of pro-abortion groups."

Campaign and PR financing

Pepsi is on the Obama bandwagon giving more reason to boycott Pepsi-"The logo looks similar but I don't care about that. Could just be coincidence. What concerns me is the web site that Pepsico has put out called www.RefreshEverything.com and refers to Obama as "the man who is about to refresh our nation". Pepsico is clearly supporting Obama politics which is far from conservative or bypartisan.

Pepsico is already in the hot seat for supporting gay marriages see Levi Strauss, Google, AT&T, Pepsi, NY Times, and High School Libraries vs Pastors, Churches, BoyScouts and those with differing points of view and Pepsico, HRC, Obama, Rick Warren, James Dobson, Boycott and more in an email I sent to friends and family....

I don't find Obama's policies toward Faith, Family and the Unborn to refreshing nor bypartisan. Not one of his transition team members have a pro-life bone in them so far and so I doubt his policies or selected judges will either. See Everything you wanted to know about Obama's transition team and more...."

Quick Bible Commentary

What does praying for kings and modesty have in common?-"I was not pleased that Obama won but God exhorts and urges us to give thanks for our leaders as we pray for them."

Religious Freedom

54 First Amendment victories since June of 08 and many other pending cases...-"Tomorrow is Religious Freedom Day, yet World Changers of Florida has been denied the right to distribute Bibles within the Collier County School District."

American History

Providence would have it that the first battle of the American Revolution would be on the lawn of a church pastor in Lexington-""The shot heard round the world is connected with Patriot's day, which is on April 19th. There is sometimes a dispute on who fired the first shot of the war. This occurred in Lexington earlier on the morning of April 19. It is not known whether a soldier of the British Army or a colonial militiaman fired this first shot of the Battle of Lexington and Concord. Jonas Clark, pastor of the church on whose lawn the battle was fought, and who had been housing John Hancock and Samuel Adams that night, a year later on the anniversary of this day said "From the nineteenth of April, 1775..will be dated..the liberty..of the american world"[1]-Wikipedia"


Religious Freedom

53 First Amendment victories since 06/2008. See the last 2 below and many other pending cases-"The school fired Sheldon for answering a student’s in-class question about heredity and homosexual behavior after another
student supposedly complained that she was “offended,” even though Sheldon answered the question according to the curriculum."

Update on christian UK counsellor Gary McFarlane: Gary wins his case!!!-"Although Mr McFarlane had never had to provide sex therapy to a same sex couple,
he thought that if the situation did arise, he would be able to discuss his Christian views with his supervisors so that his position could be discussed and if necessary accommodated."

American Remembrance

"The father of civil and religious liberty in...America" "the morning gun of the Revolution" "and it came from a clergyman, on a Sabbath morning"-"Rev. Dr. Mayhew according to Robert Treat Paine "a signer of the Declaration of Independence as a representative of Massachusetts."-Wikipedia

George Bancroft (American Historian and statesman) said in the 1800's, "Whoever, repeats the story of the Revolution will rehearse the fame of Mayhew. He spent whole nights in prayer for the dangers of his country."


John 3:16 was the number one hit on Google this morning according to ESPN. Why?-"Tim Tebow From ESPN...."

What can possibly be more important then sexual orientation?-"After 12 years of boyfriends and gay bars, Chris Delaney decided he was miserable as a homosexual and ready to change.
“I realized I didn’t even like that behavior. I more so needed male affirmation,” said the 38-year-old resident of Ringgold, Ga. “So I decided I was willing to give faith another chance. I told God, ‘I’ve run my life for 12 years, and it’s been a mess. I’m going to hand it back over to you.’"

Just remember when you loose a loved one or a pet...Always remember that God gave His Son too..that is so important...-"They call him the 'Sky Angel Cowboy'. Thirteen-year-old Logan Henderson lives on a ranch located in the middle of Nebraska."


Christians taking another look at public schools...Give this video a 5 minute listen too

Why are Christian Colleges thriving? Possible answer from a visiting Professor at Harvard and Professor at Norte Dame-"From 1990 to 2004, all public four-year campuses grew by about 13%, all independent four year campuses (including many schools with broad religious or denominational connections) grew by about 28%.
But schools associated with the CCCU grew by nearly 71%...I write as a graduate of Haverford College who is nearing a fiftieth reunion and I can testify to these commonalities"

Religious Freedom

Who funds the ACLU and more videos of real cases from the Thomas More Law Center-"
The Story of Jeffrey Curley: In October 1997, 10 year old Jeffrey was kidnapped, assaulted and murdered by 2 men. Three years later, the TMLC filed a lawsuit on behalf of Jeffrey's parents against NAMBLA."


Christianity helps aide in preventing suicide according to US Army's suicide prevention manual....-"The U.S. Army’s suicide prevention manual advises military chaplains to promote ‘religiosity,’ specifically Christianity, as a way to deter distraught soldiers from taking their own lives, according to an amended federal lawsuit filed last week against Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and the Department of Defense."

Celebrating 100 years of 1.5 billion free bibles by Gideons International ran by businessmen-"I wonder how many lives have been changed for the better because of this endeavor. How much did this save society in social ills and costs? This is why I placed this under the label of as faith based preventive christian philanthropy if you will."

High School footbal philanthropy?-"And it was a good thing everybody's heads were bowed because they might've seen Hogan wiping away tears."

Liberal Media Bias

Breaking News!!! CNN puts Palin in with 7 other corrupt politicians as Fallen from Grace and apparently has taken her off with no apology as of yet...-"Notice also that even though not every one is listed as a democrat all but one are democrats."

A society that finds abortions to be a valid answer to unwed pregnancy is a conservative or liberal society?-"
When the family realised two days ago, the mother and brother of the girl tied up her hands and legs and took her to a stable where they sliced open her belly with a blade and took the foetus away."


Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in 5th grade terms-"It was the promise of the guarantee that made lending to high risk borrowers attractive to banks and other lenders....

Wall Street Journal reports on causes of the housing bubble that burst our economy and in the long run helped no one out...
-"California Rep. Joe Baca has long pushed legislation he said would "open the doors to the American Dream" for first-time home buyers in his largely Hispanic district. For many of them, those doors have slammed shut, quickly and painfully.
Mortgage lenders flooded Mr. Baca's San Bernardino, Calif., district with loans that often didn't require down payments, solid credit ratings or documentation of employment. Now, many of the Hispanics who became homeowners find themselves mired in the national housing mess. Nearly 9,200 families in his district have lost their homes to foreclosure"...."You’ve got only a couple thousand bucks in the bank. Your job pays you dog-food wages. Your credit history has been bent, stapled, and mutilated. You declared bankruptcy in 1989. Don’t despair: You can still buy a house.” So began an April 1995 article in the Chicago Sun-Times that went on to direct prospective home-buyers fitting this profile to a group of far-left “community organizers” called ACORN, for assistance..."

Found this excellent article on CBNNews.com concering Fannie and Freddie
-"Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Wednesday that allowing mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to return to their old operating ways is not an option.

Congress and the next administration must decide the proper role government should play in supporting home ownership in light of the severe economic costs imposed on the nation from the bursting of the housing bubble, Paulson said."


No thanks to Planned Parenthood, the father is now in prison..Eventually the coach was found out and spent three years in prison..again no thanks..
-"Ms. Fairbanks' father had not only abused her since she was 13, he got her pregnant at age 16, at which point he brought her to the Planned Parenthood affiliate in Cincinnate where Ms. Piercey, as the Vice President of Education and Training, was in charge of training Planned Parenthood's employees. She was responsible to ensure that they understood their legal duty to report knowledge or suspicion of the sexual abuse of minors...Alarmingly, a note in Ms. Piercey’s own handwriting reveals that Planned Parenthood had adopted a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy with regard to the sexual abuse of minors."...."At this point, we can only wonder how long Idaho’s media will serve as co-conspirators in the widespread victimization of Idaho’s vulnerable teenage girls."

Bush protection of health professionals conscience rights will be under attack under the Obama administration-"It seems to me that there are plenty of health care professionals that are willing to give a women's reproductive health rights precedence over an unborn child's right to life and health that a Health Care Professional shouldn't have to do the unthinkable in their minds."

Help for post abortive men and women on its way from New York and now to California...-"
A pro-life billboard declaring "Abortion Hurts Women" was erected alongside one of the busiest bridges in the country this week ahead of the annual Walk for Life event....The advertising board includes the phone number to a post abortion help line staffed by women who have themselves experienced abortion."

University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics asked to halt 2nd trimester abortions. See actual letter sent by attorneys requesting the stop of this..-"
A copy of the letter is available at www.telladf.org/UserDocs/UWHCDemandLetter.pdf"

Another "Christ" Hospital in New Jersey now under fire-"The issue of whether the child was born alive could come into play if there's a lawsuit because New Jersey law does not consider a stillborn a person. There is no birth certificate and no death certificate, and the only known photo of the child was taken after he had died."


Vatican breaks from Italian Law after 80 years over Church principles and religious freedom..-"
The move, which came into effect on Thursday, ends 80 years of automatic adoption brought in by the Lateran treaties between the Pope and the Italian parliamentary system...Vatican City State, the smallest sovereign state in the world...The Roman Catholic Church has in the past spoken out against efforts to legalize same-sex civil unions and euthanasia, and the divorce from Italian law could be seen as a bid to protect the Church’s position on these and other ethical issues."


Not only have democrats benefitted from biggest Wall Street Ponzi scheme in history but so did left wing groups including the ACLU.



Jason Elam and Matt Lepsis of the Denver Broncos. Is it possible to quite drugs?-"...he locked himself in a closet and screamed for help: Please, God, help me kick this drug habit...On a plane ride to Indianapolis the following week, Lepsis asked kicker Jason Elam if he could sit next to him. Elam, a devout Christian who now plays for Atlanta, was willing to listen...I'm angry for believing that God was going to supernaturally help me..I've never seen a change in someone so drastic and so genuine as with Matt," Elam said. "He's a completely different person. ... It's a pretty incredible story."


I found these debates on youtube. The Bahnsen Stein debate is one of my favorites....

Greg Bahnsen's theism vs George Smith's atheism

George Bahnsen's theism vs Gordon Stein's atheism-part 1-7

Greg Bahnsen's theism vs Gordon Stein's atheism part 8-14

Jill Stanek

Jill Stanek reveals an important fact/reasoning check up on evangelical that voted for Obama even though he is pro-life. He argued that there is 2000 abortions a day in America but 30000 poor dying of hunger a day in the world as an example of why he voted for Obama. Jill Stanek handles this argument well. Click link below....

Jill Stanek vs Recovering Evangelical. Great lesson in facts, scripture, mischaracterization, reason, sense and responsibility.-"Below is another example of why you must tune in to http://www.jillstanek.com/ before you let your mind wonder to far to the left especially on the facts. Seems like you would have your facts and reasoning strait before going on TV, right...Well, not always check into what....Jill Stanek reports....And then Jill Stanek responds"


New movies coming out this year....

Well known Irish Filmmaker will be setting off new sparks with new documentary concerning Global Warming...-"http://www.noteviljustwrong.com/- See Trailer here. I would suggest reviewing the bio of the filmmaker for interesting context. Quite interesting. Read all the way thru.

Here is a link to a story that she did a documentary on Tristan and his mother in which she went undercover to track down Tristan's natural mother and expose a baby-selling ring and Tristan is now living with his natural mother and the baby sellers are in jail. I only had enough time to find this link concerning this documentary at http://www.ipexview.com/solution/videos/Esras/The_Search_for_Tristan_s_Mum/678/.

Here is a trailer of another controversial film she was involved with...."-Click on link to see video and whole blog.

Christopher Hitchens vs Douglas Wilson-"Is Christianity Good For the World?-"CBNNews.com - Is Christianity Good for the World? CBN News recently hosted a debate between journalist and author Christopher Hitchens and Pastor Douglas Wilson to answer this question. A film featuring the two men and their varying opinions will be released in March 2009.
Click play for their analysis with CBN News reporter Lee Webb, in a moving discussion of truth and religion in the world today."-Click on link to watch video debate at CBNNews.com.

Below is a trailer to a new upcoming video futuring these two debaters in March 2009."-Click on link to see trailer.

American History

George Whitefield preached a sermon in the 1700's on or around New Years day. Very interesting history of the preacher and check out the sermon for yourself by clicking on link below....

The Best New Year's Gift-"Whitefield's legacy is still felt in America, where he is remembered as one of the first to preach to the enslaved. Phillis Wheatley wrote a poem in his memory after he died....He is considered to be one of the fathers of Evangelicalism...was one of the most widely recognized public figures in America before George Washington...Benjamin Franklin once attended a revival meeting in Philadelphia and was greatly impressed with Whitefield's ability to deliver a message to such a large audience."-Wikipedia

And on the statue of George Whitefield at the University of Pennsylvania is engraved these comments of George Whitefield from Benjamin Franklin, "I knew him intimately upwards of thirty years. His integrity, disinterestedness and indefatigable zeal in prosecuting every good work I have never seen equaled and shall never see excelled."

When George Whitefield visited Georgia he founded an Oprhanage for orphans. In consequence of his services to Georgia "the legislature of the colony proposed to remove his remains to Savannah and to bury them at public cost."-Christian Life & Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States 1863.

Below is a New Year's sermon from the 1700's before the American Revolution by Whitefield. It may be easier to print and read. It is somewhat lengthy to strain the eye online."-Click on link to read or print this sermon in its entirety.


The department of Political Science at Stanford provides an argument that quality of education must be via weakening or eliminating union power...-"Between the 1960s and the early 1980s, the American system of public education was transformed by a dramatic shift in its balance of power...the teachers unions—with millions of members and loads of money— were by far the most powerful force in American education.1
This new system, defined and protected by union power, has been in equilibrium now for more than 20 years...This is a modern development, one with profound consequences that make the modern system qualitatively different from the one it replaced...For there are persuasive reasons to think that the power of the teachers unions is in many ways quite bad for public education and ultimately works to the disadvantage of children...the system, therefore, is to evolve into a new form that is better suited to providing a quality education to childrenit will happen only through reforms that weaken or eliminate union power over the schools ."

Who will decide what religious content from each religion will be learned in Canadian schools and will there be any absolute truth from it....-"A new religion course taught in schools across Quebec was intended to improve inter-cultural understanding, but so far it is generating deep division as hundreds of parents pull their children out of class.... high school in Granby, Que., has in the past week handed one-day suspensions to seven students boycotting the Ethics and Religious Culture course on the grounds that it violates their freedom of conscience...Therefore it is the state deciding what religious content will be learned, at what age, and that is totally overriding the parents' authority and role..."

Obama's choice of Secretary of Education still not so impressive...-"You would think maybe somebody with a more impressive track record would be picked but then again who knows maybe this is the best we have. We will have to wait and see how it goes."

Sex Ed

Faith key factor in sex education saving tax payers who knows how many millions in condomns, birth control, abortions, pregnancy costs etc etc..-"The author of the study, Janice Rosenbaum, a post doctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told CNSNews.com that her analysis shows that among her sample of 934 teens with strong religious backgrounds, both the pledgers and non-pledgers became sexually active at about 21 on average. That is four years later than teens who are not as religious. She said religious beliefs play a role in teens abstaining from sex...Religious teens “are more restrained in the sexual choices and that’s because of their social context,” said Rosenbaum. “They are less sexually experienced to begin with. Their friends are engaging in less risk behavior..."

Same Sex Marriage

How do some homosexuals view Rick Warren and others who believe like him?

First it was Newseek now Time magazine takes up the mantle to bash christians... -"Earlier this month, Newsweek published a cover story arguing that the Bible justifies same-sex marriage. Less than two weeks later, a senior writer for Time magazine accused president-elect Barack Obama and Rick Warren of being bigots who "oppose equality for gay people." In his article "The Problem for Gays with Rick Warren – and Obama," Time writer John Cloud compares Obama's defense of Rick Warren to former Georgia Senator Richard Russell Jr's defense of Jim Crow laws...They are comparing Warren to the leader of the Ku Klux Klan, to people who used rubber hoses on African-Americans."

Guess what UK Brighton Council accused a christian elderly home of and why?

UK Brighton Council accuse a christian elderly home of "institutionalised homophobia"-"A Brighton care home for elderly Christians has lost thousands of pounds of funding from the local council because its religious beliefs on homosexuality.
Brighton Council – renowned for its political correctness – wanted the home to ask its elderly Christian residents about their sexual orientation every three months..."

How about New Jersey?

NJ Division of Civil Rights says that a church must allow pavilion they own for civil union ceremonies for same sex couples...-"A Christian organization has a Constitutional right to use their facilities in a way that is consistent with their beliefs..."

Or Ohio
with this youtube video update on Crystal Dixon

Another update on Crystal Dixon. Excellent video at YouTube here...-"Update on Crystal Dixon and see more of these videos at Must see videos for religious liberty/first amendment/free speech concerns... or http://www.silencingchristians.com/. Also, click on label for more context and history and her actual letter and so and so forth....Click here to read more about TMLC's action in this case.-Click on link to see YouTube video.



Hundreds of thousands attend open-air mass in Madrid to oppose Spain's socialistic government-The Archbishop of Madrid, Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, issued an appeal against "the shocking cruelty" of abortion, calling on families to overcome the "culture of death."
Spain's Socialist government has said it plans to introduce a new law that would offer greater legal protection for women who wish to have an abortion and doctors who carry out the procedure...The bishop of Bilbao, Ricardo Blazquez, Sunday condemned any move "to call marriage the union of two people of the same sex" when a "normal family" is made up of "a stable union... between a man and a woman."

Church, Family and Christian Philanthropy

Matthew Parris a self described atheist is convinced of the enormous contribution that Christian evangelism makes in Africa...-"Now a self-described ‘confirmed atheist,’ Parris was moved and inspired by the work of Christians there....Writing for the online version of the ‘Times of London,’ columnist Matthew Parris describes a trip he made just before Christmas to the African country of Malawi, where he had lived as a boy...Having witnessed it firsthand, Parris has become “convinced of the enormous contribution that Christian evangelism makes in Africa.” As he puts it, “secular NGO’s, government projects and international aid efforts…alone will not do….Christianity changes people’s hearts. It brings a spiritual transformation. The rebirth is real. The change is good...

Documenting more christian Philanthropy thus the good to society of faith based organizations...-"Who said organized religion is bad for society?...We own our own facility here so there's no overhead; so our expenses are very small relative to the value of the goods and services we are able to provide. If someone contributes [to the ministry], it goes a long way..."

New Mexico

The first case using the 2004 Unborn Victims of Violence Act in NM?-"Federal prosecutors in New Mexico believe they may be the first to use a 2004 law to charge someone with killing a fetus while causing the death or injury of the mother..."

Religious Freedom

Thomas More Law Center videos...-"Check out these videos and cases that this group has taken on. It is to bad that Big Media doesn't report any of this. I bet if they did many Americans would be interested and unhappy about what is going on with our First Amendment right and who is behind it all.Stay tuned for tomorrow. More videos to be posted especially of note of the question who funds the ACLU...."

51 First Amendment Case Victories since 06/2008. See the last 3 below with a grand slam case victory against Georgia Tech and inspite of the media...-"On December 23, the court put an exclamation point on its previous rulings by awarding Ruth and Orit $203,734.14 in attorneys' fees and expenses..."


Click on link below to see AOL poll of 107,000 and counting of AOL users....

AOL poll shows that we need to settle once and for all Obama's natural born citizen status-"Even in Obama's home state of Illinois as of 01/01/2008!!! This poll is changing from day to day so come back and check it out.

You can e-sign on to a petition of more then 206,000 and counting. Read the petition carefully at PETITION FOR PUBLIC RELEASE OF BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA'S BIRTH CERTIFICATE To: Electoral College, Congress of the United States, Federal Elections Commission, U.S. Supreme Court, President of the United States, other controlling legal authorities.."

Service Employees International Union spends 85 million on electing Democrats and Obama writes "I owe these unions"-"Tyrone Freeman, resigned after the Los Angeles Times revealed that Freeman fleeced his fellow union members — who make about $9 an hour caring for the infirm and disabled — of over $1 million in 2006 and 2007 alone....SEIU’s Illinois Political Action Committee gave Gov. Blagojevich $908,000, making it the single largest campaign contributor for his re-election campaign. In fact, labor unions comprised 9 of his top 15 donors. In turn, Blagojevich signed a state law handing over 49,000 state child care workers to SEIU local 880, which is run by the notorious community organizing group ACORN. The deal nearly tripled SEIU 880’s income from $7 million in 2005 to $21 in 2007

See who in Hollywood is donating the maximum amount to Obama's Inaugural Committee-"I am most interested in seeing how expensive this inauguration will total and combine that with Obama's near 1 billion dollars in campaign funds. This will probabily be the most expensive candidacy in history..."

Interesting facts on United Auto Workers Union....-"Among the national UAW's assets are a $27 million woodland resort and a $6 million eco-friendly golf course....All of the UAW's money comes from members’ dues, according to Labor Department sources--whether directly through yearly payments or indirectly from returns on the investment of union dues invested in previous years...The UAW national headquarters owns over $100 million in real-estate stretching from California to New York, including a $3 million Washington D.C. office. Although the nation’s capital does not contain auto manufacturing, it is the home of Congress, which was the object of nearly $7 million in UAW lobbying in 2007...However, department sources said union financial reporting is not as full as they would like. Current regulations, for example, do not require the unions to itemize assets or expenditures of less than $5000."

Liberal Media Bias

Great 6 minute audio discussion concerning Sarah Palin's recent home Church burning in Wasilla...-"Church Burning in Wasilla Gets Only Slight Notice-"CWA carries this audio report discussing this topic: “The fire that gutted the Wasilla Bible Church in Wasilla, Alaska, the church home of Alaska Governor and former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, has received very little main stream news coverage.”-Listen to 6 minute discussion here."

Iraq and Afghanistan

Troop deaths in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan at its lowest....-"As 2008 ends, U.S. troop deaths for the year in Iraq and Afghanistan are the lowest combined total since the Iraq war began in 2003."


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