I am going to advertise www.jillstanek.com and encourage you all to subscribe to her feeds. She is well documented and is the very nurse that testified before Obama when this issue of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act began in Obama's political home state of Illinois. Many links to her site are below as I did a 7 part series of Jill Stanek vs Obama. You will see how well she documents her site as you investigate further into this issue and utilize her site for other similar issues. It's always good to get Obama's side and her side and other sources as well but definitely try to understand Obama's side and her's and then check out others and make your decision on this issue but do not leave out her's. She reveals alot more then you would ever know listening to the liberal media sources...See below...Wow!!!
Here is a sample of recent posts on her blog:
McCain goes after Obama for Born Alive opposition in today's radio address-08/23/2008
Stanek to attend Democrat Convention-08/23/2008 "SO! I will be live blogging from the DNC next week! If all goes well, I'll not only provide commentary and news but also video and photos. I have even registered to attend the pro-abortion group EMILY's List now-sold-out gala with guest speakers Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama. Now that should be interesting. I plan also to cover pro-life events and pickets. So when next I write it will be from the Mile High City!"
Did IL abortion law protect babies aborted alive?-08/22/2008. Two video reports and well documented!!!
RH Reality Unchecked-08/22/2008"In reality, Amanda is now being endlessly tortured by the "bloody remains of later term abortions." That photo is so sad. Makes me all the more determined. I want to pause and extend heartfelt thanks to many of you and many blog friends for mopping up after me in the comments section here, on Left blogs, and your own blogs. This allows me to remain focused on exposing Obama as pro-abortion on steroids to the point he supports letting little preemie babies die cold and alone in hospital soiled utility rooms because saving them would "burden the original decision of the woman and the physician to induce labor and perform an abortion," as we have now have him saying on audiotape."-Warning: picture of baby that should never be.
Stanek on the O'Reilly Factor-09/04/2007. "On September 29, 2000, I was interviewed on the O'Reilly Factor about my experience as an RN at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, IL, holding a live aborted baby. Bill O'Reilly was uncharacteristically speechless a couple times throughout, which may be why he chose to replay this as one of his five highlights of the year on December 28, 2000."
Now to Jill Stanek vs Obama in 7 parts
Part 1
New Documents Revealing Obama's cover up on Born Alive Infant Protection-"Jill Stanek was the nurse that testified before congress and Obama on behalf of the babies born alive. In Illinois the act didn't pass until after Obama left his position in 2005. She claims Obama was instrumental in blocking this bill from passing in Illinois. Review the evidence for yourself below, with this well documented post by Jill and more. Is it Providence that the Born Alive Infant Protection Act has it's roots in the state of Obama's political career? Is God saying something to us as a nation concerning the unborn or is this all coincidence?"
Part 2
Jill Stanek vs Obama. Jill documents her credibility in response to Obama's smears.-"Praise the Lord!!! May this issue continue to get the intention it deserves and may Jill continue to be that stumbling block for Obama's campaign for the sake of the lives of the unborn and the salvation and/or maturity in the personal life of Obama. I am believing and praying for CHANGE in the life of Obama and the democrat party. More on the providence of God over this issue tomorrow in Jill Stanek vs Obama part 3..."
Part 3
Jill Stanek vs Obama. Obama a Providential God send?-"Jill Stanek (Nurse who testified before Obama concerning babies being left to die in a utility room after surviving an abortion see above links for further information) reports on 08/11/2008 two new documents produced by the National Right to Life proving that Obama has been misrepresenting his position on the issue concerning the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in his state. Five days later on 08/16/2008 Obama is asked by a christian news broadcasting company (who else would be the first to ask such a question) about his position on the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, during his very first and historic meeting at a christian church with McCain (again see above links for further context and evidence).....Now, back to Providence or Coincidence? (See more concerns on the media below). This may be a damaging issue to Obama's campaign we will have to wait and see but one thing for sure is that this issue has brought more attention to the cause of the unborn then if Obama didn't win the primary against Clinton. So is Obama in one sense a God send for the sake of attention to the unborn? As reported above there are many hurdles against the unborn one being media attention. Is it not interesting that the first forum between Obama and McCain is a religious one? Issues like abortion, religious freedom and gay marriages....If anything it will bring more attention then less to the unborn and what better of an issue to get the attention of the public then this issue regardless of whether or not Obama had good reason for not passing such a bill showing the reality of the humanity of the unborn child left to die after a boched abortion...So whether this is providence or coincidence may we pray in Jesus name that this issue is a God send by bringing Obama to the forefront for the sake of both the unborn and survivors of this promiscuously sinful and thus abortion filled society and that Obama, being one of those survivors, has a Godly revelation in his mind over this issue just like Norma McCorvey did (see Testimony of Roe of Roe vs Wade) thus providing a great testimony for all members of humanity."
Part 4
Jill Stanek vs Obama. Obama changes "fact sheet". More media attention is being given to the unborn and Obama's voting record on abortion.-"The Obama campaign has sent me their argument layout and that can be viewed here. The National Right to Life argument is here."
"Do click on both. I have yet to read the National Right to Life argument but it is clear that Planned Parenthood issued a fact sheet in 02/2003 that stated something to the effect that even though the language was indeed similar to the federal bill that another amendment was necessary at the state level. Which makes sense coming from that perspective. However, Obama never is reported of giving this reason for not supporting the bill in 2003 which should raise a question as to why not? Rather the reasoning given until 08/16/2008 was that the state and federal bills were different which is correct but only because he did not vote to pass that bill as amended to include the amendment necessary which he doesn't explain either. So these two questions remain for me. Either way the unborn are getting attention and Obama's hard pro-choice position is getting attention, also.
Now as I have read thru the National Right to Life argument and placing the two together I believe the issue is much clearer. A must read, cause as you read the two together connecting the dates and notice that on Obama's argument there is no quote at all from him reported in the argument for giving the reason Planned Parenthood's fact sheet gave for not voting on the bill in his state and so it is quite a providential omission of information by Obama whether purposeful or not that wasn't caught back then when he was running for senate but now may be an issue that costs alot more at a presidential level and at the same time bring more attention to the unborn then if it were caught at the state as opposed to this national level and limelight!!! Maybe making abortion a bigger issue then it is now!!! Wow!!!"
Part 5
Jill Stanek vs Obama and the mainstream media. The Media attention continues to mount..-"Speaking of the Providential Nurse (see New Documents Revealing Obama's cover up on Born Alive Infant Protection )herself, Jill Stanek will be busy in the media this election...This story is grabbing the attention of many mainstream media outlets but why not TV?....And the mainstream media that does grab the story grab it with an Obamasided bias as expected...Another Providence I can see in all this is the exposing of why Americans are continually seeing the mainstream media as bias with a liberal political slant. This story would make for a big story and maybe one of the networks will pick it up and even if they do are they just going to undermine it like the rest. Are they just going to rehash what is in the liberal mainstream media??!!! Imagine if this was Bush. For some reason I can just guess it would be all over!!!"
Part 6
Jill Stanek vs Obama. Introducing a new term, Obamaside. Have you ever been Obamasided? Let me explain...-"How Barack Obama Could Not Have Won the Democratic Nomination Without ABC, CBS and NBC...These are the key findings of the Media Research Center’s exhaustive analysis of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news coverage of Barack Obama — every story, every soundbite, every mention — from his first appearance on a network broadcast in May 2000 through the end of the Democratic primaries in June 2008, a total of 1,365 stories. MRC analysts found that the networks’ coverage — particularly prior to the formal start of Obama’s presidential campaign — bordered on giddy celebration of a political "rock star" rather than objective newsgathering."-See Full Report here with graphs and all. Thanks to the Media Obama is the next democrat presidential candidate as opposed to Clinton. This I have found to be a Providential God send. 1) It is allowing more discussion concerning media bias, 2) abortion is being brought to the spotlight thus unborn babies getting attention in the media and 3) this Born Alive Infant Protection Act issue with Obama would not be getting nearly as much air time and revelation of media bias if it weren't for Obama instead of Clinton on the stage. So this gives an opportunity to expose media bias which is a hurdle for the unborn and at the same time talk about the unborn in a most extraordinary way with the context being the Born Alive Infant Protection Act that I myself, didn't here about at all till this election season and until I started listening in to conservative news media. Please do for sure watch the last video on this page and pay close attention to what this nurse says as she describes a baby that survives an abortion. None of these discussions that is bringing much attention to the unborn and Obama's pro-abortion stand and media bias would not be going on if it weren't for the media's president of choice. Thank you media!!! For more on Obamaside see below...Obamaside-media that is one sided but in this case the one side is Obama's side. Example: mainstream media and ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS. First original context was in the discussion over Obama's reasoning for not voting on a bill to protect infants who survived an abortion when he and the media that sided with him responded first by calling his skeptics (those of the pro-life community) liars and then afterward when revising his position didn't acknowledge the truth of their claims and continued the same rhetoric and to top it off even claimed that he understands and respects his opponents point of view which clearly demonstrated Obama did neither. See below for further context..."
"So may the media and Obama be laid providentially exposed as they are attempting to persuade pro-life voters that there is improvement in the democrat party over this issue. The only respect that Obama has shown us is in words not in deed nor in apology over this issue.To respond to the democrat abortion platform being more pro-life then ever before let me comment that one of those statements in that platform include the right of a women to choose to abort despite financial situation. Where do you think that money to fund that abortion is going to come from? Obama's pocket or ours and Obama's? Sure Obama may be morally ok with this but are we? Does Obama really respect our views and understand our moral objection to this when Obama and democrats seek to force us to pay for abortions via Planned Parenthood and Health Insurance with our State and Federal Taxes? It's all lip service don't believe it for a moment!!!"
From Jill Stanek's site concerning the video that is on this blog of her being interviewd by Hannity: UPDATE, 8/22, 4a: One of Hannity's producers emailed me yesterday: "Just so you know we got a jump of 100,000 people in demo (ppl btw 25-45) during your segment, which is fantastic."
Part 7
Jill Stanek vs Obama. Obama caught on tape arguing against giving medical attention to aborted babies... "But a pro-life sleuth has found a short audio clip on the Chicago Tribune website of Obama arguing on the IL Senate floor on April 4, 2002, against Senate Bill B1663, a companion bill to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act that would have required an abortionist to call a second physician to assess a baby aborted alive. Obama advocating infanticide audio mp3 Obama advocating infanticide audio wav Here is the Senate transcript to ensure the comment is heard in context...
Wright's connection to Christ Hospital. I first wrote about this in a WND column over a year ago: Did Wright influence Obama to oppose IL's Born Alive Infant Protection Act?"-Check out the 9 points she makes. Even if Wright didn't influence his decision one thing is clear that Obama's church is connected to the hospital in a big way as one of the members of that church was a CEO of the hospital during the time this was occurring and considering all 9 points mounted together. So now we have Obama's pastor and church all wrapped up together in this Born Alive Infant Protection Act. This has been another issue that has been most damaging for Obama that being his church and pastor!!!! Is God providentially speaking here? Who would have known if it weren't for the pro-life journalism of this conservative christian nurse speaking on behalf of "the least of these", the unborn? One thing I see here is that the mainstream media may be biased on this issue in not reporting it and when reporting it completely distorting it may actually may come back to haunt both their candidate and their own credibility by continuing not to report on it and when reporting on it completely distorting all because of the uglyness of this issue and when people actually do find out. Are the born alive babies providentially speaking to us from the utility rooms they were left to die in? Are they speaking up against media bias and the candidate that left them there that the media seems to be favouring? They have not been given a voice by many men and women in the media but this past week God has providentially given them a voice in answer to many a persons prayers. And so lastly, to top it off McCain has officially made this issue an issue in his campaign!!!!!...See his comments below....
In summary
Those born alive and left to die are bringing attention to the unborn and those killed while being partially born in God's good providence. McCain has officially made it an issue and if it were not for God's providence on 08/16/2008 with a christian broadcasting news company and a christian faith forum all of this would still be much under the radar. Now if the media doesn't report and report fairly then we have really good evidence for liberal media bias which is one of the biggest hurdles for the unborn and we have more attention despite the liberal media being given to the unborn and more credibility to conservative news sources on this issue which is one of the unborn's biggest supporters and all because Obama won the democrat primaries and not Clinton. So again is Obama a providential God send? You decide...
Also, could some in the liberal media rethink their position on Obama and their reporting and can this have an effect on the liberal media all because of the lack of information on this subject presented by the liberal media? Did they shoot themselves in the foot by not making this an issue and now that it is coming to be an issue that could destroy their own candidate and credibility even in the eyes of some of their own??!!
John McCain's Weekly Radio Address-"U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today released the text of John McCain's weekly radio address for tomorrow morning. The text and audio file are embargoed until tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. EDT. DOWNLOAD THE AUDIO FILE HERE: http://www.johnmccain.com/Downloads/082208_B.mp3...at what point, in my opponent's view, does a baby have human rights? Senator Obama thought about it for a moment, and came back with the reply that the question was, quote, "above my pay grade." Here was a candidate for the presidency of the United States, asked for his position on one of the central moral and legal questions of our time, and this was the best he could offer: It's above his pay grade. He went on to assure his interviewer that there is a, quote, "moral and ethical element to this issue." Americans expect more of their leaders....Listening to my opponent at Saddleback, you would never know that this is a politician who long since left behind any middle ground on the abortion issue. He is against parental notification laws, and against restrictions on taxpayer funding for abortions. In the Illinois Senate, a bipartisan majority passed legislation to prevent the horrific practice of partial-birth abortion. Senator Obama opposed that bill, voting against it in committee and voting "present" on the Senate floor....In 2002, Congress unanimously passed a federal law to require medical care for babies who survive abortions -- living, breathing babies whom Senator Obama described as, quote, "previable." This merciful law was called the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. Illinois had a version of the same law, and Barack Obama voted against it. At Saddleback, he assured a reporter that he'd have voted "yes" on that bill if it had contained language similar to the federal version of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. Even though the language of both the state and federal bills was identical, Senator Obama said people were, quote, "lying" about his record. When that record was later produced, he dropped the subject but didn't withdraw the slander. And now even Senator Obama's campaign has conceded that his claims and accusations were false. For a man who talks so often about "hope," Senator Obama doesn't offer much of it in meeting this great challenge to the conscience of America. His extreme advocacy in favor of partial birth abortion and his refusal to provide medical care for babies surviving abortion should be of grave concern to reasonable people of goodwill on both sides of this issue. There is a growing consensus in America that we need to overcome narrow partisanship on this issue for both women in need and the unborn."-Wow!!! These are some big time claims and I wonder what Obama and the mainstream media will do in reporting on these claims and answering them? Will it be a) nothing or b) report it with a bias that distorts the truth or c) allow the nurse an interview or allow it to be an issue period!!!! This story would make bucks for the networks as it has on the Hannity show so why aren't they grabbing at the opportunity to draw more listeners? On this issue it is not greed it is Obamaside.
P.S.- Actually McCain was wrong that the documents were provided after Obama said what he said. The documents were public 5 days before Obama said what he said and in the Chicago tribune the Obama campaign responded to the claims with an actual copy of the federal and state bill side by side showing the lack of wording in the state bill (which is a complete distortion of appearance that is in dispute and has been soundly refuted by the two documents provided that Obama has misrepresented but if this doesn't make sense then re-review Part 1 thru 7). Now maybe Obama didn't actually looked at the documents himself which is possible granting that he didn't deal with the actual claims at hand for whatever reason and yet still called his opponents speaking up for the unborn liars.
"Keep me from the snares which they have laid for me, and the gins of the workers of iniquity. Let the wicked fall into their own nets"-Psalm 141.9,10. Could it be that this principle in scripture is happening providentially before our very eyes and that the "snare" that the mainstream media "have laid for" the unborn is the very "net" that the mainstream media will "fall into". Or in otherwords their unwillingness to report on issues of abortion will be the very issue that destroys their credibility as mainstream!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama caught smearing the pro-life community on video and yet claims to understand and respect our views!!! Reenter Jeremiah Wright and Obama's Church
Labels: Born Alive Infant Protection Act, Jill Stanek, Liberal Media Bias, Obama, Pro-LifeMcCain and Obama to meet Saturday/9 recent Religious Freedom Victories/White House has proof of NBC bias/Poll: Media Bias Bigger then Campaign Cash...
Labels: First Amendment Case Victories, First Amendment Issues, McCain, Obama, Planned Parenthood, Pro-LifeI am sending next week's email out today because there are two important events that you may not be aware of being videod on the internet on Saturday the 16th.
McCain vs Obama at Civic Forum at Saddleback Church
Big Saturday coming up tomorrow. Online broadcasts of McCain and Obama at a Civil Forum on The Presidency and The Call.-You can play video advertising The Call event which I emailed on in an earlier post at The Recent 2nd Amendment Gun Law Decision (Obama vs McCain) and the testimony of the Roe of Roe vs Wade and The Call to Repent America. The Civic Forum with McCain and Obama will be a "historic forum...the only joint event for the two, and the last public appearance for either candidate prior to the two-week hiatus during each party’s national convention"
Also, on that blog is a report of another one of the top "20 events most crucial in determining the next president" the Values Voter Summit on September 12-14. Check it out for more information.
Also, an interesting note conerning Independent Joseph Lieberman comments concerning McCain and Obama as far as their ability to unite Dems and Reps and work in a by partisan way. The media plays off Obama as being that uniter of the parties when historically and comparing voter records McCain is far more in the middle than Obama on many more issues then Obama is. According to Independent Lieberman anyways.
Also, on the blog are reports of some evangelical and catholic leaders promoting a vote for Obama because of new stance on abortion at the Democrat National Convention Party Platform. As if this makes Obama pro-life in any sense of the normal understanding of what it means to be pro-life. If it is true that these religious leaders are saying what some claim they are saying then it is clear that these religious leaders are bearing false witness in the name of politics and at the expense of lives of millions of unborn (so you have another violation of the ten commandments being committed by these religious advisers). McCain on this issue, when people aren't confused on the subject by religious leaders of the above likes, wins hands down vs Obama (see Media's no emphasis of abortion as an issue hurting McCain and helping Obama/Obama on Fatherhood/The Physiology of Motherhood/Bush vs Clinton ). I have yet to give my vote to McCain as I am holding out to see who his VP will be but this issue is one of the main reasons why I am willing vote for McCain.
9 Religious Freedom victories!!!
Seven 1st Amendment court victories!!! And two victories for religious freedom handled out of court this past 2 weeks or so see Testimony of Obama Democrat Presidential Nominee for 1 court victory and one out of court victory and see Washington Post Demonizes Conservatives, guess what the media completely missed once again and seven 1st Amendment Supreme Court Victories!!! for the other seven court victories. Notice that one of these cases was vs. the ACLU of Ohio and check this out: "The ACLU charged that Judge DeWeese's display of the poster – which graphically compares and contrasts the Ten Commandments with Seven Humanist Principles – violated a 2002 injunction barring him from displaying a poster consisting solely of the Ten Commandments under the caption “Rule of Law.”...But U.S. District Court Judge Kathleen O'Malley, the same judge who issued the 2002 injunction, disagreed." So the same judge that issued the injunction was the judge ruling on this case and the ACLU lost and check what that judge said in her ruling that the ACLU suit was "misplace". Here is an excellent video report and the poster that got the Judge in trouble here. Wow!!!!
The White House complains of Media Bias and has video to prove it
Ever wonder why the Republican party is more scandalous then the Democrat party? And The White House vs NBC with the video to prove it.-"New York Times fails to mention Democrat Party in story of Racism and Anti-Semitism...ABC, CBS and NBC fails to mention party affiliation when it comes to nasty Democrats but always for nasty Republicans." And in case you saw this interview with no apology from NBC in its edited biased version check out this letter from the White House to NBC: "This e-mail is to formally request that NBC Nightly News and The Today Show air for their viewers President Bush's actual answer to correspondent Richard Engel's question about Iran policy and "appeasement," rather than the deceptively edited version of the President's answer that was aired last night on the Nightly News and this morning on The Today Show....To View The Edited Version Of NBC News' Interview, Click Here To View The Full Interview Of The President, Click Here""
Media Bias Bigger Problem then Campaign cash!!!???
What can be more concerning then campaign financing?-That which is the continual finding in poll after poll. Rasmussen: '55% Say Media Bias Bigger Problem than Campaign Cash'
55% Say Media Bias Bigger Problem Than Campaign Cash-Here is actual report on Rasmussen.com and note these comments: "Voters overwhelmingly believe that politicians will “break the rules to help people who give them a lot of money,” but most say there’s a bigger problem in politics today—media bias." Despite the fact that, "People believe media bias is a bigger problem even though 63% believe most politicians will break the rules to help campaign contributors. Just 14% believe most politicians would refrain from breaking the rules for a donor." And check this out: "Just 22% believe it would be a good idea to ban all campaign commercials so that voters could receive information on the campaign only from the news media and the internet. Sixty-six percent (66%) disagree and think that, despite the annoyance factor, it’s better to put up with an election-year barrage of advertising rather than rely on the news media." and lastly, "An earlier survey found that 49% believe most reporters are trying to help Barack Obama win the election this year. Just 14% believe they’re trying to help McCain. Another survey found that the news you watch says a lot about how you will vote." And guess who complained the most about media bias, "Not surprisingly, Republicans are the most likely to see media bias as the bigger problem. Eighty-one percent (81%) of the GOP faithful hold that view. Democrats and unaffiliated voters are more evenly divided. Obama’s Party, by a narrow 50% to 41% margin, say that campaign cash is the bigger issue. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 47% say media bias is the problem while 43% hold the opposite view. Fifty-three percent (53%) of liberals see campaign contributions as a bigger problem than media bias. Seventy-four percent (74%) of conservatives hold the opposite view. Among the moderates, 49% say media bias is the problem while 42% disagree." Very interesting findings. And the democrats want to make the media more bias by installing the Fairness Doctrine. See below
FCC Commissioner: Return of Fairness Doctrine Could Control Web Content-Is it not interesting that though the American people continue to complain in poll after poll about media bias Nancy Pelosi is more concerned about talk radio. How about a Fairness Doctrine on NBC, ABC, PBS and CBS in issue selection!!!!!???? I believe the reason why internet, cable and talk radio do so well is because people feel they can get information on issues that is largely missing on the networks like the issues of religious freedom (plesae note above), marriage laws, academic freedom, abortion issues, and traditional family values. I know this to be true for me. All I notice on ABC, CBS, PBS and NBC is candy stories of documentaries that include christians but without the meat of issues like abortion, religious freedoms, and all the above etc etc. In other words on issues that effect voters the stories that would favour a conservative religious point of view are not aired but so long as the story is on an issue that has nothing to do with politics they will air it!!!! This in no way satisfies me when it comes to media bias in the context of political media bias!!!
Pro-Life Issues and Salvation call for most all of us
APA Claims Abortion Doesn't Affect Mental Health of Women-"Life advocates say the needs of millions of women are not addressed in this report. After two years of study, a panel of the American Psychological Association (APA) concluded today that having one abortion does not cause significant mental-health problems for women. Priscilla Coleman, a researcher at Bowling Green State University, came to a different conclusion in her studies. She found that between 10 percent and 20 percent of women who have abortions experience prolonged mental-health problems. "We're not doing women any favors by hiding this," she told the Wall Street Journal. Carrie Gordon Earll, senior bioethics analyst at Focus on the Family Action, said the APA buried the real news. “The report basically admits that if you’ve had multiple abortions, your risk for mental-health problems may be greater," she said. ”If you've been pressured or coerced into an abortion, you may have an even more negative experience." Sixty percent of abortions are either repeat abortions or those in which the women are pressured to have one. "That’s millions of women whose needs and psychological problems are not represented in this report," Earll said. "The APA is spinning the results to their desired political conclusion, which is that they want to keep abortion legal and promoted in the culture.” The report also found that many of the more than 150 studies it reviewed had major flaws, and it called for better-designed studies. FOR MORE INFORMATIONFocus on the Family offers help to women who have had an abortion."
See below for contrast and resource for contrast
New Web Site Clearinghouse Features Info on Abortion's Risks, Complications-"An organization that is one of the leading research institutions on the physical, medical and mental health problems women face after abortion has launched a new web site to serve as a clearinghouse for post-abortion information. The Elliot Institute has launched AbortionRisks.org, to keep track of problems. The web site will not only provide a wealth of information on post-abortion complications, but will allow women who have experienced problems a chance to share those. AbortionRisks.org is a Web 2.0 site designed to allow anyone in the world to find or contribute information. Using the same software platform that underlies popular web sites like Wikipedia, AbortionRisks.org allows registered users to add their own information and pages to the site, as well as to edit information that is already there. The site will include sections for post-abortion ministries to add information about their work and provides space for women and men who have been involved in an abortion to post their stories. The web site will also house the Thomas W. Strahan Memorial Library, an extensive bibliography of published studies, books, and articles on the aftereffects of abortion. Tom Strahan was a lawyer and civil rights activist widely considered to the one of the world's foremost authorities on abortion and how it damages women. His bibliography was published in the form of a book, Detrimental Effects of Abortion, which is now a featured section of AbortionRisks.org and is available for reference by visitors and for updating by the contributing editors of the new web site. In a statement the Elliot Institute sent LifeNews.com, the organization called on pro-life advocates to help as volunteer editors to help improve site organization and monitor it for abuse form abortion advocates. Anyone interested in helping build and maintain the site can go to www.AbortionRisks.org to create a free account."
What does premarital sex, pollution, birth and population control have to do with abortion?
New York City Has Extremely High Abortion Rate Despite Free Birth Control-"If there is any place in the nation women can get free or low-cost birth control, it's New York City. But a new report indicates the abortion rate in the nation's largest city is three times higher than the national average despite the easy access to birth control and contraception. While a survey from the Alan Guttmacher Institute, a part of Planned Parenthood, shows fewer than 20 percent of all pregnancies nationwide end in abortion, 72 pregnancies end in abortion in New York for every 100 births. More than 250 abortions are done every day in New York City at more than 200 locations, including abortion businesses and private doctor's offices. New figures reported in the Crain's business journal show 90,157 were done in New York in 2006 -- which the business journal admitted showed "women are using abortion as their birth control method of choice."...Amazingly, Deborah Kaplan, deputy commissioner of the city Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, told the business journal that the answer to the problem is more access to birth control. “To me, the problem is access," she said. “If we improved access to contraceptives, there would be a reduction in abortion." Meanwhile, the taxpayer-funding of abortions on both the state and city level is draining tax dollars that could be used for education, police or other services. Abortions cost the state of New York $16 million in Medicaid dollars every year and city taxpayers pay even more through the New York policy that provides free abortions to poor women at public facilities...The Crain's report also indicates that New York's high abortion numbers have changed in that they no longer show women from across the northeast going there for abortions. Now, 93 percent of the abortions done in New York City are on local residents."-See New York Health Department admits abstinece is best and condomns even if used "correctly and consistently" only "help reduce the chance of infection".
Forget Marriage: Adultery and Promiscuity Rule the Airwaves-"New study shows broadcast television promotes sex in every relationship except marriage....Prime time television is positively full of sex, as long as it is outside the context of marriage. That is the primary finding of a new report from the Parents Television Council (PTC). The report, “Happily Never After: How Hollywood Favors Adultery and Promiscuity over Marital Intimacy on Prime Time Broadcast Television” documents that when it comes to sex, broadcast networks are marginalizing marriage while glorifying non-marital intimacy. Further, behaviors that were once taboo-for-TV are now found all across the broadcast networks and often during the Family Hour, when more children are in the viewing audience. PTC analysts reviewed 207.5 hours of prime time broadcast programming on five networks during a four-week period in the fall of 2007. The analysis found that verbal references to non-marital sex outnumbered references to sex in the context of marriage by nearly 3 to 1, and scenes depicting or implying sex between non-married partners outnumbered similar scenes between married couples by a ratio of nearly 4 to 1....There are many disturbing findings in the report, but two that stand out are:
· The Family Hour (8:00 – 9:00 p.m. at which time more children are in the viewing audience) contained the highest frequency of references to non-married sex. Family Hour references to non-marital sex outnumbered references to sex in marriage by a ratio of 3.9 to 1. During the 9:00 pm and 10:00 pm hours, the references to non-marital versus marital sex averaged 2.5 to 1.
· Most programs either lacked or had inadequate content descriptors, which are intended to alert parents to inappropriate content and work in conjunction with the V-Chip to block content that parents may find unsuitable for their children. For example, on ABC, 38 percent of programs airing during the Family Hour that contained sexual content did not receive the “S” descriptor and during the 9:00 pm hour, 71 percent of programs containing sexual dialogue did not carry a “D” descriptor. Every network had problems with the consistent application of “S” and/or “D” descriptors during every time slot.
The full report (click here) also contains important information about media influence on the behavior of children. Among the most interesting references:
· As far back as 1996 children have reported that the media encourage them to have sex.
· 89 percent of American parents believe the media contribute to children engaging in sexual activity at earlier ages.
· A 2006 study by the University of North Carolina shows a link between sexually-charged media and earlier sexual activity among teens.
· Researchers have found that teens exposed to high levels of sex in the media are likely to become sexually active earlier in life and were 2.2 times more likely to have had intercourse between the ages of 14 and 16.
· There is a positive correlation between early sexual activity and depression and attempted suicide."-Media like this can only help increase the rise in teen pregnancy and thus the rise in abortions. Unbiblical values have civil and social consequences. Ask yourself does this kind of media help reduce or increase abortion rates? If it does help to increase even by not helping to decrease abortion rates then are we not as a viewing audience somewhat responsible for the women and babies hurt by such ungodly media when we support it!!! God help us all on the day of judgment. I see know way of getting around our own disobedience to God. If Jesus said that to look with lust after a women is adultery in the heart then why are we supporting such sinfulness on our TV and DVD players. Jesus has good reason why we should not do what He doesn't want us to do. If population is indeed a problem may it be that the root of the problem is disobedience to Christ and never add sin to sin by population control methods like abortion. If we want less pollution in the air and less pollution in our waters and less this or that that some believe is a consequence of to many humans in the world then should we not control the population in a Godly humane and civil sort of way. We must repent at this most basic level to save our own souls and the physical lives of millions more. Sinful sexual appetites will only produce more sinful sexual appetites which will only lead to more of what we have today in the world. Why don't we instead of inforcing a right for a woman to end a human life on that unborn life instead inforce a more civil and humane law like forbidding premarital sex and thus discourage and frown upon a hollywood that encourages such behavior which in turn encourages over population and mass murdering of unborn children!!! This may sound radical but at least one of the two laws has a civil morale to it and may actually do society a whole lot of good in a more self-controlled humane and civil sort of way!!!!
I did want to say that I am as guilty as anyone else on this issue so I am not coming to anybody without some fingers pointing back at me that is one of the many reasons why I am trusting Christ to save me on the day of judgment. I don't want to be found without His cleansing sacrifice of love on the cross for me before God. There are probabily ample more consequences to my sins then I have yet to discover and all at root because of my unwillingness to have a little faith and take God at His Word and act accordingly.-God says in His Word, "...a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him."-Matthew 17:5. May we all hear Him with a little more faith!!!
NBC Drops the Ball on Teen Sex-"The followup special for The Baby Borrowers fails to tackle tough subjects in discussions of teen sexuality and pregnancy....NBC first dropped the ball in a discussion of abstinence. One of the biggest criticisms of the The Baby Borrowers was that it sent a mixed message. On one hand, it claimed to show teens how difficult parenting is, but on the other hand it essentially condoned premarital sex by allowing the unsupervised teen couples to share beds during the series. Kotb confirmed that none of the teen couples minded being shown sleeping together on national television, before asking abstinence educator Mark Tatum what “the big deal” was. She then failed to allow the one couple, Sasha and Jordan, who insisted they were abstinent, to explain how they came to the decision to refrain from sex. The general take-away was that abstinence is not feasible for teenagers."
Planned Parenthood at it again with another grotesque Jesus, Women and Baby defying web site
An Unplanned Education-"Planned Parenthood took me “Down There” and exposed it all. The self-evident wrongheadedness of their thinking, that is. A new campaign waged by the abortion provider is as crass as its name suggests. But it is more than that. It is an expose — in that most pithy and au courant of forms, web video — of why we get nowhere in America when we talk about sex education. The “Take Care Down There” campaign takes shape in web videos of young people talking about threesomes and sexually transmitted diseases, because that’s all kids could ever talk about, right?...A creepy older man suddenly enters the picture and dispenses advice — say, how to use a condom — to the eager teens, sparing no one’s delicacy in the process. Check out Planned Parenthood’s Teenwire web magazine and you’ll have everything you forgot to think about before you embarked on that summer abroad: “Condoms, dental dams, and lube…Even if you think you won't need any of these items, they may come in handy for a friend.” What would you do on vacation, after all, without dental dams?!"-Your tax dollar at work supporting such web site by Planned Parenthood (see more on a previous email at 3 great new movies Expelled (Ben Stein)..).
Check out http://www.valuesvoternews.com/ this next week. Some breaking news on Obama and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. Actual documented records of votes to be available for download and viewing when Obama would not allow the Protection Act to be brought to the floor even with the now documented amendment which will be available to view that proves Obama's reason for not voting yes on this bill is in question or at least you can be the judge of that rather then the media or Obama. Not only did he stop the bill cold in committee but so did 5 other democrats. Also, 5 minute interview with the actual nurse that testified before Obama and Congress that brought awareness to this atrocity all providentially originiated in the state where Obama's political career began and hopefully ends unless prayed for change occurs. And there will be much more for context and such also, how the media is handling these new documents and so forth.
Big Oil not so Big when you weed thru media bias/First ever Sophmore to win Heisman/Update: 5 year old's death/Black Americans vs Obama and Hollywood
Labels: African American, For encouragement in the midst of dispair, McCain, ObamaUpdates on senate races in Colorado and New Mexico
Colorado-07/22/2008 Rasmussen Poll-Schaffer gains ground but still behind 47% to 43%.
07/31/2008 Zogby Poll-Schaffer and Udall are even at 40%.
New Mexico-07/25/2008 Rasmussen poll update-Pearce gains 3 percentage points from June poll but still well behind Udall. 59% to 34%. 07/31/2008 Zogby poll-"According to Zogby, Udall leads Pearce just 49% to 41%."- This is within the margin of error being 4.6%
No new updates to Arizona but remember the Marriage Amendment will be on this November's ballot.
I have yet to get to Texas.
Update on death of 5 year old daughter and another recent tragedy
Update to email concerning Steven Curtis Chapman's 5 year old daughter's death. (See In Memory of Maria and The most-linked-to news story for yesterday 05-22-2008)
If you have friends or family going thru a tragic situation like these then these links may be a source of some comfort for them.....
Chapmans Speak of Daughter's Death-"The entire Chapman family spoke with CNN host Larry King about the moments right after the accident, the questions that are still unresolved, and how their faith in God is helping them through, minute by minute. Watch more of that interview here.....Wednesday, Chapman and his wife, Mary Beth, appeared on ABC's Good Morning America to speak about their family's devastating loss....Many supportive fans also left comments about the GMA interview and their prayers for the Chapmans and their children. Watch GMA Interview"-Also included on the Good Morning America is another great interview with Kirk Cameron as a related story.
WITH CONTINUED GRATITUDE, FROM SHAOHANNAH'S HOPE Over $500,000 Is Donated To Maria's Miracle Fund-"It was recently announced that over $310,000 had been donated in two weeks to Shaohannah’s Hope’s Maria’s Miracle Fund. This fund was set up in honor of Maria Sue Chapman, the 5-year old daughter of Steven and Mary Beth Chapman, who lost her life from a tragic accident at their home on May 21, 2008. As of this week, over $500,000 has been donated to Maria’s Miracle Fund. There are not enough words to be able to express the deepest gratitude from the Chapman family and the Shaohannah's Hope ministry for these donations....Shaohannah’s Hope, the adoption and orphan care ministry founded by Steven and Mary Beth Chapman, would like to extend their deepest gratitude for the generosity of prayers as well as donations offered upon the memory of Maria Sue Chapman. The enormous response has been truly overwhelming, it has not gone unnoticed, and is so graciously appreciated."
Shaohannah's Hope-"Our Mission: To care for orphans by engaging the church and helping Christian families reduce the financial barrier to adoption." See this video concerning this ministry at http://members.shaohannahshope.org/site/PageServer?pagename=abt_video. Is this not amazing that thru the death of this child money is being raised to help others adopt more children which means that more unwanted children from China will be raised in good homes because of this tragedy??!! To God be the Glory and I am sure Maria in heaven is praising the Lord over this and when eternity with Christ comes for the rest of the family what a day that will be cause it will include much more then their own family but rather many others!!!
People Magazine Issue featuring Chapmans Bumped Slightly-"We've now confirmed that the Chapmans will appear in a feature in People Magazine..on August 13th"
For those of you in Texas Steven Curtis Chapmen is coming in concert
Greg Laurie son dies in car accident.
Here is memorial service in its entirety
Evangelist Offers Salvation at Son's Memorial
Car Crash Kills Pastor Greg Laurie's Son
First ever Sophmore to win Heisman Trophy Winner Gives Glory to Christ
Tim Tebow and God's Providence-"Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and the University of Florida have decided he won't be a part of Playboy magazine's annual All-American college football team....'Because of her strong Christian faith, she chose life.' If doctors had had their way, Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow wouldn't be here today....Is it not providential of God that the first sophmore to win the Heisman trophy is this man? What a testimony to Christ!!!"-Watch video footage of Tim giving glory to Christ as he receives the Heisman Trophy award!!!
Hollywood actor Voight vs Obama and Hollywood
Voight ignites a blog storm in Hollywood-"Jon Voight intended to turn heads with the “very strong points” in his Washington Times op-ed last week. But he probably didn’t expect so many of them to reside in Hollywood....Voight’s piece slammed Democratic candidate Barack Obama, praised GOP contender John McCain and even repudiated his own Vietnam War protests as the naive flailings of a deluded youth. It was a stunning bit of self-revelatory memoir from the now-conservative “Coming Home” star....Jeffrey Wells, who runs the movie and pop culture site Hollywood-Elsewhere.com, took Voight to task for his right turn and wrote that, if he were a studio executive, he might think twice before hiring Voight for any future film work...Voight seemed particularly taken aback by Wells’ blog postings, which many have interpreted as a call for blacklisting the actor. “It’s out of line to insinuate that we should blacklist people for speaking their minds,” Voight told Politico. “It’s a strange thing when people in this country can’t express their opinions without being attacked.” He added that Hollywood liberals frequently discuss topical issues, and “it’s an important time for people on the conservative side to speak out.”....plans to launch a new group blog called BigHollywood, as part of his Breitbart.com news service, to appeal to the opposite end of the spectrum from Wells’ musings.“The site will offer a daily repository for those interested and involved in the perspective of a growing community of Hollywood conservatives, Republicans and libertarians,” Breitbart told me via instant message over the weekend, calling his upcoming project “a safe haven for those out of the lefty mainstream.”...To run his new effort, Breitbart tapped aspiring filmmaker and blogger John Nolte, who recently launched his own politically oriented movie fan site called DirtyHarrysPlace.com...Nolte claimed more than 400,000 page views a month for Dirty Harry’s Place...“We’re coming into the serious/silly awards season in which the Hollywood narcissists end up spending a billion dollars to make movies for their friends,” he said. “Last year, that resulted in all those awful anti-war films. Who knows what they’re going to come up with this year?”-See Daughter of Alice Walker (The Color Purple), Actor Voight vs Obama and "Ten Persuasive Answers to the Question: Why Not Gay ‘Marriage?’”-Part 5 for Voight's original comments that ignited the discussion.
African Americans speak out in opposition to Obama and something you probabily don't know about Big Oil
Obama’s Views Not Consistent With Christianity, Conservative Says-"Parker, who is president of CURE, a think-tank that focuses on issues of race and poverty in America, said in addition to abortion, she is concerned about America’s dependence on welfare and the consequences that Obama’s support for such policies will have in the U.S. “There’s a problem in this hardcore, left philosophy of Barack Obama that people keep dismissing,” said Parker. “I think [Obama’s social policies] will destroy what’s left of the black family. Socialism doesn’t work. It doesn’t work for individuals, it doesn’t work for families and it doesn’t work for our society. Our society cannot coexist with socialism.” Parker, a one-time single mother on welfare who worked to become one of the nation’s top conservative speakers, said she hopes that the race of the expected Democratic nominee will not be a factor when other black conservatives decide who to support in the presidential election."
Obama Hood and Obamanomics-"Obamanomics has been described as Robin Hood economics, taking from the rich to give to the poor. Actually, Robin Hood took back from the king (and in some traditions of the story from corrupt clergymen) what had been taken from the people by the government. In terms of popular culture’s understanding of Robin Hood, mostly through the Robin Hood movies and TV series (too many to list here but see the 1938 Adventures of Robin Hood starring Earl Flynn, Claude Rains, and Basil Rathbone; also see here and order here), the archer in green tights was against the political tyrants of his day, most notably Prince John, Sir Guy of Gisbourne, and the sheriffs who extracted taxes from the common people to pay the king so they could retain their political positions. If a Robin Hood movie were being cast today, Barak Obama would be cast as Prince John."
Oil War: The Media Crusade-"Felmy defended the industry that employs 1.9 million people and benefits the retirement accounts of millions more, He told “Nightly News,” “There’s no way you can characterize them [profits] that they are out of line. In fact, they’re less than the average.” According to API, the oil industry has lower profit margins than many other industries including pharmaceuticals, computer equipment and appliances. People from all walks of life benefit from the oil industry’s profits because 98.5 percent of its public companies’ shares are held by outsiders through mutual funds, pensions and other asset management groups, said API. Only 1.5 percent of those shares are held by board members and officers of the companies. Oil and natural gas companies made about 7.4 cents on the dollar in the first quarter of 2008, according to API. According to MarketWatch, CBS’s margin is higher – at 8.9 percent. In contrast to many other news reports, CNN’s John Roberts mentioned that point on August 1 following Allan Chernoff’s slanted segment. “That’s only a 7-percent profit margin. If you were talking about that sort of volume in financial services industry or retail or something like that – profits would be much, much higher,” Roberts said."
Obama's 'Rock Star' Status Not Enough for Conservative Voters-"During Wednesday’s webcast, guest Bishop Harry Jackson, an African-American church leader and chairman of the High Impact Leadership Coalition, urged voters to look carefully at each candidate’s stance on energy, state marriage amendment, hate crimes legislation, fairness doctrine, and abortion before making their presidential pick. The pro-life leader advised values voters to look beyond appealing rhetoric and at candidates’ stance on issues. Jackson, who is a registered Democrat, says he hopes to present to his Obama-leaning black congregation in the Washington, D.C.-area the issue of life in an upcoming event and urge them to carefully consider where the candidates stand on this moral matter. “[T]here are certain policies that will attract the blessing of God on the nation and you don’t have to be a genius to understand that the nation is not blessed now and we’re under pressure,” Jackson said to the FOTF Action host. “[W]hat has to happen is we have to align ourselves with the Word of God,” he prescribed."
Obama still having difficulty with the faithful values voter despite all the effort and reports of a newly discussed strategy for fall.-See The "Goose Bump" and "Race" trap.
Obama's New Muslim Adviser Resigns-"Sen. Barack Obama's director of Muslim outreach has resigned amid controversy, just a few weeks after joining Obama's presidential campaign. Attorney Mazen Asbahi started working as the campaign's outreach coordinator on July 26, and he resigned on Monday. In a letter, he said he was stepping down "to avoid distracting from Barack Obama's message of change," the Associated Press reported. The A.P. said Asbahi resigned amid questions about his connection to an imam linked to people who allegedly raised funds for Hamas."
Americans Trust John McCain More Than Barack Obama on Abortion-"A new poll shows Americans now trust John McCain more to handle abortion issues than Barack Obama. Obama had been slightly in the lead in the national daily presidential tracking survey the polling firm Rasmussen Reports conducts but that has changed. As more Americans learn about John McCain's pro-life position on abortion and Barack Obama's support for unlimited abortions financed with taxpayer dollars, Americans appear to be moving in McCain's direction. Prior polls found Obama leading on the abortion question and an August poll had McCain leading 39 to 36 percent, a three point difference. Now, McCain holds a lead of six percent, with 40 percent of Americans saying they trust him more to handle the issue and only 34 percent saying Obama. Another 26 percent aren't sure and that number appears likely to go down as more people realize the stark abortion contrast that exists in this election. The poll results come on the heels of new national surveys showing McCain faring much better and even taking a lead among likely voters..."-See previous email at Media's no emphasis of abortion as an issue hurting McCain and helping Obama/Obama on Fatherhood/The Physiology of Motherhood/Bush vs Clinton on more importance of this issue and complete lack of media coverage from ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS which will obviously favour one candidate over the other.
Notice it's not about sex but about Christ and what the scriptures that testify of Him teach.
Labels: Marriage Amendments, Pro-Life, Religious Discrimination, Same Sex Marriage, U.S. President BushLaw Suits from both sides on California Marriage Amendment-On same day as earthquake in California ADF files lawsuit against changed wording of California Marriage Amendment summary by Democrat Attorney General Jerry Brown:
"Original state wording: Amends the California Constitution to provide that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: The measure would have no fiscal effect on state or local governments. This is because there would be no change to the manner in which marriages are currently recognized by the state. (Initiative 07-0068.) (Full Text)
Jerry Brown revision: Changes California Constitution to eliminate right of same-sex couples to marry. Provides that only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. Fiscal Impact: Over the next few years, potential revenue loss, mainly sales taxes, totaling in the several tens of millions of dollars, to state and local governments. In the long run, likely little fiscal impact to state and local governments."
It's not about sex!! The Great Worldwide Divide and Again it's not about sex but rather who is teaching for doctrines the commandments of men?. A lawsuit for 70 million dollars against bible publishing company...links to audio and video footage of great importance and issues concerning religious freedom and protests of gay bishop and a must see interview for those concerned about what one of the leaders of the gay movement thinks of those who believe the scriptures teach homosexuality is a sin (quite a revealing interview with this bishop). We need to pray for him. UK officer was fined 1200 pounds over his views of homosexuality and San Jose college professor fired for explaining what is in the college text book namely that homosexuality being hereditary is in debate and even the EEOC issues new guidelines on Religious Discrimination because of all the cases going to court recently. Good news also, "divisions have been widening as strictly Bible-interpreting Anglican churches in the developing world have become the largest and fastest-growing churches in the communion."!!! And concerning the gay bishop above: "The top Anglican bishop in Sudan is calling for V. Gene Robinson, the openly homosexual bishop in New Hampshire, to "resign for the sake of the church," according to an Anglican expert. Homosexual ordination "is not what is found in the Bible" and is "not the norm of the Anglican world." and in Jerusalem: "The Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) -- representing more than half of the world's practicing Anglicans -- wrapped up a weeklong meeting in Jerusalem, where more than 1,100 lay and clergy, including nearly 300 bishops, declared their allegiance to traditional biblical and church teachings and vowed to combat liberal trends, including the acceptance of homosexual leadership....Pledging to work against forces of "militant secularism and pluralism" within their Christian denomination, conservative Anglican leaders formed a new umbrella organization here at the weekend." bearing in mind that the Anglican church "is the second-largest group of churches in the world, behind Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians." and this meeting above consisted of "traditionalists from Africa, where the majority of the world's Anglicans (Episcopalians) live, they are being joined by some high-profile colleagues based in the West. They include the outspoken Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, who is to date the most senior clergyman in the Church of England -- the "mother church" of the worldwide Anglican Communion"-There is more to tell. Just check out the links....
If you have a chance to watch the 8 minute video interview of the gay bishop and his reasoning for gay marriages then "review what Christ said in Mark 7:7-9: "Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.""and then "read thru the scriptures and see which of the two has violated the teachings of Jesus above. Who is laying aside the commandment of God and in its place teaching for doctrine the commandments of men? Again notice this is not about sex but whether or not one party or the other is properly representing what the scriptures teach on this subject." Is it the conservative Anglican community or those on the side of the gay bishop???? Notice again it's not about sex but about Christ and what the scriptures that testify of Him say about Christ and who's teaching on the subject of sex is consistent with the scriptures and thus with Christ.
Media's no emphasis of abortion as an issue hurting McCain and helping Obama/Obama on Fatherhood/The Physiology of Motherhood/Bush vs Clinton-"A new poll finds half of voters don't know that presidential candidate John McCain is pro-life on abortion or that Barack Obama is pro-abortion. The survey shows that, when pro-life voters know that information, they support McCain by a three-to-one margin....This information gap is important and a subsequent question shows whichever side of the abortion debate can frame the candidates first will likely help one of them win the election. Among pro-life voters who know where the two candidates stand, McCain trounces Obama by a whopping 70-24 percentage point margin. Surprisingly, Obama has a one percent lead (43-42 percent) among pro-life voters who are uninformed about their abortion positions." Check out the The Physiology of Motherhood, Obama and Fatherhood and if Fatherhood starts at conception when does Grandfatherhood start. Excellent video critizicing past comments by Obama on father's day concerning abortion. Also, Bush rocks congress over health professional rights to not have to be involved with abortion in anyway and more...
Take care all....