Daughter of Christian Music Star Killed by Car-"The accident occurred at about 5:30 p.m., when the teen was driving down the driveway of their home in Williamson County just south of Nashville."

In Memory of Maria-Web site set up 4 hours ago for those wishing to express condolences.

Meet Maria-You Tube video of Steven Curtis Chapmen with Daughter Maria who was tragically killed.

Steven Curtis Chapman:-Stephens web site. The web site is down because of to much traffic right now but when you have an opportunity please do sample his songs. His recent song is called Cinderella or something like that which is about a Father releasing His Cinderella (Daughter) into a Princess (soon to be Son in Laws hands). I am sure Fathers of Daughters will be touched and so may some Daughters at the hearing of this heartfelt song. And also quite applicable in the case where last night Stephen had to release his 5 year old Daughter into the hands of the Prince of Princes'. I believe there is a live video of the song performed by Stephen on the web site.

Shaohannahs Hope-Stephens and wifes ministry to financially support those seeking adoption of children...

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