2nd Amendment Rights

Thanks to Bush appointed Judges: 5 Judges rule in favour of 2nd Amendment to 4 dissenting Judges.-"Justice Antonin Scalia's majority opinion is a textbook example of constitutional originalism....D.C. had either the first or second highest murder rate among the nation's 50 largest cities. A National Academy of Sciences report based on 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications and a survey of 80 different gun-control laws, shows no link between restrictions on gun ownership and lower rates of crime, firearms violence or even accidents with guns...Justice Scalia's opinion is exemplary for the way it was reasoned. It will be studied by law professors and students for years to come. It is the clearest, most careful interpretation of the meaning of the Constitution ever to be adopted by a majority of the Supreme Court . . .Justice Scalia's opinion is the finest example of what is now called "original public meaning" jurisprudence ever adopted by the Supreme Court." "Flip flop or not? Does Obama support the DC Handgun Law as constitutional or does he not?"-See the video and you be the judge. I honestly can't tell for sure. One instance he says he supports the ban as constitutional and the next he doesn't but his explanation is a little confusing so who knows. To me either its a 2nd amendment right or not. But I honestly don't know the issues well enough so for those of you who do you be the judge if it interests you!!! By contrast, however, it is pretty clear where McCain stands. This to me is not a big issue except when it comes to how judges will understand the constitution and it sounds like Scalia and the majority court is in my boat of understanding what the constitution meant in the context of the times in which it was created and then to apply those intentions to life of today but never to change the meaning of those intentions because of the times of today. If one wishes to change the constitution for todays society one should AMEND IT not reinterpret nor redefine it!!! If we redefine or reinterpret it to meet todays "demands" then really how constitutional is the constitution from one day to the next and back!!!

Morning Shows Give a Combined 3.5 Minutes to Historic Gun Ruling-"Despite the "historic" nature of Thursday's Supreme Court ruling that the Second Amendment is an individual right, all three morning shows on Friday virtually ignored the decision, devoting a combined total of three minutes and 33 seconds to the story. And between CBS's Early Show, NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America, that's out of eight hours of programming"

The 2005 testimony of the Roe of Roe vs Wade in the 1973 Supreme Court decision against the unborn.

Jesus, Texas, Kansas, Colorado and Roe vs Obamas' radical extremism against the unborn: "the most radical president ever when it comes to abortion."-See how the lawyers treated the "victim" in this case according to the "victim" herself. Contrast her Values with those of Obama. Also, note the forgiveness she received in Christ as she gives in her official testimony in 2005 to the US Senate and calls on Senators to repent she says, "We have to turn from our wicked ways. Senators, I urge you to examine your own conscience before Almighty God. God is willing and able to forgive you. He sent His own son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins as Roe of Roe v. Wade, and for our sins in failing to act to end abortion and to truly help women in crisis pregnancies. I finally asked the Lord Jesus to forgive me in 1995"-And does this apply to us voters. Are we not the ones who have accepted this practice by electing the Senators and presidents that have been endorsed by the strongest abortion rights activists. Is not the media and hollywood and documentarist also just as much at fault for not making the American public aware of such issues and making it less of an issue then the Mary Magdalena of Jesus? I hear Obama says that he agrees that abortion is wrong but not to be imposed on others and then he says he doesn't want his daughters to be punished with a baby if they make a mistake and then he says fatherhood starts at conception and then he says he wants to only reduce aborted sons from conception and not eliminate it. My head is dizzy with contradictions. Bottom line he is for the destruction of newly formed human beings in the womb of a mother and it is obvious by who endorses him. I would just like to ask Obama to apply his belief that he is not to impose his beliefs concerning abortions on the choice of a woman (namely that it is murder) and thus we should not take the Pro-Life position in politics but let the women decide for themselves thus the Pro-Choice position in politics. Take that same view and apply it to those of the civil rights movement or abolitionist of slavery and the slave trade or any other autrocity that has been overcome in times past by men and women standing on principle like the holocaust inspite of others beliefs. Let Obama argue with William Wilberforce in Parliament. William says: "we need to end the slave trade it is an abomination" and Obama responds: "yes it is an abomination but we can't impose our beliefs on others". The only reason why one would make such an argument is because they knowingly or unknowingly consider the slave or unborn child as less than human. Obamas' position is an imposing of a belief on a human life to a point beyond slavery (death) in the name of not imposing my views on others on this politic. Thus Obama is self refuting when it comes to his position on abortion in politics and if this is how he treats this most grave and serious issue of human life then I don't care how good his "plan for america is" it is death to the unborn just as much as any slave abolitionist would not cast a vote for such treatment of humans as less then human. And how can God bless us if we are destroying lives in the name of choice. Now maybe I am misrepresenting Obamas' position and reasoning here. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong if there are any Obama fans out there.

Here is Sandra Cano 2 video minute testimony (if the link doesn't pull up click www.operationoutcry.org and you can find it near the bottom) before the senate in 2005. Sandra is the Doe in Doe vs Bolton which was a companion case with Roe vs Wade.

Supremes to reconsider landmark abortion case Plaintiff in Doe v. Bolton case says ACLU attorney pushed her to have abortion-"The U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to reconsider next week its landmark 1973 Doe vs. Bolton abortion decision, in response to a lawsuit brought by the case's original plaintiff, who claims she was pressured by ACLU attorneys to opt for abortion and that the case was based on fraud. Like Norma McCorvey, the original "Jane Roe" of Roe v. Wade, Sandra Cano was "Mary Doe" of 1973's other historic abortion decision. Together, "Roe" and "Doe" eliminated all state laws prohibiting abortion and legalized abortion. Cano's case in particular – because of the "health exception" for the mother it created – opened the door to abortion on demand, for virtually any reason, at any stage of pregnancy up to the moment of birth....Cano, who at the time of the case was a pregnant, 22-year-old wife of an abusive husband and all three of her children in foster care, was just looking for a way to get her children back and leave her husband, she says. At no time was she interested in abortion, she adds, but insists she was pressured toward abortion by an aggressive ACLU attorney...U.S. abortion laws was based on fraud and lies coordinated by Margie Pitts Hames, Cano's ACLU attorney...Saying her mother and Hames tried to force her to have an abortion, Cano says she fled to Oklahoma and returned only when she was sure she was assured that she wouldn't have to have the abortion. She was told not to speak in court, Cano adds."-Many more good links below this story for further understanding from the Pro-Life point of view.

Repent America

This sites may be offensive and is pretty strongly worded at times as you dig deeper. So I just forewarn you all now. It is a decent resource and a good biblical argument for why we should repent there are 2 options to enter the site. One for the christian and one for the non-christian.

www.repentamerica.com- "Repent v. To turn away from sin. to sorrow or be pained for violating God's holy law, a dishonour to His character and government, and the foulist ingratitude to a Being of infinite benevolence."

And while we are at it another strongly worded article:

THE JESUS MANIFESTO: A CALL TO REVOLUTION-"Forty years ago, a counterculture revolution swept through America, resulting in a sudden, steep moral decline. Since that time (from the early '60s until today), the divorce rate has doubled, the teen suicide rate has tripled, reported violent crime has quadrupled, the prison population has quintupled, the percentage of babies born out of wedlock has risen six-fold, and couples living together out of wedlock has risen sevenfold. And the end is not in sight. The last generation's counterculture of rebellion has become this generation's establishment of revulsion, and what was unthinkable forty years ago – daytime talk shows celebrating adultery and incest; homosexual love scenes on major network TV; eleven year-old multiple murderers; massacres in our schools and houses of worship – is a matter of course today. We need a revolution! But this revolution will be different than other revolutions – including the revolution that birthed our nation more than 200 years ago. This revolution will not be fought with earthly weapons of destruction – not with guns and knives and bullets and bombs. It will not be fought with hatred, anger, intimidation, or brute force. No. It will be fought with the message of the gospel, with the love of God, with the power of the Spirit, with radical holiness, with sacrifice, compassion, and courage. It will be a Jesus revolution, an intense clash between two spiritual kingdoms, a heavenly attack on the enemy's strongholds, a no compromise stand for morality and truth. And it will impact society in a lasting way. It must!"

And event. If anything do check out the video advertisement on the below web site advertising this event:

The Call-"since 1973 we have had the choice" "we have chosen" "to kill a baby every 22 seconds" "if 600,000 men died on the battlefield in the civil war because of slavery" "what is coming to America if God provides a day fo reckoning for 50 million babie" "when there is no hope" "when there is no remedy" "God still has a holy prescription" "8 years ago 400,000 young people gathered at the mall" "8 years later...."-Washington DC at the mall 08/16/2008

On a lighter side

McCain vs Obama on Marriage Amendment in California

"Congress never reflects the values of the nation; rather, it only reflects the values of those who voted in the last election."-David Barton


National Public Radio

NPR and Homosexual hit the spot that most secular news mediums miss: Religious Discrimination in the name of Gay Rights.-Finally a non conservative news source (NPR, National Public Radio) has an article that reports on the clash between Gay Rights and Religious Rights. Which is oddly missed elsewhere or deemphasized.

Let us assume that homosexuals are treated so badly in a country that "hate crimes" are necessary for that country in addition to all the other laws that already exist to protect the innocent. Let us assume that these "hate crimes" have the potential of being used to silence and punish those who disagree with homosexuality like many ex-homosexuals and religious folk. And let us assume that we are to uphold the rights of both equally.

The Christian Institute (UK based religious freedom organization)

This clash can easily be settled by what the UK has done in the House of Lords on a "homophobia hatred" law: Free speech victory over 'homosexual hatred' law. (The wording sounds like free speech beat out gay rights but this "victory over 'homosexual hatred' law" is just to equalize the imbalance that are inherent in these "hate crimes" laws assuming the above assumptions). Now, of course, "hate crimes" may be completely unnecessary. And it may be that religious folk and those who disagree with homosexuality may never be punished for their views. Or it may be that we need to favour one over the other. Those points could be argued. From my perspective I just am not aware of all the hate that is out there against homosexuals. Feel free to email me to inform me of the ample number of cases that need this attention. I see many hollywood shows that portray homosexuality in a pro-homosexual light and many TV shows. I hardly ever see any shows with a different perspective on homosexuality then the pro-homosexual view point except in the religious community. I have yet to know of one christian that I am aware of that hates homosexuals just because the scriptures teach that homosexualty is a sin. After all, Christ died for all kinds of sin not just homosexuality. However, I am aware of many that are not exactly happy about what is happening to their freedoms in the name of homosexual rights. But even these abuses of laws against people of faith have yet to make any christian I am aware of hate a homosexual. If we are going to have "hate crimes" we must follow the lead of the UK!!!

Ten arguments against a 'homophobic hatred' law-"This law will restrict free speech., This law confuses disagreement with hatred., This law will be used against Christians., This law is unnecessary., This law would not have stopped the Dobrowski attack., This law wrongly assumes homosexual practice is like race., This law contains no protections for religious liberties., This law could lead to Christians facing prison sentences for what they believe., This law will have a 'chilling' effect on open debate., and This law will be used to attack political freedoms."

This law wrongly assumes homosexual practice is like race.-This is an excellent argument why race and homosexuality are unrelated. An argument discribing the difference between homosexual practice and race and why laws should not be inacted to confuse the two. The main distinction is that homosexuality as religion and political persuasion is a choice whereas race is not. The implications of this disctinction and the catastrophe of not distinguishing between the two is important to investigate before one attempts to make homosexuality a civil rights issue on par as race.

Roberts case video-"A Christian couple at the centre of a free speech row are suing their local council and police for breaching their human rights...The Christian Institute is supporting the legal action. Director, Colin Hart, said today: "It is outrageous that the police should tell an elderly Christian couple that they cannot express their moral views to their local council. It is astonishing that the council reported the matter to the police in the first place. I regret that neither the police nor the council have admitted they were wrong. They have refused to say sorry for what they did. We are supporting the Roberts case. It is an important case for freedom of speech and freedom of religion." Note: Any damages awarded to the Roberts will be donated to charity." And guess what. They won!!!! Check out this 9 minute video report!!!

The BBC reports

Government defeated over religious hatred plans-"The Government has been dramatically defeated in the House of Commons over the Religious Hatred Bill. In two separate votes, MPs voted by 288 to 278 votes and by 283 to 282 votes to accept Lords amendments which introduced protections for free speech and evangelism. The Religious Hatred Bill will become law, but with the excellent Lords safeguards included. This is a fantastic result. A wide range of Christian organisations, as well as other groups, have worked very hard to protect religious liberty. This victory shows the value of speaking out and never giving up. Even MPs determined to support the Government changed their minds because of the repeated arguments of their constituents. Many Christians met their MP face-to-face, or wrote letters, or telephoned. This clearly had an effect."-February 2006. Check out BBC report here on the victory. Note: christians are not only against "hate laws" for homosexuals but are against "hate laws" for the religious which include christians which in turn proves a point!!!!!!!!!!

Most of this information came from The Christian Institute which is an excellent web site and source of happenings concerning religious liberty issues in the UK that we in America can learn from.

Related News:

Calif. homosexuals launch effort to stop marriage referendum-"Homosexual activists asked California's highest court Friday to keep off the November ballot a citizens' initiative that would again ban same-sex "marriage."-Click California Courts Redefine Marriage by a 4-3 decision at the expense of 4.6 million voters! (an email I sent out to you all earlier but in case you missed it) to see why this would be monumental and possibly politically costly to the left. See more on what it cost Kerry in 2004 against Bush at Marriage Amendment/African-Americans were determining factor for Bush in 2004? Is this why liberal media silent about this issue? and also I just found another commentary that noted it cost the Republicans the majority in the US Senate in 2004 see story in Colorado by scrolling down to Commentary on race from a Values Voter perspective and reviewing the second story: "The marriage amendment won by 328,000 votes, and Allen lost by a mere 9,000, squandering countless values votes because Wadhams restrained Allen from giving the amendment more than lip service..."

Other News that came in today

Obamas' flip flop on Campaign Financing-"The Democratic organizations, through the 15-month point, have raised more than three times as much as the Republican groups -- $87 million to $24 million...According to the Federal Election Commission, Obama has already raised $265 million dollars from individuals, dwarfing McCain's $88 million...Obama set up a deal with the [Federal Election Commission] to take public financing, then publicly pledged to take it if his opponent did as well," McCain spokesman Brian Rodgers told Cybercast News Service. "And now, he's broken his word to the American people."...it was ironic that Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) last week blamed his decision not to take public financing, in part, on the supposed need to stockpile money to counter independent "527" committees. Last Thursday, Obama said he was foregoing the $85 million in public funding he could have received because it tied his hands -- and because the campaign finance system was allegedly slanted toward his expected Republican challenger, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)...."A lot of people are portraying this as the death of campaign finance reform," Malbin said. "I don't see it that way. Sen. Obama made a calculation that it would hurt him more than it would help him." Malbin added: "I think the real problem he has is not that he made a calculation, but that in February 2007, instead of saying, 'I will take funding if my opponent does,' he should have said, 'I will take it if it is convenient for me.'"

Islamic Bloc Passes Up Criticism of Sudan, Again

“Homeschoolers are only good for cleaning toilets”-"Here’s what I want homeschoolers to do: First, reply to this article and leave a comment describing what kind of work you are doing since you completed homeschooling. Second, send this article and its link to every homeschooler and homeschool organization you know and encourage them to leave a comment at the end of this article describing what they are doing since being homeschooled....The public school graduation rate is around 65 percent, and in large cities it’s lower as this April 1, 2008 report demonstrates. “New York City has one of the nation’s sorriest graduation rates, with less than half of city high-schoolers earning a diploma on time. . . . Even using the most optimistic calculation of the city’s graduation rate—including kids who earn GEDs and excluding special education students from the formula—only 60% of students graduated in 2006” Test scores continue to fall even though education budgets keep growing. It seems that all we hear from government educators is the need for more money. John Stossel’s 2006 “20/20” report (also see here and here) “Stupid In America: How We Are Cheating Our Kids” is a real eye-opener, especially when he asks South Carolina school official Dolores Wright, “How much money would be right?” Wright answers, “Oooh. Millions. And it would really make it right. . . . The more, the better.” Is it any wonder that the judicial numbskulls in California and the new fascists in Germany are trying to wipe out homeschooling? They fear its superior product and how it makes public (government) education look so bad, especially when the cost of educating a student is factored in. While homeschooling has a great academic track record (also see here and here), enough so that some of the best colleges in the nation recruit homeschoolers, one of its greatest social benefits is its demonstration of true liberty. Liberals love to talk about freedom of choice as long as that freedom does not include the freedom to educate their own children...."

Yanking Back the Balance/Filling in the Gaps/Emphasizing the Missing Headlines

I have one great political idea. . . . That idea is an old one. It is widely and generally assented to; nevertheless, it is very generally trampled upon and disregarded. The best expression of it, I have found in the Bible. It is in substance, "Righteousness exalteth a nation; sin is a reproach to any people" [Proverbs 14:34]. This constitutes my politics - the negative and positive of my politics, and the whole of my politics. . . . I feel it my duty to do all in my power to infuse this idea into the public mind, that it may speedily be recognized and practiced upon by our people.-[Frederick Douglass, The Frederick Douglass Papers, John Blassingame, editor (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982), Vol. 2, p. 397, from a speech delivered at Ithaca, New York, October 14th, 1852.]

ValuesVoterNews.com-Check out what's new.

Same Sex Marriage first time in California today

Biblical marriage vs. CA courts: Ruling today-"The California Supreme Court has rejected appeals of its ruling that the state must issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples beginning at 5:01 p.m. (local time) today. But the Supreme Court's decision merely hands the case back down to the California Court of Appeal, which is charged with deciding how and when to implement the high court's ruling. It is that power that Matt Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, is appealing to now...."The California Supreme Court only addressed two of the many statutes regarding marriage. You can't simply address two statutes when there's [sic] literally hundreds of others, all of which reference 'men' and 'women,' 'male' and 'female,' 'husband' and 'wife,' all of which have to be addressed," Staver explains. The Liberty Counsel chairman says failure to take matters such as that under consideration is one of the primary reasons the U.S. and state constitutions do not let judges write laws. "All of the confusion illustrates one point: judges should not be in the business of being politically active lawmakers," Staver points out. The appeals court, according to the attorney, should stay the decision to give the legislature time to examine the hundreds of other state statutes that could come into conflict with the Supreme Court's ruling. "It's that court which is tasked with implementing the particular ruling. It's at that level we're asking, now, this court to do its job, to follow the rule of law and to stay this decision," Staver says. Liberty Counsel's press release says this case "is far from over. We will not give up. The people will have the final say on marriage."

Marriage Amendment/African-Americans were determining factor for Bush in 2004? Is this why liberal media silent about this issue?: For how ABC, NBC and CBS has treated this story:A good hour long discussion concerning Same Sex Marriage issues in California from a conservative perspective.-You'll get a perspective that ABC, NBC and CBS are not willing to report on.

What do 52 members of US Congress and Brazilian President Luiz Lula have in common?-"Norway has become the sixth country in the world to give homosexuals the legal right to "marry,""

Ireland High Court Rules Against Gay 'Marriage' Citing Harm to Children Refuses Recognition of Lesbian "Marriage" Staged in Canada-"The United States-based Institute for Marriage and Public Policy commented on the Irish court decision, saying: 'Of particular interest may be the court's discussion about the evidence purporting to show no difference between children raised by same-sex couples and those raised by married couples. The judge accepted testimony about the methodological shortcomings of available evidence and said: "It also seems to me having regard to the criticism of the methodology used in the majority of the studies conducted to date that until such time as there are more longitudinal studies involving much larger samples that it will be difficult to reach firm conclusions on this topic."' 'The court concluded that the Irish Constitution's explicit reference to a constitutional right of opposite-sex couples to marry justified the legal distinction between same- and opposite-sex couples in the marriage law. The court further noted, however, that the marriage law was further justified by concerns with the 'welfare of children' since in the absence of good research, 'the State is entitled to adopt a cautious approach to changing the capacity to marry.'"-138 page ruling here.

Order a FREE Marriage Protection Kit

Obama using smear tactics?

Is Obama using smear tactics on "the most listened to radio talk show in America"? -Obama has a new web site to fight emails that have been sent out to many that are falsely accusing him of certain things. You can click on above site to find this web site. And on many issues I can certainly see why he has dedicated a web site for such purpose. And I think it is a good site overall to quiet some false rumors. What I take issue with is in the way Obama is doing this he is, himself smearing conservatives and Republicans for obvious political advantages? Check it out for yourself!!

War time encouragement

Letters Show Strength of Soldiers' Faith-"Does war tend to strengthen or weaken the faith of those fighting? A man who has collected more than 80,000 soldier letters has an answer.For Arthur Craig, a letter from his son, 27-year-old Staff Sergeant Brian Craig, is precious beyond words."

Christianity under political attack in the UK and Internationally

Gov't Needs Christians to Help Counter Extremism, Bishop Says-"The Bishop of Rochester has attacked the “mess” of multiculturalism and urged the government to utilize the United Kingdom’s millions of Christians in building community cohesion. Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali said that the “policies of successive governments and local authorities” and the promotion of multiculturalism “at the expense of national and community integrity” had led to social segregation, “parallel lives”....At a time when many Christians are concerned that the Government favors Muslims, the report similarly concluded that the Government was focusing on the “minority religions.”...Nazir-Ali said that such a policy would fail to address the problem of extremism. “Is that policy sensible or even realistic?” he wrote in the newspaper....“Such a challenge cannot be met by turning our backs on the very resources, spiritual, moral and intellectual, that both make it possible to fight extremism and are the reason for our determination to maintain all that is valuable in British polity, culture and public life,” he said. He urged the government to counter extremism by supporting faith groups in their civic work. “The Government should be putting its resources wherever civil society is being strengthened, where people are working for social inclusion, where the needs of the most vulnerable are being met,” he said....The bishop pointed to the thousands of believers who want to serve their communities because of their Christian faith. “Christian convictions are central to any explanation of why thousands of people volunteer for tasks, with no reward, knowing that they are doing the right thing,” he stated."

UK: House of Lords recognizes dangers of hate laws to free speech and religious liberty -"The Government backed down last night and allowed a free speech protection to be written into its proposed 'homophobic hatred' law. The decision came after the Government was defeated for a second time in the House of Lords. Peers voted 178 to 164 in favour of the protection yesterday evening.... This marks the end of a lengthy battle to make clear that the new criminal offence should not interfere with free speech or religious liberty."

First Amendment Victories

First Amendment Victory: Mass. School Agrees to Settle Free Speech Lawsuit and Amend Policies to Protect Conservative Student Expression-"School officials at a Massachusetts high school have agreed to settle a lawsuit over the school's alleged censorship of conservative political posters. The lawsuit, which was filed in U.S. District Court by attorneys for The Rutherford Institute, charged that officials at Hudson High School violated the First Amendment rights of students Christopher Bowler and James Milello when they censored their Conservative Club posters and discriminated against them on the basis of the club's conservative political viewpoint."

California Marriage Amendment Qualifies for November Ballot-Scroll down to Religious Freedom and see how the ACLU fails to silence religious expression in Wilson County.


Bloodline: Another Unholy Hollywood Hoax? Don't be fooled by all these documentaries on PBS, ABC, NBC and CBS about Mary Magdalene and the discrediting of the gospels without first getting the otherside of the story. Another documentary has just come out. Check out this rebuttal to the documentary: BLOODLINE: Serious Documentary or Hollywood Hoax? and a in depth rebuttal to previous shows: The So-Called Jesus Family Tomb 'Rediscovered' in Jerusalem: "Monday morning, February 26, 2007, I heard this opening statement by Matt Lauer on the NBC Today show: "Is this the tomb of Jesus? A shocking new claim that an ancient burial place may have housed the bones of Christ and a son. This morning a Today exclusive that could rock Christianity to its core." When I saw the interview with James Cameron and Simcha Jacobovici I said to myself, "This isn’t new. It is a rehashing of the 1996 'Easter special' by the BBC!"

I believe that if both sides of the stories were given it would be clear that there would be no reason why one would reject the gospels in the New Testament over these other gospels that these documentaries seem to be hyping so much about.

First point and most important that I would like to make concerning these documentaries is that the question of "why were these gospels not included in the New Testament?" and the assumed response from these documentaries is because of something to do with the church fathers being against Mary Magdalene and the authority of women. This to me is just plain bias. Here's why. 1. The gospels themselves give great honour to women and more so to Mary Magdalene then probabily any other woman besides the other Mary (mother of Jesus)!!! Read the gospels with a view to see how Mary Magdalene herself is viewed and you will see this is not the case (remember that Mary Magdalene was first to believe in Jesus rose from the dead and Jesus rebuked the disciples for not believing when she reported it to them). But the most devastating in my mind critique of this bias is: 2. If you watch/listen to the documentaries themselves and their unscriptural conclusions then you will find the real answer as to why these other gospels were rejected!!!! It is obvious for they conclude conclusion that flat out reject the conclusions of the gospels given in the scriptures. Why would a church father include a gospel that leads to conclusions that these documentaries lead to that; Christ did not die on the cross for our sins nor raise from the dead and ascend into heaven but rather is in some tomb some where next to Mary Magdalene?????? The obvious reason as to why they were not included in the gospels is because they contradict the gospels. I mean you are talking about having huge contradictions if they were to be accepted. Not little arguable ones but theological salvation issue contradictions. I can't believe these documentaries miss this glaring obvious answer as to why they are not included in the New Testament. The only way I can understand it is that whatever school they got there education from must have been very biasedor they are themselves. This is theological absurdity to its highest degreee!!!! And these are "theologians" and people who I know are smart with PH D's that they are quoting on these documentaries. Give me a break!!! They have the PH D they should know better!!! This to me is one of the most devastating criticisms of these documentaries besides having no other side to balance out this nonsense with. They can only fool the ignorant and I suppose that is what they are banking on with their PH D's and the authority of Prime Time TV. And then to top it off they come out with this stuff during christian holidays. Puke!!!

I hope by God's grace that they see the light but until then may the one sided darkness of these documentaries lay exposed by the otherside and if Christ did die on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead and is ascended into heaven, which I believe He is, then what a darkness they indeed are in spreading the lie of all lies...."he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son."-1 John 5:10 and not only are they spreading one sided lies about God Himself and His only begotten Son but they do with such appearance of "journalistic, PH D, documentary filmed objectivity"!!!

May God save them as He saved me by the very Son they undermine and I have in the past remembering that just as much as we understand that we are to love our neighbour as ourselves (which is the 2nd of the 2 great commands of God to men according to Jesus) how much more are we to love God the giver of all our lives and heaven and earth with all our heart soul and mind honouring the first and great commandment according to Jesus. We all fall miserably short and need the blood of Jesus to enter into His place of rest and may we be found in Him on that day. The greater the command the greater the sin but in Christ the greater the GRACE and the more precious HIS BLOOD and the more powerful HIS RESURRECTION and ASCENSION and WORK in our lives today.

Take care all


Rev. Stephen Boissoin

Alberta Pastor Fined $7000 and Ordered to Publicly Apologize and Remain Silent on Homosexuality-"On Friday, the Alberta Human Rights Commission ordered Alberta pastor Stephen Boissoin to desist from expressing his views on homosexuality in any sort of public forum. He was also commanded to pay damages equivalent to $7,000 as a result of the tribunal's November decision to side with complainant and homosexual activist Dr. Darren Lund. The tribunal has also called for Boissoin to personally apologize to Lund via a public statement in the local newspaper."

http://www.stephenboissoin.com-/web site of Mr Boissoin giving his side of the story. "June 8, 2008 I will never apologize regardless of the consequences and I will not pay fines unless failing to do so prevents my ability to appeal.......I stand by what I said and how I said it. I stand by MY context and interpretation of it. I publicly declare that I do not hate homosexuals and further declare that I love God and regardless how I too stumble through this life, I believe that His teachings are true, relevant and worthy of proclamation, again, regardless of the consequences. As hard as this last week has been "I publicly praise God for giving me the convictions that put me in this troubling position." I would rather be here and suffering tenfold worse than to be one that does not know or trust in HIM!!! To all who pray for me, for us and support our freedom, thank-you and blessings to you all. Stephen Boissoin"

How it all began-Links to story that he wrote that got him in trouble.

Actual order of Human Rights Panel-Check pg 5 and 6 under 14. a and c. Unbelievable!!! Only in Canada?

What could Mark Steyn's punishment look like? Look at Alberta-"It could look like this order, issued just last week by Alberta's human rights commission, against a Christian pastor named Rev. Stephen Boission. (The substantive ruling against Rev. Boissoin can be found here. See paragraph 357 where the right not to be offended "trumps the freedom of speech afforded in the Charter." And see a thoughtful response by the former executive director of the gay rights lobby, EGALE, here.)"

Good News: check out what is happening in the UK

UK: House of Lords recognizes dangers of hate laws to free speech and religious liberty-"BBC London news report on conscience exemption","evangelical Christians have become "the most vigorously persecuted and least protected" group in the country (The report, which has been endorsed by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York)","this law confuses disagreement with hatred"


Obama would use 'bully pulpit' to advance homosexual agenda-"In Illinois, I co-sponsored a fully inclusive bill that prohibited discrimination on the basis of both sexual orientation and gender identity, extending protection to the workplace, housing, and places of public accommodation.....And as president, I will place the weight of my administration behind the enactment of the Matthew Shepard Act to outlaw hate crimes and a fully inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act to outlaw workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity...."-Take note: no concern in the letter for the abused use of such laws, as seen in Mr Boissoin, silencing the pro-family religious conservative right and think also how convenient these laws are for the political left!!!

Obama vs McCain video report on values issues contrast from Focus on the Family.

See more on Obama here

Yanking Back the Balance/Filling in the Gaps/Emphasizing the Missing Headlines
"While just government protects all in their religious rights, true religion affords to government its surest support."-George Washington

Please do respond just to let me know if anything that you did get this email. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. God bless you and yours...

Dear Citizen Link,

I was wondering why you all do not send out state by state voter guides. My mother this year voted for Heather Wilson for the Republican nominee and if she just knew that Heather voted for funding for Planned Parenthood and Steve Pearce vote against funding for Planned Parenthood she would have voted for Steve Pearce. Now I know partially it is her fault. I even sent out an email to her about this issue and apparently she missed it and she should be more concerned of her vote but life gets busy and voting can be an overwhelming issue. I know many as I used to be that just don't care about the nominee process but here in NM the republican nominee is very important. If Heather Wilson is our only option then we have another dilemma of having to cast a compromising vote for US Senate in NM like we have with McCain. Now I know you all send out or advertise voter guides but maybe close to election time you all can send out or advertsie something for each state on the issues even for the nominee process and maybe advertise each state to each other state or something so that friends in one state can get the info to friends in other states and it would be nice to have the candidates side by side on the values issues. So many people just wait till after the republican nominee is decided and then vote afterwards for that republican which sometimes doesn't benefit a true Republican nominee. This is the first year I have participated in the Republican nominee process in my state and have found it to be very important and very similar to this years presidential republican nomination. I am a New Mexican and I have some friends in Colorado and I have heard of the recent bill SB 200 and I am in unbelief of it even though here in NM we had that photographer case as you all are probabily aware of. And I sent the below email out to them. Now I know that you can't have an email that persuades a vote up or down on any candidate but I was a little disappointed when all you all did was talk about how bad the bill is (which is true) but not let anybody know any names or who voted up or down. Below I found a voter record site that gave me that info and I passed it on to my friends in Colorado but without me I don't know if they would really know who to vote for in their nominee process or if the nominees are already decided in Colorado who to vote for in November. But since I don't live in Colorado I may be ignorant as to how you all work out there. But is it wrong to air on the radio who exactly voted for and against this bill and who sponsored it on your radio show. This will accomplish 1) that it is highly democrat 2) that in the house even some republicans voted for this so republican voters can be aware 3) if anything bad comes out of this bill then all will know who to blame. Today I do not assume that my friends are educated in political matters at all even my christian friends. Anyways, I thank you for taking the time to view this email. Sorry for being so long but below is that email that I sent out to my friends in Colorado and I believe in addition to the possibility of sexual predators in bathrooms I believe a good argument below is made for why men should go to mens bathrooms and women to womens mainly out of respect for other sexes and I am sure a lawsuite will come out of this arguing privacy between sexes somehow if somebody of an oppoiste sex enters the bathroom of his/her opposite sex...

I am so sorry for my grammar and my longwindedness. I am awful in both areas. So please do forgive my running on sentences and saying the same thing over and over at times..

Hey Coloradoans (making up my own words),

Check out below who voted for or against this (in my opinion) unconstitutional bill (see below comments on ACLU's position on this bill).

I send this to all just for information purpose but am more interested in letting those of you that live in Colorado know who in your state actually voted for and against this bill that allows opposite sex's into bathrooms of their opposite sex. I sure don't want my daughter using a restroom and possibly be exposed to the privates of a member of the opposite sex. I find that completely inappropriate for members of the opposite sex's to be in a position for this exposure. But whatever....I am just blown away by this legislation and how rude it is for those on our opposite side to take it this far. Even if I were gay/transgender I would understand that bathroom privacy between sex's should be honoured. I wouldn't support legislation that would invade the privacy of an opposite sex. I would respect the privacy of a woman even if I weren't attracted to that sex. I mean imagine being a gay man and walking into a bathroom of the opposite sex and the women in that bathroom acting a little uncomfortable and then you interpret that as discrimination/bigotry etc etc and expect them to be completely normalized that a man is in the bathroom with her. Good luck. This is absolutely disrespectful and rude. And that is the flaw in this legislation. It absolutely violates privacy between sex's in the place needed most, the bathroom. This is just plain out right rude legislation and absolutely unconsiderate/intolerant of peoples sexual exposure/privacy between sex's considerations...This has nothing to do with discrimination whatsoever if a woman wants to use a restroom with members of their same sex that is their preference for obvious privacy reason and she doesn't have to think she is a discriminator and if an employer wishes to respect her right to privacy then he/she doesn't need to be viewed as a bigot. Also there are religious reason why one would not desire to be in a position to expose herself to a member of the opposite sex even if they are heterosexual. Maybe a man has a religious conviction to not depants himself before another women even if they were heterosexual. This has nothing to do with sexual orientation discrimination but rather an understanding that the bathroom is not a place to judge peoples motives its a place of obviously needed privacy between sex's....Let women go to the womens bathroom and let men do the same and please out of respect for both let only women go to womens bathrooms and men only go to mens bathrooms...And keep in mind that a public accomodation is much more then just a bathroom. You have locker rooms and much more so good luck Colorado keeping your sexes unexposed to the opposite sex whether hetero or homo...

I can see a lawsuite coming in the future if one does actually go into the bathroom of his/her opposite sex for some sort of invasion of privacy between sex's to strike down this bill...

And if you don't think this bill applies to bathrooms check out the publics understand here on this DenverPost online AP article. And then check out the comments mostly negative toward Dobson on the conservative side of this issue and what they think and notice no rebuttal that this doesn't apply to bathrooms and actually some would find my argument above as ludicrous though some favoured it. So conservative Coloraoans on this issue you are not without your opponents at the ballot box!!!

And lastly but just as importantly, check out these comments by the ACLU,-This is from a Colorado Family action site that may be of interest to you out in Colorado concerning comments made by the ACLU on this bill.

""One may practice one's religion in private; however, once a religious person comes into the public arena, there are limitations in how the expression of their religion impacts others...."

OK, then. What according to the ACLU is a most heinous practice of religious expression that is so heinous that it should be limited in the public?????????

"If your house of worship rents to the public its other facilities, you have to rent to everybody - you can't discriminate."-Cathryn Hazouri's, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, testimony given before the Colorado House Judiciary Committee."

Yeah. And I am sure our founding fathers would agree (sarcastically)!!!! The only thing that makes these practices heinous are bills like this....Which should tell you something about the bill? It's unconstitutional for it clearly violates the 1st amendment. I am so looking forward to one of these bills being challenged in our newly Bush appointed courts...We finally have judges that would not allow a 1st amendment right to be trampled so easily...

Also, I go to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) at a church that is allowing its facility to be used for BSF which is not part of the church itself. Because a church allows BSF to use their church for other religious purposes does this now mean they have to allow its facility to be used by homosexual political agendicist which is exact opposite opposed to their values. Now I believe they amended this bill to not include houses of worship but you can see where some on the otherside would like to take it and where it would have gone except some in the house opposed the ACLU's comments!!! The original bill by sponsored by Democrat Senator Jennifer Veiga did not have the bill so amended!!!

Sexual Orientation Nondiscrimination Senate-Voting record in Colorado Senate on this bill. Strait party line Democrats for/Republicans against.

Sexual Orientation Nondiscrimination House -Voting record in Colorado House. Note that this bill is in no way bypartisan and heavily democrat favoured though some republicans (make sure it's not the one you voted for).

SB200-The actual final bill itself with amendments noted. This bill should of had a religious conscious clause amendment allowing business like photography studios/journalist/freelance writers etc etc not to have to use their business talents for things that would propagate something contrary to their own conscience which is a big issue in Canada right now due to these laws/bills. We know what happened in NM because of this but is being challenged and appealed hopefully right up to the Supreme Court that will be more 1st Amendment minded then these states are. See notes on that NM case here on my email sent out on 04/09/2008, 04/13/2008 and especially the most up to date facts on 04/18/2008.

And to top it all off check this out:

Colorado governor okays open bathrooms-"Colorado lawmakers also slapped voters in the face with a provision that PROHIBITS A PUBLIC REFERENDUM or PETITION drive to overturn the law. Hausknecht says the only choice Colorado voters have now is to send people to the legislature that will act to reverse the law."-or in some way take it to court!!!

You can get the email for your elected officials by clicking on http://www.afa.net/ and then highlight Activism and then click on "elected officials" and you should be able to follow directions from there. For some reason the site is not working properly right now so I couldn't give you an easier link.

I am really interested to see how a majority of Colorado voters vote this next election after the moral unconstitutional crisis of the last 2 years under democrat control.

But to end with GREAT GOOD NEWS. Check this out:

'Person' or 'Persons' shall include any human from the time of fertilization-"For the first time in US history, the issue of personhood will be decided in the public forum by a constitutional amendment....Colorado for Equal Rights has demonstrated an unparalleled grassroots effort thus far, with likely more volunteer circulators than any other ballot initiative in the State's history....This victory is the voice of the people and all credit goes our Creator"

Wow. I am now even more looking forward to seeing how Colorado votes. Get out their Colorado!!! As you probabily already know, your vote really really really counts a whole lot more then the liberal non reporting media may have you as a conservative believe. Get registered and get voting but vote being informed not only by the liberal point of view/issues which most media outlets provide but also with the conservative point of view/issues and you decide what to prioritize!!!! I know not all agree with my point of view or emphasis of issue but at the same time it can't hurt to be informed from a side that is continually under attack of suppression in the public arena in my opinion and thus the reason why I desire to inform and may be a little obsessed and state sometimes the obvious cause I assume not the obvious given the majority of pop media/hollywood/pop music/public education etc etc of today. So if it is obvious to you send my emails to others that may be lacking this important info in their voting decisions and what you don't agree with or can't stand the grammar of edit out and if its not so obvious to you at least you know why I am obsessed. :)

Take care all and love yah all...

Hey Coloradoans (making up my own words),

Check out below who voted for or against this (in my opinion) unconstitutional bill (see below comments on ACLU's position on this bill).

I send this to all just for information purpose but am more interested in letting those of you that live in Colorado know who in your state actually voted for and against this bill that allows opposite sex's into bathrooms of their opposite sex. I sure don't want my daughter using a restroom and possibly be exposed to the privates of a member of the opposite sex. I find that completely inappropriate for members of the opposite sex's to be in a position for this exposure. But whatever....I am just blown away by this legislation and how rude it is for those on our opposite side to take it this far. Even if I were gay/transgender I would understand that bathroom privacy between sex's should be honoured. I wouldn't support legislation that would invade the privacy of an opposite sex. I would respect the privacy of a woman even if I weren't attracted to that sex. I mean imagine being a gay man and walking into a bathroom of the opposite sex and the women in that bathroom acting a little uncomfortable and then you interpret that as discrimination/bigotry etc etc and expect them to be completely normalized that a man is in the bathroom with her. Good luck. This is absolutely disrespectful and rude. And that is the flaw in this legislation. It absolutely violates privacy between sex's in the place needed most, the bathroom. This is just plain out right rude legislation and absolutely unconsiderate/intolerant of peoples sexual exposure/privacy between sex's considerations...This has nothing to do with discrimination whatsoever if a woman wants to use a restroom with members of their same sex that is their preference for obvious privacy reason and she doesn't have to think she is a discriminator and if an employer wishes to respect her right to privacy then he/she doesn't need to be viewed as a bigot. Also there are religious reason why one would not desire to be in a position to expose herself to a member of the opposite sex even if they are heterosexual. Maybe a man has a religious conviction to not depants himself before another women even if they were heterosexual. This has nothing to do with sexual orientation discrimination but rather an understanding that the bathroom is not a place to judge peoples motives its a place of obviously needed privacy between sex's....Let women go to the womens bathroom and let men do the same and please out of respect for both let only women go to womens bathrooms and men only go to mens bathrooms...And keep in mind that a public accomodation is much more then just a bathroom. You have locker rooms and much more so good luck Colorado keeping your sexes unexposed to the opposite sex whether hetero or homo...

I can see a lawsuite coming in the future if one does actually go into the bathroom of his/her opposite sex for some sort of invasion of privacy between sex's to strike down this bill...

And if you don't think this bill applies to bathrooms check out the publics understand here on this DenverPost online AP article. And then check out the comments mostly negative toward Dobson on the conservative side of this issue and what they think and notice no rebuttal that this doesn't apply to bathrooms and actually some would find my argument above as ludicrous though some favoured it. So conservative Coloraoans on this issue you are not without your opponents at the ballot box!!!

And lastly but just as importantly, check out these comments by the ACLU,-This is from a Colorado Family action site that may be of interest to you out in Colorado concerning comments made by the ACLU on this bill.

""One may practice one's religion in private; however, once a religious person comes into the public arena, there are limitations in how the expression of their religion impacts others...."

OK, then. What according to the ACLU is a most heinous practice of religious expression that is so heinous that it should be limited in the public?????????

"If your house of worship rents to the public its other facilities, you have to rent to everybody - you can't discriminate."-Cathryn Hazouri's, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, testimony given before the Colorado House Judiciary Committee."

Yeah. And I am sure our founding fathers would agree (sarcastically)!!!! The only thing that makes these practices heinous are bills like this....Which should tell you something about the bill? It's unconstitutional for it clearly violates the 1st amendment. I am so looking forward to one of these bills being challenged in our newly Bush appointed courts...We finally have judges that would not allow a 1st amendment right to be trampled so easily...

Also, I go to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) at a church that is allowing its facility to be used for BSF which is not part of the church itself. Because a church allows BSF to use their church for other religious purposes does this now mean they have to allow its facility to be used by homosexual political agendicist which is exact opposite opposed to their values. Now I believe they amended this bill to not include houses of worship but you can see where some on the otherside would like to take it and where it would have gone except some in the house opposed the ACLU's comments!!! The original bill by sponsored by Democrat Senator Jennifer Veiga did not have the bill so amended!!!

Sexual Orientation Nondiscrimination Senate-Voting record in Colorado Senate on this bill. Strait party line Democrats for/Republicans against.

Sexual Orientation Nondiscrimination House -Voting record in Colorado House. Note that this bill is in no way bypartisan and heavily democrat favoured though some republicans (make sure it's not the one you voted for).

SB200-The actual final bill itself with amendments noted. This bill should of had a religious conscious clause amendment allowing business like photography studios/journalist/freelance writers etc etc not to have to use their business talents for things that would propagate something contrary to their own conscience which is a big issue in Canada right now due to these laws/bills. We know what happened in NM because of this but is being challenged and appealed hopefully right up to the Supreme Court that will be more 1st Amendment minded then these states are. See notes on that NM case here on my email sent out on 04/09/2008, 04/13/2008 and especially the most up to date facts on 04/18/2008.

And to top it all off check this out:

Colorado governor okays open bathrooms-"Colorado lawmakers also slapped voters in the face with a provision that PROHIBITS A PUBLIC REFERENDUM or PETITION drive to overturn the law. Hausknecht says the only choice Colorado voters have now is to send people to the legislature that will act to reverse the law."-or in some way take it to court!!!

You can get the email for your elected officials by clicking on http://www.afa.net/ and then highlight Activism and then click on "elected officials" and you should be able to follow directions from there. For some reason the site is not working properly right now so I couldn't give you an easier link.

I am really interested to see how a majority of Colorado voters vote this next election after the moral unconstitutional crisis of the last 2 years under democrat control.

But to end with GREAT GOOD NEWS. Check this out:

'Person' or 'Persons' shall include any human from the time of fertilization-"For the first time in US history, the issue of personhood will be decided in the public forum by a constitutional amendment....Colorado for Equal Rights has demonstrated an unparalleled grassroots effort thus far, with likely more volunteer circulators than any other ballot initiative in the State's history....This victory is the voice of the people and all credit goes our Creator"

Wow. I am now even more looking forward to seeing how Colorado votes. Get out their Colorado!!! As you probabily already know, your vote really really really counts a whole lot more then the liberal non reporting media may have you as a conservative believe. Get registered and get voting but vote being informed not only by the liberal point of view/issues which most media outlets provide but also with the conservative point of view/issues and you decide what to prioritize!!!! I know not all agree with my point of view or emphasis of issue but at the same time it can't hurt to be informed from a side that is continually under attack of suppression in the public arena in my opinion and thus the reason why I desire to inform and may be a little obsessed and state sometimes the obvious cause I assume not the obvious given the majority of pop media/hollywood/pop music/public education etc etc of today. So if it is obvious to you send my emails to others that may be lacking this important info in their voting decisions and what you don't agree with or can't stand the grammar of edit out and if its not so obvious to you at least you know why I am obsessed. :)

Take care all and love yah all...

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