National Public Radio

NPR and Homosexual hit the spot that most secular news mediums miss: Religious Discrimination in the name of Gay Rights.-Finally a non conservative news source (NPR, National Public Radio) has an article that reports on the clash between Gay Rights and Religious Rights. Which is oddly missed elsewhere or deemphasized.

Let us assume that homosexuals are treated so badly in a country that "hate crimes" are necessary for that country in addition to all the other laws that already exist to protect the innocent. Let us assume that these "hate crimes" have the potential of being used to silence and punish those who disagree with homosexuality like many ex-homosexuals and religious folk. And let us assume that we are to uphold the rights of both equally.

The Christian Institute (UK based religious freedom organization)

This clash can easily be settled by what the UK has done in the House of Lords on a "homophobia hatred" law: Free speech victory over 'homosexual hatred' law. (The wording sounds like free speech beat out gay rights but this "victory over 'homosexual hatred' law" is just to equalize the imbalance that are inherent in these "hate crimes" laws assuming the above assumptions). Now, of course, "hate crimes" may be completely unnecessary. And it may be that religious folk and those who disagree with homosexuality may never be punished for their views. Or it may be that we need to favour one over the other. Those points could be argued. From my perspective I just am not aware of all the hate that is out there against homosexuals. Feel free to email me to inform me of the ample number of cases that need this attention. I see many hollywood shows that portray homosexuality in a pro-homosexual light and many TV shows. I hardly ever see any shows with a different perspective on homosexuality then the pro-homosexual view point except in the religious community. I have yet to know of one christian that I am aware of that hates homosexuals just because the scriptures teach that homosexualty is a sin. After all, Christ died for all kinds of sin not just homosexuality. However, I am aware of many that are not exactly happy about what is happening to their freedoms in the name of homosexual rights. But even these abuses of laws against people of faith have yet to make any christian I am aware of hate a homosexual. If we are going to have "hate crimes" we must follow the lead of the UK!!!

Ten arguments against a 'homophobic hatred' law-"This law will restrict free speech., This law confuses disagreement with hatred., This law will be used against Christians., This law is unnecessary., This law would not have stopped the Dobrowski attack., This law wrongly assumes homosexual practice is like race., This law contains no protections for religious liberties., This law could lead to Christians facing prison sentences for what they believe., This law will have a 'chilling' effect on open debate., and This law will be used to attack political freedoms."

This law wrongly assumes homosexual practice is like race.-This is an excellent argument why race and homosexuality are unrelated. An argument discribing the difference between homosexual practice and race and why laws should not be inacted to confuse the two. The main distinction is that homosexuality as religion and political persuasion is a choice whereas race is not. The implications of this disctinction and the catastrophe of not distinguishing between the two is important to investigate before one attempts to make homosexuality a civil rights issue on par as race.

Roberts case video-"A Christian couple at the centre of a free speech row are suing their local council and police for breaching their human rights...The Christian Institute is supporting the legal action. Director, Colin Hart, said today: "It is outrageous that the police should tell an elderly Christian couple that they cannot express their moral views to their local council. It is astonishing that the council reported the matter to the police in the first place. I regret that neither the police nor the council have admitted they were wrong. They have refused to say sorry for what they did. We are supporting the Roberts case. It is an important case for freedom of speech and freedom of religion." Note: Any damages awarded to the Roberts will be donated to charity." And guess what. They won!!!! Check out this 9 minute video report!!!

The BBC reports

Government defeated over religious hatred plans-"The Government has been dramatically defeated in the House of Commons over the Religious Hatred Bill. In two separate votes, MPs voted by 288 to 278 votes and by 283 to 282 votes to accept Lords amendments which introduced protections for free speech and evangelism. The Religious Hatred Bill will become law, but with the excellent Lords safeguards included. This is a fantastic result. A wide range of Christian organisations, as well as other groups, have worked very hard to protect religious liberty. This victory shows the value of speaking out and never giving up. Even MPs determined to support the Government changed their minds because of the repeated arguments of their constituents. Many Christians met their MP face-to-face, or wrote letters, or telephoned. This clearly had an effect."-February 2006. Check out BBC report here on the victory. Note: christians are not only against "hate laws" for homosexuals but are against "hate laws" for the religious which include christians which in turn proves a point!!!!!!!!!!

Most of this information came from The Christian Institute which is an excellent web site and source of happenings concerning religious liberty issues in the UK that we in America can learn from.

Related News:

Calif. homosexuals launch effort to stop marriage referendum-"Homosexual activists asked California's highest court Friday to keep off the November ballot a citizens' initiative that would again ban same-sex "marriage."-Click California Courts Redefine Marriage by a 4-3 decision at the expense of 4.6 million voters! (an email I sent out to you all earlier but in case you missed it) to see why this would be monumental and possibly politically costly to the left. See more on what it cost Kerry in 2004 against Bush at Marriage Amendment/African-Americans were determining factor for Bush in 2004? Is this why liberal media silent about this issue? and also I just found another commentary that noted it cost the Republicans the majority in the US Senate in 2004 see story in Colorado by scrolling down to Commentary on race from a Values Voter perspective and reviewing the second story: "The marriage amendment won by 328,000 votes, and Allen lost by a mere 9,000, squandering countless values votes because Wadhams restrained Allen from giving the amendment more than lip service..."

Other News that came in today

Obamas' flip flop on Campaign Financing-"The Democratic organizations, through the 15-month point, have raised more than three times as much as the Republican groups -- $87 million to $24 million...According to the Federal Election Commission, Obama has already raised $265 million dollars from individuals, dwarfing McCain's $88 million...Obama set up a deal with the [Federal Election Commission] to take public financing, then publicly pledged to take it if his opponent did as well," McCain spokesman Brian Rodgers told Cybercast News Service. "And now, he's broken his word to the American people." was ironic that Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) last week blamed his decision not to take public financing, in part, on the supposed need to stockpile money to counter independent "527" committees. Last Thursday, Obama said he was foregoing the $85 million in public funding he could have received because it tied his hands -- and because the campaign finance system was allegedly slanted toward his expected Republican challenger, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)...."A lot of people are portraying this as the death of campaign finance reform," Malbin said. "I don't see it that way. Sen. Obama made a calculation that it would hurt him more than it would help him." Malbin added: "I think the real problem he has is not that he made a calculation, but that in February 2007, instead of saying, 'I will take funding if my opponent does,' he should have said, 'I will take it if it is convenient for me.'"

Islamic Bloc Passes Up Criticism of Sudan, Again

“Homeschoolers are only good for cleaning toilets”-"Here’s what I want homeschoolers to do: First, reply to this article and leave a comment describing what kind of work you are doing since you completed homeschooling. Second, send this article and its link to every homeschooler and homeschool organization you know and encourage them to leave a comment at the end of this article describing what they are doing since being homeschooled....The public school graduation rate is around 65 percent, and in large cities it’s lower as this April 1, 2008 report demonstrates. “New York City has one of the nation’s sorriest graduation rates, with less than half of city high-schoolers earning a diploma on time. . . . Even using the most optimistic calculation of the city’s graduation rate—including kids who earn GEDs and excluding special education students from the formula—only 60% of students graduated in 2006” Test scores continue to fall even though education budgets keep growing. It seems that all we hear from government educators is the need for more money. John Stossel’s 2006 “20/20” report (also see here and here) “Stupid In America: How We Are Cheating Our Kids” is a real eye-opener, especially when he asks South Carolina school official Dolores Wright, “How much money would be right?” Wright answers, “Oooh. Millions. And it would really make it right. . . . The more, the better.” Is it any wonder that the judicial numbskulls in California and the new fascists in Germany are trying to wipe out homeschooling? They fear its superior product and how it makes public (government) education look so bad, especially when the cost of educating a student is factored in. While homeschooling has a great academic track record (also see here and here), enough so that some of the best colleges in the nation recruit homeschoolers, one of its greatest social benefits is its demonstration of true liberty. Liberals love to talk about freedom of choice as long as that freedom does not include the freedom to educate their own children...."

Yanking Back the Balance/Filling in the Gaps/Emphasizing the Missing Headlines

I have one great political idea. . . . That idea is an old one. It is widely and generally assented to; nevertheless, it is very generally trampled upon and disregarded. The best expression of it, I have found in the Bible. It is in substance, "Righteousness exalteth a nation; sin is a reproach to any people" [Proverbs 14:34]. This constitutes my politics - the negative and positive of my politics, and the whole of my politics. . . . I feel it my duty to do all in my power to infuse this idea into the public mind, that it may speedily be recognized and practiced upon by our people.-[Frederick Douglass, The Frederick Douglass Papers, John Blassingame, editor (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982), Vol. 2, p. 397, from a speech delivered at Ithaca, New York, October 14th, 1852.] out what's new.

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