2nd Amendment Rights

Thanks to Bush appointed Judges: 5 Judges rule in favour of 2nd Amendment to 4 dissenting Judges.-"Justice Antonin Scalia's majority opinion is a textbook example of constitutional originalism....D.C. had either the first or second highest murder rate among the nation's 50 largest cities. A National Academy of Sciences report based on 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications and a survey of 80 different gun-control laws, shows no link between restrictions on gun ownership and lower rates of crime, firearms violence or even accidents with guns...Justice Scalia's opinion is exemplary for the way it was reasoned. It will be studied by law professors and students for years to come. It is the clearest, most careful interpretation of the meaning of the Constitution ever to be adopted by a majority of the Supreme Court . . .Justice Scalia's opinion is the finest example of what is now called "original public meaning" jurisprudence ever adopted by the Supreme Court." "Flip flop or not? Does Obama support the DC Handgun Law as constitutional or does he not?"-See the video and you be the judge. I honestly can't tell for sure. One instance he says he supports the ban as constitutional and the next he doesn't but his explanation is a little confusing so who knows. To me either its a 2nd amendment right or not. But I honestly don't know the issues well enough so for those of you who do you be the judge if it interests you!!! By contrast, however, it is pretty clear where McCain stands. This to me is not a big issue except when it comes to how judges will understand the constitution and it sounds like Scalia and the majority court is in my boat of understanding what the constitution meant in the context of the times in which it was created and then to apply those intentions to life of today but never to change the meaning of those intentions because of the times of today. If one wishes to change the constitution for todays society one should AMEND IT not reinterpret nor redefine it!!! If we redefine or reinterpret it to meet todays "demands" then really how constitutional is the constitution from one day to the next and back!!!

Morning Shows Give a Combined 3.5 Minutes to Historic Gun Ruling-"Despite the "historic" nature of Thursday's Supreme Court ruling that the Second Amendment is an individual right, all three morning shows on Friday virtually ignored the decision, devoting a combined total of three minutes and 33 seconds to the story. And between CBS's Early Show, NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America, that's out of eight hours of programming"

The 2005 testimony of the Roe of Roe vs Wade in the 1973 Supreme Court decision against the unborn.

Jesus, Texas, Kansas, Colorado and Roe vs Obamas' radical extremism against the unborn: "the most radical president ever when it comes to abortion."-See how the lawyers treated the "victim" in this case according to the "victim" herself. Contrast her Values with those of Obama. Also, note the forgiveness she received in Christ as she gives in her official testimony in 2005 to the US Senate and calls on Senators to repent she says, "We have to turn from our wicked ways. Senators, I urge you to examine your own conscience before Almighty God. God is willing and able to forgive you. He sent His own son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins as Roe of Roe v. Wade, and for our sins in failing to act to end abortion and to truly help women in crisis pregnancies. I finally asked the Lord Jesus to forgive me in 1995"-And does this apply to us voters. Are we not the ones who have accepted this practice by electing the Senators and presidents that have been endorsed by the strongest abortion rights activists. Is not the media and hollywood and documentarist also just as much at fault for not making the American public aware of such issues and making it less of an issue then the Mary Magdalena of Jesus? I hear Obama says that he agrees that abortion is wrong but not to be imposed on others and then he says he doesn't want his daughters to be punished with a baby if they make a mistake and then he says fatherhood starts at conception and then he says he wants to only reduce aborted sons from conception and not eliminate it. My head is dizzy with contradictions. Bottom line he is for the destruction of newly formed human beings in the womb of a mother and it is obvious by who endorses him. I would just like to ask Obama to apply his belief that he is not to impose his beliefs concerning abortions on the choice of a woman (namely that it is murder) and thus we should not take the Pro-Life position in politics but let the women decide for themselves thus the Pro-Choice position in politics. Take that same view and apply it to those of the civil rights movement or abolitionist of slavery and the slave trade or any other autrocity that has been overcome in times past by men and women standing on principle like the holocaust inspite of others beliefs. Let Obama argue with William Wilberforce in Parliament. William says: "we need to end the slave trade it is an abomination" and Obama responds: "yes it is an abomination but we can't impose our beliefs on others". The only reason why one would make such an argument is because they knowingly or unknowingly consider the slave or unborn child as less than human. Obamas' position is an imposing of a belief on a human life to a point beyond slavery (death) in the name of not imposing my views on others on this politic. Thus Obama is self refuting when it comes to his position on abortion in politics and if this is how he treats this most grave and serious issue of human life then I don't care how good his "plan for america is" it is death to the unborn just as much as any slave abolitionist would not cast a vote for such treatment of humans as less then human. And how can God bless us if we are destroying lives in the name of choice. Now maybe I am misrepresenting Obamas' position and reasoning here. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong if there are any Obama fans out there.

Here is Sandra Cano 2 video minute testimony (if the link doesn't pull up click www.operationoutcry.org and you can find it near the bottom) before the senate in 2005. Sandra is the Doe in Doe vs Bolton which was a companion case with Roe vs Wade.

Supremes to reconsider landmark abortion case Plaintiff in Doe v. Bolton case says ACLU attorney pushed her to have abortion-"The U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to reconsider next week its landmark 1973 Doe vs. Bolton abortion decision, in response to a lawsuit brought by the case's original plaintiff, who claims she was pressured by ACLU attorneys to opt for abortion and that the case was based on fraud. Like Norma McCorvey, the original "Jane Roe" of Roe v. Wade, Sandra Cano was "Mary Doe" of 1973's other historic abortion decision. Together, "Roe" and "Doe" eliminated all state laws prohibiting abortion and legalized abortion. Cano's case in particular – because of the "health exception" for the mother it created – opened the door to abortion on demand, for virtually any reason, at any stage of pregnancy up to the moment of birth....Cano, who at the time of the case was a pregnant, 22-year-old wife of an abusive husband and all three of her children in foster care, was just looking for a way to get her children back and leave her husband, she says. At no time was she interested in abortion, she adds, but insists she was pressured toward abortion by an aggressive ACLU attorney...U.S. abortion laws was based on fraud and lies coordinated by Margie Pitts Hames, Cano's ACLU attorney...Saying her mother and Hames tried to force her to have an abortion, Cano says she fled to Oklahoma and returned only when she was sure she was assured that she wouldn't have to have the abortion. She was told not to speak in court, Cano adds."-Many more good links below this story for further understanding from the Pro-Life point of view.

Repent America

This sites may be offensive and is pretty strongly worded at times as you dig deeper. So I just forewarn you all now. It is a decent resource and a good biblical argument for why we should repent there are 2 options to enter the site. One for the christian and one for the non-christian.

www.repentamerica.com- "Repent v. To turn away from sin. to sorrow or be pained for violating God's holy law, a dishonour to His character and government, and the foulist ingratitude to a Being of infinite benevolence."

And while we are at it another strongly worded article:

THE JESUS MANIFESTO: A CALL TO REVOLUTION-"Forty years ago, a counterculture revolution swept through America, resulting in a sudden, steep moral decline. Since that time (from the early '60s until today), the divorce rate has doubled, the teen suicide rate has tripled, reported violent crime has quadrupled, the prison population has quintupled, the percentage of babies born out of wedlock has risen six-fold, and couples living together out of wedlock has risen sevenfold. And the end is not in sight. The last generation's counterculture of rebellion has become this generation's establishment of revulsion, and what was unthinkable forty years ago – daytime talk shows celebrating adultery and incest; homosexual love scenes on major network TV; eleven year-old multiple murderers; massacres in our schools and houses of worship – is a matter of course today. We need a revolution! But this revolution will be different than other revolutions – including the revolution that birthed our nation more than 200 years ago. This revolution will not be fought with earthly weapons of destruction – not with guns and knives and bullets and bombs. It will not be fought with hatred, anger, intimidation, or brute force. No. It will be fought with the message of the gospel, with the love of God, with the power of the Spirit, with radical holiness, with sacrifice, compassion, and courage. It will be a Jesus revolution, an intense clash between two spiritual kingdoms, a heavenly attack on the enemy's strongholds, a no compromise stand for morality and truth. And it will impact society in a lasting way. It must!"

And event. If anything do check out the video advertisement on the below web site advertising this event:

The Call-"since 1973 we have had the choice" "we have chosen" "to kill a baby every 22 seconds" "if 600,000 men died on the battlefield in the civil war because of slavery" "what is coming to America if God provides a day fo reckoning for 50 million babie" "when there is no hope" "when there is no remedy" "God still has a holy prescription" "8 years ago 400,000 young people gathered at the mall" "8 years later...."-Washington DC at the mall 08/16/2008

On a lighter side

McCain vs Obama on Marriage Amendment in California

"Congress never reflects the values of the nation; rather, it only reflects the values of those who voted in the last election."-David Barton


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