Third Update on NM Photographer case:

Finally KOB and KOAT did a report on the christian photographer case. Here it is...

N.M. Human Rights Commission: Photographer Discriminated- It is a rather quick AP report. I think a fair AP report except on the discription of the attorneys handling the case for the photographer. The description reads, "The group handles legal cases aimed at defending the Bible." You'd get the impression that these attorney handle cases aimed at defending the Bible, right. Which makes the attorneys defending the photographer rather strange which then makes the legitimacy of the defense of her position rather strange and doubtful. Let me quote a quote from the attorneys group web site, "ADF was founded for a unique purpose: to aggressively defend religious liberty by empowering our allies, recognizing that together, we can accomplish far more than we can alone." Not to mention that "ADF and its allies has defeated the ACLU and its allies 3 out of every 4 of the hundreds of cases funded and litigated to conclusion- including 33 wins before the US Supreme Court recorded for the past 13 years" as of 2007. And they do it for their clients for free in many situations!!! So let us put the two discriptions of ADF side by side and see how you think this may effect the unknowing readers of the article and thus the credibility of the photographers side of the issue:

AP description of ADF: "The group handles legal cases aimed at defending the Bible."

ADFs' description of ADF: "ADF was founded for a unique purpose: to aggressively defend religious liberty by empowering our allies, recognizing that together, we can accomplish far more than we can alone."

One may wonder why a Bible defender is defending a religious liberty case here. Even in the words of the APs' own writing, "The photographer contends the ruling violates her right to freedom of religion."

And feel free to check out the facts as to whether or not ADF handles legal cases aimed at defending the Bible. Just look on the ACLU's and ADF's web site and see the many many cases they are involved in that are not aimed at defending the Bible.

It is very possible that this is evidence of bias to be so misinforming from a journalist organization that should be held to higher standards then the average me....

Here is a story from the Washington Times that reported on this case way back 02-25-2008 that did a far better job describing ADF. "Jordan Lorence of the Alliance Defense Fund, a "legal ministry" that is representing the Huguenins and defends religious freedom and traditional values.."-Much better. I've noticed that the Washington Times picks up stories like this earlier on then most other media outlets. I don't know if they are conservative or not but I do remember them reporting a very fair report on the Promise Keepers that my dad and I attended in Washington DC many years ago when most other reports were very unfair. So if they aren't conservative at least they have some fairness...

Maybe I am being decide.....

Check out the comments made by New Mexicans on this report on KOB. So far there is 76. Now I only read thru the first 20 and it seems alot of New Mexicans are not happy about this as compared to thsoe that are. At least out of those who made a comment to the story.

I have a feeling that KRQE will do a more in depth story on this then the above stations. I sent an email to Dick Knipfing about this story. I don't think it will be a better story casue I sent the email but I do think it will be better because I think that is why they have yet to air a story on this case. My hope is that they are gathering more info to make a more in depth report on the case and actually have a video of it on their web site. KRQE is the only local news channel that reported on the Planned Parenthood situation so maybe they will actually do a little better job on this story then the other stations who didn't report the Planned Parenthood story. This story did also make the Abq Journal finally. I don't know if it made the headlines or if it was stuck somewhere else. This story has made the headlines in every conservative news media outlet that I am aware of and is a hot topic on many national conservative media outlets ever since January. It will be interesting to see if the national non conservative media picks up on it!!!!!!

Some other very interesting information concerning this case I found not even on conservative news sources but on blog sites with the following citations as documented proof...

Background info on lesbian to give revealing info and a face to pray for:

Vanessa Willock has been with UNM since 1997 and is currently an EEO Compliance Representative with the Office of Equal Opportunity where she investigates claims of discrimination and sexual harassment."

She is a committe Member at UNM under Strategic Directions Committe and found under one of the sections titled "Value and benefit from the creativity, innovation, insight, and excitement generated by the many dimensions of diversity that are the essence of the University and the State. (Diversity)."-If one claims diversity then live it!!! Diversity for all except this christian photographers conscience???!!! In the name of diversity must we force those of opposing view points to not only promote ours but be actively involved in the promotion???!!! This discrimination law needs reinterpretation to uphold principles of diversity. Unless diversity doesn't include men and women of conscience/principle. And if it doesn't then is diversity itself a principle of conscience and if so then diversity refutes itself. And if it is not then why so much energy being put into diversity training. Thus to be truely diversified you must include in your diversity training men and women of differing principle and conscience then yourself!!!!

Here are actual official documents:

Original Charge of Discrimination and Notice of Charge of Discrimination sent to photograph company. Plaintiffs own words, "I contacted Elane Photography to inquire about...commitment ceremony. I received an email back which stated that the company only photographs traditional weddings....I wrote back to ask for clarification...and I received an email back....which state "we do not photograph same sex weddings"....I believe I have been discriminated against because of my secual orientation..."

Determination of Probable Cause-06/05/2007. "The evidence reflects the emails where Respondent denies you service. The evidence shows that your partner requested services without telling Respondent that it was a same sex cermony and Respondent agreed to photograph....Respondent also told the Human Rights investigator that she does not perform same sex cermonies...I find there is sufficient evidence to believe that discrimination has occurred."

Just another letter of no added consequence except for realism sent from The State of New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions to attorney handling cas for photographer.

My first reaction is to get frustrated about all this but when I saw this photo of the accuser I thought that this is a lost sinner as much as I am and I should also pray for her that she comes to know Christ as her saviour. So to give you a face to pray for click here. She is on 2nd picture. And a close up here.

Let's pray for her!!!

Yanking back the balance and filling in the gaps

"The last time the Senate waited this long in a presidential election year to confirm federal judges, James Polk, the 11th president, was in the White House." -Sen Orrin G. Hatch (R)-Utah

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