I put these two links above the headlines cause there was so much interesting news this week that I couldn't fit them all in the headlines but these are just as worthy and see much more below...By the way you can listen to these blogs now by clicking on the odiogo icon to subscribe to podcast to the right of the blogs!!!


Chinese President Hu Jintao added the word "religion" to the communist party constitution!!!-Quite a neat story and testimony of an ex-communistic economist turn to Christ.

Excellent site that allows experts from both sides of an issue to examine the issue at hand

Should California Pass Prop 8? Get both sides of the issue with link to OpposingViews.com....-This is a must subscribe to site for both sides of almost any issue!!! From experts not the filtering liberal media of both sides!!!


Commercialism and Capitalism are not the cause to Big Media bias. Only Big Media would have you conclude that way....Do your own test!!!

Warning. Jill Stanek reports on 5 born alive infants 2 from the past and 3 recent....

Evidence that Congress is effecting and has effected the economy since 1965...


Watch National Geographic's trailer to the "In the Womb" and other videos from Personhood.net....

The amazing true story of Jim Elliot in cartoon format for kids to be inspired by...

"The Terri Schiavo Story" available here from the perspective of the family of Terri..


Link to debate on OpposingViews.com concerning Affirmative Action....


Dow drops as it becomes more clear that Obama will not lead from a balanced out center economically....

ABC reports that the market responds positive to Obama's home plan after the Dow has dropped Obama action after Obama action...Pure Bias...

Obama taking credit for job creation in Illinois but not the more job losses nationwide as he wages war on the free-market. Why we need the rich?


US Senator says he would practice Civil Disobedience for conscience sake and the unborn...

No middle ground from Obama on the issue of abortion anywhere...Now Major Pro-Life groups had no seat at Health Care Summit and more

Even the liberal leaning New York Times report Obama moves to undo doctor's conscience rule...

American Vision


Link to study of 16 of 17 empirical studies that show school vouchers improve public schools and not one harms them

Elizabeth Taylor donates $100,000 to Alliance for Christian Education!!!


Time Magazine, New York Times and now the Washington Post are all downplaying FOCA...

Pictures of what abortion really is at the Daytona 500 where about 185,000 are gathering...

The unborn worldwide lost support in Pennsylvania

Is Hollywood and Rock Stars encouraging an increase in abortions....

Send Obama a Red Envelope along with 265,000 others and counting....

Bill Watch

Pro-life amendment to Omnibus bill loses but let it be known who is for and against the unborn worldwide...


Geert Wilders in America advocating for an international First Amendment law


Ban on criticising gay sex in the UK discussion


Greens pressure Australian Gov't to fall in the footsteps of Obama and lift ban on abortion and Republicans Pledge Filibuster against Pro-Abort.......


NRA's Wayne LaPierre takes on CNN on CNN over fake story about guns and CNN later apologizes...

Religious Freedom

University bans christian group from campus.

The New Fairness Doctrine watch out for it....

Liberal Media Bias

Sebelius celebrates with notorious late term abortionist Tiller and Partial Birth Abortion Ban challenger Leroy Carhart and pro-lifers get the heat..

ABC News report that "Conservatives Are Biggest Consumers" of Porn is flawed....


Day 9 of 40 days for life reveals a special event for post abortive men and women on March 10th

Global Warming

Uncertainty about global warming implied by need to send climate satallites...

Weekly Address

Obama vs Republicans in this weeks Weekly Address


Neutralist thinking, then, is characterized by intellectual futility and ignorance.

Bible Puzzles

Why does Joseph (Jesus’s supposed father) have two different fathers listed in Matthew 1:16 and Luke 3:23?

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