Public comment available at HHS concerning the removing of conscience protections for health care workers

America come back to the Savior of your forefathers....


Links to Obama administration's video interview at CBNNews concerning abortion and some comments in response...

Muslim and Christian parents in London may face procesution for keeping their 30 or so children from lessons promoting homsexuality...

Buy Online DVD

CNN's Lou Dobbs endorses IndoctrinateU. Purchase it for online download or thru mail here....


Your taxes at work internationally. See what the lifting of the ban funding abortion organizations worldwide is doing in Mexico at your expense...

Your American taxes at work advocating abortions and homosexuality in Poland thanks to President Obama and International Planned Parenthood...


Debates from experts in both fields from

American Vision


Watch secret video of Planned Parenthood meeting that got two pro-life students banned from college...

Two recent Pro-life videos found....

Video report from ADF concerning the White House and same sex marriage...

Quick 2 minute Video update and report from ADF concerning the White House and same sex marriage...


A must view video from FOX News before you side with BIG Spending in BIG Government. Wow!!!

Biggest Ponzi Scheme ever comes to end as does its funding of liberal organizations like the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and even liberal politicians...

Analyst makes excellent talking points in video concerning Obama and congress' effect on the market and exactly why...and Big Media's double standard

Labor Unions pushing "The Employee Free Choice Act" which really benefits the labor union at the expense of the choice of an employee...

Obama issues executive order that allows Gov'r agencies to limit contracts to unionized contractors for construction projects...


Planned Parenthood looses in Orange County California $300,000 by 5-0 vote over their support of abortion....

Partial Birth Abortion ban advocate making in the news again and another reason why Sebelius should not be head of HHS..

CBS's apology and CNN's poll allow for a lesson in liberal media bias on the issue of embryonic stem cell research....

House Republicans educate the nation on adult stem cell research and concern for forcing America to fund embryonic stem cell via taxes...

House Republicans praise adult stem cell and express frustrations that American's will be forced to fund against their consciences...

Liberal Media Bias

Big Media misses opportunity to discuss the successes of Adult Stem Cell Research and another lesson learned in liberal media bias.

Liberal media gives yet another study not the whole story.

Some Obama supporters are now Obama opponents even Obama's 3rd choice for Vice President before electing Biden. You wouldn't know it by Big Media...



Pro-life activist gets 12 weeks of jail for sending pictures of aborted babies to company...

UK Prime Minister label millions of pro-family groups that believe a child should have both a father and mother as homophobic and discriminatory...

Excellent points made by Cardinal at Oxford University. Link to his full speech here....


The last first world country to ban foreign aid to abortion providers has now decided to lift ban...

Sweden, Norway and the UN

Intense debate in Sweden reveals it's ok to abort a child if it interferes with travel plans but not if it is because of gender...

Norway, Sweden and UN's Commission on the Status of Women have lost their way if they were ever on it in the first place...

UN secretay general calls the US a "Dead Beat" donor but the otherside has its criticism of the UN.


Are American textbooks not giving the whole history of Islam....

Obama Watch

In the first few weeks Obama has already become the most radical pro-abortion president in American history...

Obama lifts ban on Stem Cell research forcing Americans to have to pay for his ideology as House Republican praise adult stem cell research...

President Obama and Big Media didn't tell America that Obama not only lifted the ban on embryonic stem cell research but at the same time...


Gay sex stats by pro-gay group in Canada reveals gay sex increases health care costs...and link to ex-gay testimony here...

Pro-lifers have saved 92 lives. One gets his leg ran over but wife forgives driver and convinced driver to not have an abortion....

Weekly Address from Obama, Democrats, Republicans and more

Weekly Address's and President Obama signs Omnibus bill but not without legitimate concern from skeptics...

First Amendment Case Victories

DOT pays $15,240 for legal cost and Free Speech and the First Amendment win over sign proclaiming "Your way or God's way?"


...given their presuppositions, there could be no knowledge in any field whatsoever...

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