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Petition your Senator concerning Obama's lead candidate for HHS. Warning graphic discussion in first video interview.-A must read and YouTube watch concerning Sebelius who is the leading contender so far for the head of the HHS. This should greatly concern you. Obama has been far to the left on his nominees when it comes to abortion issues and this one is just about as far as he is. But below is some great news and happening at the state level.

Partial Birth Abortion ban law passes 114 to 9 in Arkansas showing how extreme the ACLU and Planned Parenthood are in Arkansas...

Breaking News. Personhood Amendment passes Montana state Senate. The first in US History!!!

South Carolina, Montana and Arizona passing pro-life bills....-I added Utah in there also as they voted to set a legal defense fund for an abortion ban that passes with ease in Utah!!!

Audio interview of African American Pastor who walks out of court room after declaring he would not obey an unjust law appealing to the love of Christ-"In this interview you will get a link from Mr Hoye to watch actual video footage of how actually this man was being harassed on the days in questions. You can see some on YouTube below. And in an interview at Washington Watch Weekly Radio Show - February 27, 2009 he said that the officer said that his "got Jesus?" hat would be in violation of this law cause Jesus would encourage women not to have an abortion. He said to the judge before his sentencing that no matter what he was still going to continue doing what he was doing namely reaching out to woman with the love of Jesus Christ."


Watch and/or read Janet Boynes testimony of how christians loved her as she confesses a homosexual lifestyle.

Ex-gay speaks about her conversion as she honestly reads the scriptures and her partner turns to the Lord



Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort exposing Animal Planet teaching kids to put in place of God nothing...

Religious Freedom

Watch what Big Media is not telling about what is happening to free speech and religious liberties in America part 5

Watch what Big Media is not telling about what is happening to free speech and religious liberties in America part 6

Virginia bill to allow prayers in Jesus name is shot down by Democrats. See YouTube interviews concerning this issue.


Video ad making a point to those WHO DO CARE about the pork in the stimulus bill....


Pro-Life Boycott of NBC and CNN in the working as both networks refuse to air a paid prolife ad viewed by over 1.6 million and running on YouTube

American Vision

Biblical Puzzles

Does the Bible contradict itself in Matthew's genealogy?



Homosexualists praise the labeling of Muslims who believe homosexuality is sinful could be considered as "extremist" in the UK


Homosexuals protest ex-gay message as 14 million see Italian pop start sing of victory over homosexuality and other international of like news...


Great News for free speech and religious freedom in Europe

Liberal Media Bias

Catholics and Muslims are treated differently in liberal media. Note another way of determining bias...


James Earl Jones hopes we helped Obama win. More evidence that Hollywood is one of the biggest campaigners of liberal democrat politics.


Dow Jones

Interactive Dow Jones Chart

Obama may raise taxes on businesses and investors in those business after all.

How the Dow has been responding to Obama as Tony Perkins responds to Obama's address.

Republicans, Democrats and Dow respond to Obama's 2010 $3.552 trillion budget proposal. Unfiltered by Big Media.


Bailouts are becoming more and more unpopular with the American people according to Gallup and Rasmussen


What the FOCA? Time magazine and the New York Time's crusade against the unborn.

Planned Parenthood sued for covering up incest 3 times a week for a year and a half. Father is now in jail no thanks to PP.

Get ready for the next bill passing Congress. Breaking news: Congress increases "family planning" budget by $95.5 million to whopping $852 million

Abortionist Tiller will stand trial and YouTube interview with Phil Kline who at much expense pushed for prosecution.


Guantanamo Bay in conformity with Geneva Convention says Obama-Ordered report...

Obama Watch

Obama's leading candidate to head the Health and Human Services is one of if not the most Pro-Abortion Governor in the Country

Bill Watch

YouTube video of Chris Smith's speech in the House attempting to keep our tax payers money from funding abortions...


Obama vs Jindal unfiltered by Big Media and then you can view Big Media's filtering.

Georgetown debate Webcast on Same Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty

Religious Freedom

First Amendment trumps Gov't regulation of church speech in the 9th circuit.

University of Florida changes policy to allow christian organizations to have members that are christians....

Fairness Doctrine looses 87-11 but a back door Fairness Doctrine wins and will Democrats get another seat in congress...


The liberal and often-reversed 9th circuit court of appeals is 0-6 before the Supreme Court..

Christian Philosophy

...what reason can the scientist give for his belief that the state of affairs is actually conducive to science?

Christian Philanthropy and Health Care

Worrying is over for those in NW Arkansas who can not afford medical care and 3.5 million others for free...

Group Unites Muslims and Christians

Weekly Address's

Obama vs Republican in this weeks Weekly Address

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