Please do respond just to let me know if anything that you did get this email. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. God bless you and yours...

Dear Citizen Link,

I was wondering why you all do not send out state by state voter guides. My mother this year voted for Heather Wilson for the Republican nominee and if she just knew that Heather voted for funding for Planned Parenthood and Steve Pearce vote against funding for Planned Parenthood she would have voted for Steve Pearce. Now I know partially it is her fault. I even sent out an email to her about this issue and apparently she missed it and she should be more concerned of her vote but life gets busy and voting can be an overwhelming issue. I know many as I used to be that just don't care about the nominee process but here in NM the republican nominee is very important. If Heather Wilson is our only option then we have another dilemma of having to cast a compromising vote for US Senate in NM like we have with McCain. Now I know you all send out or advertise voter guides but maybe close to election time you all can send out or advertsie something for each state on the issues even for the nominee process and maybe advertise each state to each other state or something so that friends in one state can get the info to friends in other states and it would be nice to have the candidates side by side on the values issues. So many people just wait till after the republican nominee is decided and then vote afterwards for that republican which sometimes doesn't benefit a true Republican nominee. This is the first year I have participated in the Republican nominee process in my state and have found it to be very important and very similar to this years presidential republican nomination. I am a New Mexican and I have some friends in Colorado and I have heard of the recent bill SB 200 and I am in unbelief of it even though here in NM we had that photographer case as you all are probabily aware of. And I sent the below email out to them. Now I know that you can't have an email that persuades a vote up or down on any candidate but I was a little disappointed when all you all did was talk about how bad the bill is (which is true) but not let anybody know any names or who voted up or down. Below I found a voter record site that gave me that info and I passed it on to my friends in Colorado but without me I don't know if they would really know who to vote for in their nominee process or if the nominees are already decided in Colorado who to vote for in November. But since I don't live in Colorado I may be ignorant as to how you all work out there. But is it wrong to air on the radio who exactly voted for and against this bill and who sponsored it on your radio show. This will accomplish 1) that it is highly democrat 2) that in the house even some republicans voted for this so republican voters can be aware 3) if anything bad comes out of this bill then all will know who to blame. Today I do not assume that my friends are educated in political matters at all even my christian friends. Anyways, I thank you for taking the time to view this email. Sorry for being so long but below is that email that I sent out to my friends in Colorado and I believe in addition to the possibility of sexual predators in bathrooms I believe a good argument below is made for why men should go to mens bathrooms and women to womens mainly out of respect for other sexes and I am sure a lawsuite will come out of this arguing privacy between sexes somehow if somebody of an oppoiste sex enters the bathroom of his/her opposite sex...

I am so sorry for my grammar and my longwindedness. I am awful in both areas. So please do forgive my running on sentences and saying the same thing over and over at times..

Hey Coloradoans (making up my own words),

Check out below who voted for or against this (in my opinion) unconstitutional bill (see below comments on ACLU's position on this bill).

I send this to all just for information purpose but am more interested in letting those of you that live in Colorado know who in your state actually voted for and against this bill that allows opposite sex's into bathrooms of their opposite sex. I sure don't want my daughter using a restroom and possibly be exposed to the privates of a member of the opposite sex. I find that completely inappropriate for members of the opposite sex's to be in a position for this exposure. But whatever....I am just blown away by this legislation and how rude it is for those on our opposite side to take it this far. Even if I were gay/transgender I would understand that bathroom privacy between sex's should be honoured. I wouldn't support legislation that would invade the privacy of an opposite sex. I would respect the privacy of a woman even if I weren't attracted to that sex. I mean imagine being a gay man and walking into a bathroom of the opposite sex and the women in that bathroom acting a little uncomfortable and then you interpret that as discrimination/bigotry etc etc and expect them to be completely normalized that a man is in the bathroom with her. Good luck. This is absolutely disrespectful and rude. And that is the flaw in this legislation. It absolutely violates privacy between sex's in the place needed most, the bathroom. This is just plain out right rude legislation and absolutely unconsiderate/intolerant of peoples sexual exposure/privacy between sex's considerations...This has nothing to do with discrimination whatsoever if a woman wants to use a restroom with members of their same sex that is their preference for obvious privacy reason and she doesn't have to think she is a discriminator and if an employer wishes to respect her right to privacy then he/she doesn't need to be viewed as a bigot. Also there are religious reason why one would not desire to be in a position to expose herself to a member of the opposite sex even if they are heterosexual. Maybe a man has a religious conviction to not depants himself before another women even if they were heterosexual. This has nothing to do with sexual orientation discrimination but rather an understanding that the bathroom is not a place to judge peoples motives its a place of obviously needed privacy between sex's....Let women go to the womens bathroom and let men do the same and please out of respect for both let only women go to womens bathrooms and men only go to mens bathrooms...And keep in mind that a public accomodation is much more then just a bathroom. You have locker rooms and much more so good luck Colorado keeping your sexes unexposed to the opposite sex whether hetero or homo...

I can see a lawsuite coming in the future if one does actually go into the bathroom of his/her opposite sex for some sort of invasion of privacy between sex's to strike down this bill...

And if you don't think this bill applies to bathrooms check out the publics understand here on this DenverPost online AP article. And then check out the comments mostly negative toward Dobson on the conservative side of this issue and what they think and notice no rebuttal that this doesn't apply to bathrooms and actually some would find my argument above as ludicrous though some favoured it. So conservative Coloraoans on this issue you are not without your opponents at the ballot box!!!

And lastly but just as importantly, check out these comments by the ACLU,-This is from a Colorado Family action site that may be of interest to you out in Colorado concerning comments made by the ACLU on this bill.

""One may practice one's religion in private; however, once a religious person comes into the public arena, there are limitations in how the expression of their religion impacts others...."

OK, then. What according to the ACLU is a most heinous practice of religious expression that is so heinous that it should be limited in the public?????????

"If your house of worship rents to the public its other facilities, you have to rent to everybody - you can't discriminate."-Cathryn Hazouri's, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, testimony given before the Colorado House Judiciary Committee."

Yeah. And I am sure our founding fathers would agree (sarcastically)!!!! The only thing that makes these practices heinous are bills like this....Which should tell you something about the bill? It's unconstitutional for it clearly violates the 1st amendment. I am so looking forward to one of these bills being challenged in our newly Bush appointed courts...We finally have judges that would not allow a 1st amendment right to be trampled so easily...

Also, I go to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) at a church that is allowing its facility to be used for BSF which is not part of the church itself. Because a church allows BSF to use their church for other religious purposes does this now mean they have to allow its facility to be used by homosexual political agendicist which is exact opposite opposed to their values. Now I believe they amended this bill to not include houses of worship but you can see where some on the otherside would like to take it and where it would have gone except some in the house opposed the ACLU's comments!!! The original bill by sponsored by Democrat Senator Jennifer Veiga did not have the bill so amended!!!

Sexual Orientation Nondiscrimination Senate-Voting record in Colorado Senate on this bill. Strait party line Democrats for/Republicans against.

Sexual Orientation Nondiscrimination House -Voting record in Colorado House. Note that this bill is in no way bypartisan and heavily democrat favoured though some republicans (make sure it's not the one you voted for).

SB200-The actual final bill itself with amendments noted. This bill should of had a religious conscious clause amendment allowing business like photography studios/journalist/freelance writers etc etc not to have to use their business talents for things that would propagate something contrary to their own conscience which is a big issue in Canada right now due to these laws/bills. We know what happened in NM because of this but is being challenged and appealed hopefully right up to the Supreme Court that will be more 1st Amendment minded then these states are. See notes on that NM case here on my email sent out on 04/09/2008, 04/13/2008 and especially the most up to date facts on 04/18/2008.

And to top it all off check this out:

Colorado governor okays open bathrooms-"Colorado lawmakers also slapped voters in the face with a provision that PROHIBITS A PUBLIC REFERENDUM or PETITION drive to overturn the law. Hausknecht says the only choice Colorado voters have now is to send people to the legislature that will act to reverse the law."-or in some way take it to court!!!

You can get the email for your elected officials by clicking on and then highlight Activism and then click on "elected officials" and you should be able to follow directions from there. For some reason the site is not working properly right now so I couldn't give you an easier link.

I am really interested to see how a majority of Colorado voters vote this next election after the moral unconstitutional crisis of the last 2 years under democrat control.

But to end with GREAT GOOD NEWS. Check this out:

'Person' or 'Persons' shall include any human from the time of fertilization-"For the first time in US history, the issue of personhood will be decided in the public forum by a constitutional amendment....Colorado for Equal Rights has demonstrated an unparalleled grassroots effort thus far, with likely more volunteer circulators than any other ballot initiative in the State's history....This victory is the voice of the people and all credit goes our Creator"

Wow. I am now even more looking forward to seeing how Colorado votes. Get out their Colorado!!! As you probabily already know, your vote really really really counts a whole lot more then the liberal non reporting media may have you as a conservative believe. Get registered and get voting but vote being informed not only by the liberal point of view/issues which most media outlets provide but also with the conservative point of view/issues and you decide what to prioritize!!!! I know not all agree with my point of view or emphasis of issue but at the same time it can't hurt to be informed from a side that is continually under attack of suppression in the public arena in my opinion and thus the reason why I desire to inform and may be a little obsessed and state sometimes the obvious cause I assume not the obvious given the majority of pop media/hollywood/pop music/public education etc etc of today. So if it is obvious to you send my emails to others that may be lacking this important info in their voting decisions and what you don't agree with or can't stand the grammar of edit out and if its not so obvious to you at least you know why I am obsessed. :)

Take care all and love yah all...

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