On Expelled you can click on links below: (This movie will be in theatres nationwide 04-18-08)
And Indoctrinate-U. This documentary is available for download now but check out trailer first at:
The Final Inquiry-On DVD Click here for trailer. "When an eclipse and an earthquake occur simultaneously throughout the Roman Empire, astrologers warn Emperor Tiberius about a kingdom rising in the East. The emperor sends Tito Valerio Tauro to uncover the truth about the death and rumored resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth."
News that yanks back the balance!!!
Planned Parenthood: www.teenwire.com- "Sexuality and Relationship info you can trust from Planned Parenthood" Check it out for yourself. American tax payers dollar at work for better or for worse???
Lack of Interest Forces Planned Parenthood to Leave University
MLK's niece: 'Abortion a racist, genocidal act'- "I don't want anybody to be confused by thinking that Dr. King could condone the violent death of the little babies, and the violent consequences that women suffer," King clarifies. "I'm post-abortive myself. I've suffered ... and it was a secret in my family for too long. And so now we're here today to speak out on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves. Abortion is a racist, genocidal act...Hunter declared that in merely three days time in America, the abortion industry "kills more blacks than the KKK ever lynched."
Undercover Investigation Reveals Planned Parenthood's Racism -"PP agreed to take donations earmarked to reduce number of blacks"
"After The Advocate exposed the incident in the latest issue of The Advocate and uploaded the videos to the popular video sharing website You Tube, Planned Parenthood emailed Rose a letter demanding that she "immediately relinquish to PPLA [Planned Parenthood Los Angeles] the original and any copies of all communications with PPLA employees you have recorded without their consent." The letter, signed by PPLA CEO Mary Jane Wagle, threatens a suit for "$5,000 or three times actual damages." "This lawsuit threat is an example of Planned Parenthood using intimidation against those willing to expose its crimes," Rose said. "Planned Parenthood is a $900 million operation. Instead of threatening me with a lawsuit, Planned Parenthood should call a press conference condemning its staffers and promising major reform to protect young girls. Instead, they are threatening a college student."
"Imagine a major corporation had been exposed for committing crimes in order to pad its bottom line. There would be a parade of congressmen demanding hearings and reform," said Rose."
Planned Parenthood Threatens to Sue Undercover Activist -"Cybercast News Service obtained a copy of the video and audio before the cease-and-desist letter went into effect and has preserved it for our readers' benefit. (Click here for the full video -- a large file that may take time to load. As produced by Rose, the video features clips of a song by rapper Ludacris and singer Mary J. Blige called "Runaway.")"
www.childpredators.com- 6 minutes of video and/or audio..."Our undercover investigation obtained over 800 taped conversations with Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation clinics all across America, which prove that Planned Parenthood and NAF fail to comply with the law. They ignore the law even in cases of child sex abuse where child rape is disclosed and acknowledged - not just suspected." "As the story of non-reporting becomes more widely known, victims are beginning to pursue legal actions against the clinics that harbored their tormentors."
Fired exec: Planned Parenthood overbilled government $180 million for birth control pills -"I can't comment because we have yet to actually see the suit," Ana Sandoval, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, said Saturday."
New York Governor Launches Crusade to Expand Abortions "Spitzer, a Democrat, is pushing the Reproductive Health and Privacy Protection Act, which declares that women have a "fundamental right" to abortion — including in the third trimester. The bill also takes out any reference to the preborn child as a "person." The state is already the national leader in abortions — the annual rate of 38 per 1,000 women of childbearing age is the highest of any state and twice the national average, the New York Daily News reported.New York has neither mandatory waiting periods for abortion nor parental-notice requirements. The state Medicaid program covers abortion for poor women."Our governor wants to make sure that our state has the most strengthened law concerning abortion in the entire nation," said the Rev. Jason McGuire, assistant to the director at New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms."That bill really creates some pretty heinous provisions. It violates not only the life of the unborn child, even in the third trimester, it actually endangers the life of the woman."
New York's Governor Spitzer expected to resign -"Gov. Eliot Spitzer apologized to his family and the public on Monday, but did not not elaborate on a bombshell report that he has been involved in a prostitution ring."
Congressmen Call for Defunding Planned Parenthood -"(Teenwire.com) is another reason we should pull all federal funding from Planned Parenthood," Rep. Lamborn (R-Colo.) agreed. "Time and time again this organization has used taxpayer dollars to promote interests that are not in step with the values of the American people." "I don't believe taxpayer funding should be going to groups that put sexually explicit material on the Internet targeted at minors," Rep. Pitts (R-Pa.) told Cybercast News Service. "Parents today already have their work cut out for them trying to keep their kids from viewing smut on the Internet."
"In its 2005-2006 annual report, Planned Parenthood Federation of America reported that $305.3 million, or 34 percent of its annual income, came from government grants and contracts."
Online Video Demonstrates Partial Birth Abortion Technique -"BEWARE this may be disturbing and I don't know if the links work or not cause I didn't want to see this again. I saw a live partial birth abortion once in a documentary and it greatly disturbed me cause it wasn't a movie it was real life or rather death. But to think that Planned Parenthood would want abortions in the first place and then to top it off with no regulatory limitations!!!! I only post this to show how seriously immoral Planned Parenthood is and how our tax payers' dollars are at work against life and many a peoples conscious as they defended this procedure in courts all the way up to the US Supreme Court."
And shame on the media for not making barely a fuss over it and yet fussing about so much and making quite a bit of fuss over in my opinion nothing in comparison. They need to get their fussing priorities straight and then I'll listen, until then I am turned off/disgusted/and appalled that these issues have not been brought to my attention!!! That I could have actually voted for a political leader that supported this junk without me ever knowing. Thank the Lord for conservative media outlets no matter how biased the liberal media may claim them to be. So what. Its obvious to me that neither are they!!! All are biased and it just boils down to which bias is the right bias to be biased by. Conservative media outlets in my opinion have a right prioritized bias. They may be concerned about things that liberal media outlets are concerned about but just not at the sacrifice of moral concerns like LIFE!!! And when you think about it from most conservative perspectives that what morality is (a reflection of the character of God) then this becomes a big issue for the character of God Himself is being undermined!!! So to prioritize morality above other issues is not a bad place to start and then to build upon and justifiably so.
Anyways, here you have it our hard earned tax money at work against many a conscience. Where are the governmental regulatory advocates!!! Where is the media concern for humane rights!!! If we are going to regulate climate and business and faith based programs and health care and....then to be consistent we need to regulate!!!! If we are going to air stories claiming how manipulative big business' with millions of dollars taking advantage of consumers and environmentally unsafe then where is the air for those claiming to be hurt by this 900 million dollar (arguably unsafe by its nature and beginnings) business including both child and mother!!! We are all hypocritical and inconsistent but so is this!!!
You can tell I am frustrated and so I did respond to alot of my frustration below for positivity/faith/hope sake. Sorry for how long this email is but I am a nut!!!! I hope you all have a great week.
Take care all...
I thank God that He is ultimately in control and not man. I think God sometimes Providentially displays this heinousness in history not to the intent to show us that He is not in charge but rather to show us what would happen if He were not in charge. It kind of makes me want to 1) not be happy about Godlessness 2) want to do something about it 3) and also review myself to see if there be any evil in me for hypocrisy is just as ugly 4) and when I do I thank God that He is merciful to me when I have strayed from His path so 5) I must be merciful to others the same way He has been merciful to me and also to win others to His way the same way He won me by revealing the sin in my life and and His forgiveness and mercy for it at the Cross. And no sin is greater then any other when it comes to what Christ will and will not forgive for He is all powerful even to forgive the worst of sins. If God the Father can forgive men who took His Son and spit at Him, whipped Him, stuck a mocking crown of thorns on His head, verbally mocked Him, and killed Him then He can surely forgive anyone committing any sin whatsoever who comes to Himself thru that most obedient and PERFECT Son of His that He sent into the world to display for all the greatest display of love that no man before and after has ever seen from any claimed God anywhere. Showing how He can allow evil in the world (the greatest evil being the treatment of His own Son) and thru that evil destroy evil in time. In part the Cross is a message of evil being destroyed by the very acts of evil. The fact remains that there is evil but on top of that fact there has only been One who has dealt with it in the most brilliant and loving manner (becoming one of us and partaking in it thus empathizing with us showing Himself to understand the suffering and willing to take it on Himself for our sake) lending great evidence that He alone is the one true Creator of all. And also that all wrongs will be made right so much so that it will be as if they never even were in the first place, something that only an omnipotent, all loving, and all just God could do, as opposed to us impotent, sometimes loving, and not at all that just people could dream of possibly winking at. And that message was prophesied in the Old Testament and Fulfilled in the New Testament and all others thereafter are but additions/plegarizers/copycats of The Original.
It alls boils down to faith and are we willing to trust that God is able. If God is God it logically follows that He is able and so it logically follows that the only position to hold is that of faith and to wait and see how in the end God makes all things right as we live our lives to His end!!! "The Just shall live by Faith" And let us ask God to make us right also, by trusting in His solution to our sins/evils, Christ crucified on the cross/risen from the dead/ and in heaven now paving the way that someday so will we by faith in His way and what a magnificent, uncomparable and unparalelled way it is. "I am the way...."-Jesus.
If God were to ever make Himself out to be different and above all other claimed gods and everything else He created (which would make sense that if He really were God and existed we should be able to recognize Him from what He is not and our surroundings in creation and other claims of who He is, if He wanted to be known in anyway to have a relationship with us and also that He would be able to do this) then He has done quite a job in His Son separating Himself out from everything else in this world and making Himself known as Creator so that we can have that relationship with Him and have a happy ending of this life into the life to come that this life pales in light of eternity!!!!
Now this all assumes that what God has revealed thru Jesus thru His disciples in the gospels thus relating back to the Old and New Testament passed down to now is indeed what God has decided to reveal and has Providentially preserved in tact.
As for me and my household we have no reason to not assume it and many reasons for assuming it. And even if a reason of doubt is proposed I am sure that God can answer that one too as He has answered many before in my life and for those that remain unanswered I'd rather assume the position of FAITH as opposed to doubt for if God is God it is logical to assume that there is an answer as opposed to not. The ONLY LOGICAL REASON why I would assume otherwise would be if God weren't God. But that is the very point in question by doubters. So are doubters full of as much faith as I am?????? And are they not reasoning secretly from a position of doubt in a circular way as much as I am. The differemce between a doubter and a believer at this point is that the believer is justified in reasoning circular for all that is saying for him is that God is ultimate in authority thus we can't reason beyond God. For to reason beyond God would be to reason as though God is not God. So it makes good sense why a believer is reasoning cicularly cause there is no authority greater then God to ultimately verify ones belief in God. God to be God is the verifyer Himself!!!! However, a doubter has no justification for his/her position of circular doubt. He/she is forever in circles upon circles upon infinite number of circles without an ultimate authority!!!! Or rather without God!!! Thus the circle of faith is justified standing on faith as opposed to the position of doubt standing on further doubt and further until finally a position leap is taken into faith!!!!
I know. Blah blah blah blah. I am a nut case but I don't care. The only reason I brought all that up was that even though things can be crazy and that our tax payer money is going to support Planned Parenthood which I would never support myself in all good conscious that God is God and there is hope as long as there is He, in answering all the questions that these heinous things conjure up in our minds and that God is amazingly merciful and at the same time will right every wrong so much so that it will be as if it never even were in the place and He is perfectly able and capable to do so. To assume other wise is to assume no God at all and then we truely are left with no righting of the wrongs and of course I suppose if there is no God there would be no basis for right or wrong to worry about anyways we'd all be amoral products of blind chance mutations over billions of years of death, disease and struggle with no rhyme or reason life being a product of none life and so then I suppose all that is happening now is what has been happening for millions of years and so there is nothing to fret about. Not even the worst case scenarios. We are but evolving into whatever we evolve into there is no right or wrong no heaven or hell no rhyme nor reason and lastly you loose the ability to right all these things we consciously know to be wrong that happen in our world in we commit ourselves. So for the one who wishes not to right himself, the world without God looks inviting but then don't complain about wrongs in the world for you have chosen that they will never be justified unless of course you are trusting in a highly evolved human race never known before to man to evolve into perfection some how. But this boils down to pure faith once again. And we won't go there again today.
I am a complete and absolute NUT!!! to send this to you all but here we go!!!! And I also wanted to thank those for being patient with this email. I know that my grammar is barely good and some of the messages may of tested the limits of tolerance in more ways then just its length and so I do admire your enduring eye and thoughts!!!! And thank you for hearing out my frustration and answer cause I know not everybody will agree with me. Thank you.
Take care all :)