You ever wonder if there is anything that Bush has done good for America?

Given the liberal bias of most news sources you would more then likely conclude NOPE!

However, from a more socially conservative/evangelical perspective maybe you can actually answer yes that there are some things that he has done good.

1) "the successful implementation of President Bush's vision to reshape government's approach to addressing human need. By leveling the playing field for faith-based charities and strengthening grassroots nonprofits to effectively help Americans in need, the Faith-Based and Community Initiative is having a tremendous impact on countless lives across our Nation and around the world."

It looks like he accomplished this with an Executive Order and was one of the first things he did in office. Here is the 7 year after report. "Government...doesn't have the monopoly on compassion. America is richly blessed by the diversity and vigor of neighborhood healers; civic, social, charitable and religious groups. These quiet heroes lift peoples lives in ways that are beyond governments know-how, usually on shoe-string budgets, and they heal our nations ills one heart and one act of kindness at a time." report in all 50 states of showing how much money was given to secular institutions and faith based state by state.

2) Signing into law finally the Partial Birth Abortion Act of 2003 which was vetoed by President Clinton not one but 2 times while he was in office even though both the House and Senate overwhelmingly passed the ban on partial birth abortion!!! Keep in mind that Obama and Hillary would have vetoed the by partisan attempt to ban this act.

"America stands for liberty, for the pursuit of happiness and for the unalienable right of life. And the most basic duty of government is to defend the life of the innocent. Every person, however frail or vulnerable, has a place and a purpose in this world. Every person has a special dignity. This right to life cannot be granted or denied by government, because it does not come from government, it comes from the Creator of life."-Bush

3) Appointed Alito and Roberts to the Highest Court in the land and were the deciding factors on the constitutionality of the Partial Birth Abortion Act after it was deemed unconstitutional in the 2nd and 9th cricuit court of appeals. And also upheld the constitutionality of the Presidents Faith Based Initiatives. by again in both cases a 5-4 vote.

4) Bush has used his veto power effectively since congress became filled with democrats. First veto and reasoning "The vetoed bill "would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others," the president said, as babies cooed and cried behind him. "It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect." Each child on the stage, he said, "began his or her life as a frozen embryo that was created for in vitro fertilization but remained unused after the fertility treatments were complete. . . . These boys and girls are not spare parts.", and again a 2nd time!!!! "Announcing his veto to a roomful of supporters, Bush said, "If this legislation became law, it would compel American taxpayers for the first time in our history to support the deliberate destruction of human embryos. I made it clear to Congress and to the American people that I will not allow our nation to cross this moral line." going so far as to sign this time an executive order "urging scientists toward what he termed "ethically responsible" research in the field"!!!!! When Democrats regained alot of control in politics President Bush promised to Nancy Pelosi and Senate house leader Harry Reid (democratic majority leaders) in letter you can't see in full here signed by himself he said, "I believe it is the most basic duty of Government to guard the innocent. With that in mind, I will veto any legislation that weakens current Federal policies and laws on abortion, or that encourages the destruction of human life at any stage." You can also view an actual letter of concern from 155 House of Representatives about the change in power here on this specific issue here sent to the President. And a letter signed by 34 members in the Senate concerned about this issue also here. Was Bush true to his word. Yes. Here.

So our pro life vote in 2000 and 2004 is at work today even though we don't have a majority it is still important to vote on the issues that concern us. And just because the media would never put Bush in this light doesn't mean he doesn't have any light at all!!!! So be encouraged that even if we don't have the best nominee for president in McCain that he is prolife though not fully in stem cell research and one of the above links is a quote from McCain requesting Clinton who was then President to not veto the Partial Birth Abortion Ban before Bush came in. It might be encouraging. However, he is for federal funding of stemcell research and feel free to review why others aren't happy with him. But got to give credit where credit is due.

5) And lastly another victory that applies to this conclusion by the judges elected by Bush in a 5-4 decision. The conclusion being that if McCain doesn't win the presidency because he loses some votes we can still work at the local level so that we gain some seats back in the house and senate to insure that if he does become president or not that the appointed judges that would support things like the result of the McCain Feingold compaign reform act which was found to be unconstitutionally used in the case of Federal Election Commission v. Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc. against a pro life organization in Wisconsin to air ads concerning issues during election times. (click on the link above for a great commentary from those who Wisconsin Right to life and won) also noting from Chief Justice John Roberts that he acknowledged that "Focus on the Family was among "the number of diverse organizations that have joined in supporting WRTL before this Court" through amicus curiae briefs." So yea again for Bushs' appointed judges so that now pro life organizations and others can present ads on TV and other areas without undeserved concern.

Take care all,

Just felt like pointing out some very good news that isn't usually talked about in a positive light from the normal media outlets. Just so you know that alot of good has been accomplished with our vote over these issues and to continue voting your values. Speaking of which you can pledge and petition to vote your values here along with so far 91000 others and counting.

And I just can't help but to point out this further evidence that the liberal media is harmful to conservative viewpoints and hardly neutral not only in how they report on subjects but just in what they decide to report on and what issues they believe to be issues in the first place and the emphasis they put on some issues over others.

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