
Obama reaches out to all Americans?

YouTube video of court room questioning of Judge Moore who was removed as Chief Justice for acknowledging God is now running for Governor in Alabama


Same Sex Marriage

YouTube with audio recording of police enforcing censorship of a preacher in the UK who only preaches an hour a month.

Academic Freedom

FIRE releases new YouTube documentary exposing university bias against conservatives at Missouri State University as faculty bully student. and See fake dollar bill that was censored at Bucknell University along with video and audio of further conservative viewpoint censorship. and California school censors second-grader's sign language talent at school talent show. and UCLA student has the proof posted that UCLA professor has prohibited her from saying "I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" in grad speech. and Another High School finds a way to pray after prayer was taken from graduation ceremony


Video from site that has received more then a million views in less then two months illustrating Obama's stimulus package job prediction vs reality.

UK's labour party takes the worst showing since 1918 as conservatives gain ground. YouTube video of Daniel Hannan MEP for one reason why.

Same Sex Marriage

YouTube video of Same Sex Marriage debate on the Dr Phil show.


YouTube video of MSNBC's Keith Olbermann defaming and smearing pro-life community at JillStanek.com violating Obama's call for respect at Notre Dame.

Liberal Media Bias

Video report of Holocaust Museum killer is not only anti-semitic but anti Christian, Bush and many other conservatives and pro-Darwin.

Supreme Court

Exclusive YouTube videos of Sotomayor talking about end of life issues in 2000.

YouTube video of Christian group praying over the hearing room for Judge Sotomayor.


YouTube: Steve Harvey introducing Jesus to start off your day of worship with.

YouTube of live footage of Michael W. Smith's Secret Ambition then and now and link to original video.



Frank Worthen's testimony from 25 years of homosexuality to 25 years of marriage to a woman.


Former George Tiller enployee tells her story why she joined the pro-life movement

Nancy Pelosi praises Nancy Reagan for supporting stem cell research but just keep in mind it is the Adult Stem Cell Research that is working.


For the first time in over 2 years in Rasmussen's polling voters now trust the Republican party on the economy.

Same Sex Marriage

Effects Public Education

Obama's "Safe Schools" appointee, Kevin Jennings, wants to promote homosexuality to schoolchildren as early as five years old.

Legalization of same sex marriage in Vermont opens doors to tax payer's funding of "Gendertopia" in local school district.

Effects adoption agencies

Having a mom and dad is no longer important in recent West Virginia high court dicision which is linked to here.



Indian Government rejects comprehensive sex ed. programs saying they do nothing to solve the problem but only makes it worse.

Mexico and Canada

Health Care Professional's conscience rights issues in Mexico and Canada


Netherlands Council of State rules that Christian schools are allowed to exculde practising homosexual teachers.


After conservative prolife politicians in Spain made the issue of life an issue they won in last Sundays EU elections


UK mom's son is being fostered by gay couple against her beliefs and parents unhappy about their 5 year old's being taught by Elton John on sexuality.

Condom credit cards now available for teen boys in the UK and FPA corrects sex advice leaflet that sent children to raunchy web site.


YouTube video exposing how UNICEF manipulates Latin American Catholics to Cooperate on abortion.

UN report declares that Pro-life laws are equal to violence against women.


Supreme Court

Obama's Supreme Court nomineed tells Senator she never thought about if the unborn should have any rights whatsoever.


Arkansas legislators recognize the free, confidential and compassionate volunteerism of pregnency centers for women and men.


Tiller Clinic will permanently close as investigation continues and Jill Stanek notes that abortion is not once mention during Tiller's eulogy

First Amendment Cases and Victories


Read court order that recently ended the unconstitutional banning of literature distribution in St. Louis

Quick Bible Commentary

Abortion business in Philadelphia will terminate unborn children for free for a limited time in honor of George Tiller


Link to video of ABC News report on the growth of the Christian film industry as "Fireproof" makes the top grossing independent film.

Some Sunday cartoons from AnswersinGenesis

Bill Watch

Democrats in the house prevent amendment to limit tax payer funded abortions overseas.

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