
400 graduating seniors at Pace High School stood up in protest against the ACLU and recited the Lord's Prayer during graduation ceremony.

Video of local news report of Pace High School where students denied graduation speeches via ACLU

Video of local news reports of an employee at a hospital in Texas told to take down the American Flag cause it offended an immigrant.



Art Linkletter on a Bill Cosby hosted show revealing "Kids say the darndest things". Very funny and clean.

YouTube video of favorite band as a teenager. WhiteCross-Because of Jesus and more.

Liberal Media Bias

Fox vs NBC. Video of Bill O'Reilly revealing who owns NBC and the Big Green Business conflict of interest in news coverage at NBC.


YouTube video advertising the nation's largest protest against the pill.

Video of George Tiller patient describing her abortion experience in his clinic then listen to Tiller himself describe an abortion procedure.

Video of CNN interviewing an abortionist who has quite a bias against peaceful pro-life protests and Hours after Tiller's killing many liberals were quick to blame prolifers. Will they do the same to Muslims for the recent Army Recruiter killing? and for more context Dr Alveda King (niece of Dr Martin Luther King) who had her grandmother shot at church by a christian hating gunman condemns the killing of Tiller. and YouTube video of CNN update on Tiller and Jill Stanek and James Dobson respond to the tragic incident of George Tiller's death.

YouTube video fo Barack's Big Abortion Bailout plan as revealed by American Life League.

National Defense Spending

YouTube Video asking the question of how much does the US spend on defense?


Video of Dennis Leary on Larry King Live. He really likes Obama and so does Tony Bennett but for a little balance watch Stephen Smith.

Same Sex Marriage

YouTube Video of Jay Leno's inability to understand why Americans oppose gay marriage

Religious Freedom

YouTube video report and links to letter of apology from County of San Diego for ordering to stop home Bible study.


Global Day of Prayer turns philanthropic in Dallas with support of the Mayor.

Pepsi distribution center stops donations to faith based relief group and then reverses decision after media attention. Videos of groups work.

Obama's birth certificate

Video of reporter asking the White House Briefing Press Secretary Robert Gibbs about Obama's "LONG FORM" birth certificate. and Obama's birth certificate issue hasn't gone away. White House transparency site had to scrubb 100% of posts concerning the issue. CBS bans billboards.



Anthony Luna a two time NCAA champion first ran from an abortion clinic and his dreams to find them

Mother just about to have an abortion thought to herself, "That lady out there cares more about my baby than I do. I just can't go through with this!"


States with higher numbers of adults who identify themselves as "pro-life" have lower rates of abortion among both teenage and adult women. and The unborn getting more and more protections in conservative states. Nebraska adopts one of the country's strongest abortion ultrasound law.

Rasmussen's poll on Friday showed Obama's approval index at 0, the lowest overall rating. Also, the highest disapproval rating yet and boycott of GM.


Unemployment hits 9.4%, a 25 year high, off even Obama's own charts and Microsoft CEO says tax hikes will hurt employment in the US. and Videos of Big Liberal Bias at Big Media when it comes to Obama's 2009 job figures and unemployment rates-Notice here that the stories give both sides but don't allow a very strong argument against the stimulus package to presented which is Obama's own charts. So watch out for Big Media when they do report both sides to then be hiding facts that support one side that doesn't favor Obama.

CSPAN video of recent hearings on Fannie Mae and Freddie MAC part 1 and 2 and previous posts as to why our economy is the way it is.



Public homosexual sex acts are not to be impeded by law enforcement officials except as last resort says new UK guidelines.

The UK is using the killing of Tiller as reason to not publish late term abortion figures in the UK

Over half of christians surveyed said they had suffered some form of persecution for being a christian in the UK.

Slovak Republic

Slovak Republic's highest court rules that police violated pro-life groups free speech rights and to reimburse their attorney fees.


Research shows that the breakdown in the family costs Canadian tax payers $7 billion. More evidence that God's way is the best not that we needed it.


Video interview of Dr Wang Dan a student leader in the 1989 Tiananmen Sqaure protests branded as China's enemy #1


Poland has a march for life and family of their own.

Nepal and Bangladesh

Religious freedom promise from Bangladesh prime minister not yet reality and militant Hindus bomb christians in Nepal

Same Sex Marriage

Will the same sex marriage debate effect adoption charitie's sincerly held religious beliefs?

FactCheck.org needs some Fact Checking itself. First Amendment attorney tells why many are concerned about hate crimes bills that FactCheck misses.


Court banned audio tape of a Massachusettes state sponsored event promoting homosexual acts of sex to 12 year old students to be released this week.


Texas vs the UK on safe sex and use of tax payer's money

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