

Must watch!!! A 50 minute documentary of what the pro-life movement is really about and pass it on to as many as you can.

Pro-Life African Americans celebrate Juneteenth with a release of a new pro-life film "Maafa 21-Black genocide in the 21st century in America"


Obama administration admitting that Fannie and Freddie were a "core part" of the country's financial woes

WhiteHouse released 100 stimulus projects vs a critique of some not so great 100 stimulus projects and what does it all add up to and why?

2.4 million hits on YouTube: video of Daniel Hannan's prophetic speech in the European Parliament and other great conservative lessons on the economy

Late Term abortionist Dr Carhart

CNN video interview of Dr Carhart late term abortionist and friend of Dr Tiller and blames mainstream pro-lifers for murder of Tiller.

LeRoy Carhart in a US District Court case in 1997 testified that he would dismember unborn babies while the babies were still alive.

Democrats in Wisconsin won't allow even a vote to amend state budget to prevent late term abortions at the University of Wisconsin.

A little Providence at Values Voter News: Jesus, Tiller and Napoleon?


Gallup poll reveals an increase in Americans who identify themselves as conservatives and a drop in those who indentify as moderate or liberal.

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