McDonalds's Boycott

"This boycott is not about hiring homosexuals, or homosexuals eating at McDonald's, or how homosexual employees are treated. It is about McDonald's, as a corporation, choosing to put the full weight of their corporation behind promoting the homosexual agenda, including homosexual marriage."

Many of you probabily already know about this but just in case. I have already stopped eating there since I heard of this in the first place. I think if these companies are going to be active in supporting whatever they choose to support in the name of diversity then they need to be equally diverse in including the religious, also. Hey it's their business and they can do what they want with it but if it's hypocritical then it is.

Update on the NM photography case:

ADF files suit disputing N.M. commission's ruling against Christian photographer -A copy of the appeal filed with the 2nd Judicial District Court, County of Bernalillo, in Elane Photography v. Willock is available at

McCain vs Obama on Bushs' Faith Based Initiative

Obamas' Divisive Faith Based Initiative? Click on African Wisdom vs NEA and UN/Obama supports a divisive faith based initiative. Scroll down to bottom video for a criticism.

Now you may have heard about whether or not Obama is for tax funded religious organizations religious liberties and conscious' or not. It may be confusing due to a recent AP article. Hopefully this may clear it up.

I will be emailing you 2 email updates I get everyday if you wish to read them in there entirety. I couldn't find a way to put them into this email so I will email the first one label One and the Second one labeled Two.

The first one says, "It's an axiom in politics that what a politician says in public is meant to please, but what he says in private is meant to pledge. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is rhapsodizing in public on the nation's hunger for a leader who shares their homegrown priorities--a love of country, faith in God, and loyalty to family. To prove his sincerity on the issues, Obama says that if elected he'll overhaul President Bush's faith-based initiative and expand it. In a speech today in Zanesville, Ohio, he said that church and religious organizations should play a bigger role in meeting our country's social needs. He would even support the right of federally-funded programs "to hire and fire based on faith." Notice assumed skepticism from this source as you read further. Apparently the skepticism turned out to be a ligitimate skepticism for the AP made a bad report on what Obama actually said.

The Second email labeled Two says, "It appears that in yesterday's Update we gave Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) faith-based policy too much credit. Working from an Associated Press story released before the candidate made his Zanesville speech, FRC included the quote that Obama intended to "support the ability [of religious groups] to hire and fire based on faith." We regret the error. But we also regret what Sen. Obama actually said, which is that his administration would not protect the religious rights of faith-based groups to make employment decisions based on their moral convictions when they are using tax dollars. In his talk, Obama put his "Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships" in stark contrast to President Bush's current program. "First, if you get a federal grant, you can't use that grant money to proselytize to the people you help and you can't discriminate against them--or against the people you hire--based on your religion," he said. Despite the clear and present danger this would pose to church-based outreach programs, Rev. Jim Wallis, President of the liberal Sojourners, wasted no time announcing his support for the plan, even implying that "Obama's proposals also contain necessary protections for religious liberty..." The reality is that Obama's interpretation would be a body blow to religious groups that apply for federal funds. In contrast, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) released a statement today supporting the rights of religious organizations that apply for government funding to "hire people who share their faith."

Arizona Marriage Amendment

Arizonans to vote on the Marriage Amendment in November-"The long-anticipated vote came just before adjournment and followed hours of angry, raucous debate in which the legislative rule book was used as a weapon to both stall the vote (Democrats) and cut short debate (Republicans). Senators on both sides of the aisle and of the issue lamented a meltdown in the higher chamber, as most of the day's work was scrapped so that the marriage amendment could be voted upon while key senators were present."

McCain vs Obama on state Marriage Amendments

In the first email labeled One that I am sending to you Obama is reported of saying at "the LGBT Democratic Club in San Francisco, he scorned man-woman marriage, saying , "...I oppose the divisive and discriminatory efforts to amend the California Constitution [to protect marriage], and similar efforts to amend the U.S. Constitution or those of any other states." While telling the world he will up hold the faith-based initiative as the cornerstone of his administration, Obama says that a cornerstone of society - heterosexual marriage -- is "divisive and discriminatory." Doesn't this mean that faith-based organizations that support marriage will be disqualified from federal funding under an Obama presidency? It would be next to impossible for ministries that promote traditional marriage to participate in a Healthy Marriage project funded through an Obama faith-based initiative."

For McCain see, McCain vs Obama on Marriage Amendment in California which I posted in the last email.

Good News on McCain

McCain seems to be meeting with evangelical conservatives to make a point with us. I find it interesting that there are ample reports in the news on Obamas' reaching out to the religious whereas McCains' reach has very little air. So, just in case you didn't know. McCain has made supporting statements on California Marriage Act which was in your last email. He has supported Bushs' Faith Based Initiatives to ALL Faiths not just to compromising faiths. He has met privately with Billy and Franklin Graham and with Frank Pavone a strong Catholic Pro-Life conservative scroll down to the second article under the subheading of Pro-Life. And recently he appeared before 90 conservatives in Denver evangelical leaders which include Matthew Staver who formely supported Huckabee of the Liberty Counsel (which offensively sues and defensively protects pro-life cases and religious liberty cases like this recent one against Hallmark)..."According to Staver, those in attendance included Phyllis Schlafly, head of the Eagle Forum; pastor and "Left Behind" co-author Tim LaHaye and his wife, Beverly, founder of Concerned Women for America; David Barton, founder of WallBuilders; Rick Scarborough of Vision America; and Don Hodel, a former interior secretary and former president of Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family. "Our shared core values compel us to unite and choose the presidential candidate that best advances those values," said Staver...."That obvious choice is Sen. John McCain. I think people left the meeting in unity the likes of which have not been evident through the primaries."...Staver said enthusiasm is building for McCain, in part because of the Republican senator's recent meetings with movement leaders like Phil Burress, who also attended the Denver summit. Burress helped pass an anti-gay marriage measure in Ohio that was credited with helping President Bush win the state in 2004. Asked whether it was opposition to Obama or enthusiasm for McCain that motivated the group, Staver said: "Obama is a considerable threat to our values. At the same time, Sen. McCain recently has been reaching out to evangelicals and conservative voters that we represent."

I am waiting to see who he chooses as VP before I am persuaded. But he is doing a good job reaching out at this moment for my values vote without contradictions.

Obama vs Dobson

Commentary: In Defense of Dr. Dobson-by Patrick Buchanan. A must read article for those interested. "Folks haven't been reading their Bibles....whose Christianity would we teach in the schools? Would we go with James Dobson's or with Al Sharpton's?...translate some of our concerns in a universal language so that we can have an open and vigorous debate rather than have religion divide us."-Thus saith Obama. But when confronted with skepticism from Dobson namely that Obama "is dragging biblical understanding through the gutter.." and "Am I required in a democracy to conform my efforts in the political arena to his bloody notion of what is right with regard to the life of tiny babies?". Obamas' "open" and "vigorous debate" is that Dobson is "making stuff up". Well maybe he is and maybe he isn't but when it comes to what matters at the end of the day on biblical issues like the lives of the unborn, marriage and religous liberties Dobson understanding of the Bible wins hands down!!!! Obama should practice his claimed truth and have an "open and vigorous debate". I think we need an "open and vigorous debate rather than having" Obamas view of the Bible "divide" up the truth of the scriptures into whatever he wants it to say all in the name of non divisiveness. How undivisive is that???!!!! Talk about an unbiblical point of view of what a christian is see: Obama Reaches Out to Young Evangelicals?. Don't forget about his pastor for 20 years!!! I mean if Obama wants to reach out to evangelicals he must expect criticism from evangelicals!!!! For more evidence of Obamas' reach out to evangelicals check out: How valuable is your Values Vote? Obamas' first ad: To Values Voters?.

"Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? That it forms a leading event in the progress of the gospel dispensation? Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer's mission upon earth?"-John Quincy Adams July 4th 1937

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