Congressional/Senate Races and Ballot Initiatives '08 by State Updates at

I have made some updates to Races and Ballot Initiatives in Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona since most of you are in those states, however, I next look forward to working on Texas and then keep these 4 continually updated for you all.


New Mexico


How valuable is your Values Vote? Obamas' first ad: To Values Voters?-"It almost sounds like a typical Republican campaign commercial -- except this is the first national ad aired by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama since he effectively secured his party's nomination earlier this month."

Check out The "Goose Bump" and "Race" trap - "Black Pastors for Biblical Values vs Obama and his values". See also Black Pro-Lifers to Protest NAACP Convention.

Liberal Media Bias

Notice what's ignored in the media: Voters most interested in Obamas' Position on Abortion, Obamas' Faith with no Wright, Success in Iraq and Africa

Also, I noticed on that the page on my site called Obama and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act? has been the most accessed page and the most time spent on from people just doing a search on google or elsewhere on that subject (not from google or yahoo advertising or my emails). I got 8 hits in less then 24 hours on 06/26/2008 to the 27th and this is even after the fact that my web site has only been out there with less then a month at a time. Now I have yet to get any further inquires into that page but I moved it up to July to see if it makes any difference. But this was not my first page on the blog either at the time. So this issue of specifically the Born Alive Infant Protection Act may be of some controvesy along with other abortion concerns about Obama.

Obama on Abortion

Obama denies protection for infants of botched abortions-"Pro-life blogger Jill Stanek recently wrote a column for titled "Obama's biggest lie about supporting infanticide." She points out Obama actively opposed the Born Alive Infants Protection Act for three years in the Illinois senate. "He voted against it. He was the sole senator speaking against it on the [Illinois] senate floor [for] two years. And the third year, he held the bill from being considered altogether in committee and killed the bill," Stanek contends. She says Obama's explanation for opposing the Illinois bill does not pass the straight-face test because, as a committee chairman, he blocked the measure's sponsor from adding the federal language protecting Roe vs. Wade. That federal provision says the bill does not deny or add rights to the species Homo sapiens before birth. Stanek fought to stop "live-birth abortion" after holding a live aborted baby at a Chicago-area hospital where she worked as a registered nurse...."Barack Obama is now saying that, had that provision been in the Illinois bill he would have voted for it, which is absolutely false – because in 2003, the senate sponsor tried to add that provision and Barack Obama, as the chairman of the committee where the bill was being held, disallowed him from adding that provision, disallowed me from testifying, disallowed the committee from even voting on it. So, it sat in committee for 22 months," Stanek explains. She reveals it was not until Obama left the Illinois Senate that the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act passed in August of 2005."

Vote in an online poll: Do you find inconsistency in Barack Obama's professed Christian faith and his support for abortion on demand?- Yes or no. I bet you this will be one of the most lop sided and most voted on poll to date on this conservative news source web site!!!!

Christian Group Launches "Abortion President" Campaign against Barack Obama-"Senator Obama's views on abortion are so radical that he even wants American citizens to pay for them. This would include Catholics, Evangelicals and all people of faith. He would also expand abortion rights through his passionate support of The Freedom of Choice Act....Obama campaign spokesman Hari Sevugan sent out the following statement: "Barack Obama understands that the best way to reduce the need for abortions is to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies. He is committed to commonsense solutions to achieve that objective and to changing the tone of the discourse which for too long has devolved into false and negative attacks such as this that do nothing to accomplish that goal"- It would be nice to point out the falsity of the attack please see Edwards, Obama Pledge Abortion Support (At the Planned Parenthood Action Fund presidential candidate forum earlier this week, the John Edwards and Barack Obama campaigns promised to include abortion coverage in their universal health care plans!!!). Obama would have us as most all democrats pay for abortion here and overseas. Secondly, it is negative as it should be. Thirdly, it is a partial birth abortion really the result of an unwanted pregnancy in the sense that he is speaking due to sexual promiscuity (see below).

Obama's Abortion Kerfuffle-"My only point is that in an area like partial-birth abortion having a mental, having a health exception can be defined rigorously. It can be defined through physical health, It can be defined by serious clinical mental-health diseases. It is not just a matter of feeling blue."- Obama. Oh yes the compassion of Obama and women during a PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION which is banned by the Supreme Court of the US and all other countries in this world!!! Are we not forever and always forgetting about the compassion that is forever and always missing toward the unborn human beings in these discussions???? There is no way Obama will get my faith based vote. No way. Unless he changes his view on this subject and others and make it public before all without dispute. I have actually prayed for that!!! Who knows!!!! He also says "historically I have been a strong believer in a women's right to choose with her doctor, her pastor and her family". Again how family of Obama!!! What advice to her daughters would Obama give in supporting his own daughters right to choose if "they make a mistake" that results in a pregnancy if we only took a speech he made some time ago into consideration.

Would he advise a) not to have an abortion thus reducing one abortion, b) to have the abortion if she chooses so because after all he is "a stong believer in a women's right to choose with her doctor, her pastor and" himself or c) MIT Pro-Life students vs Obamas' "moral" concern for his once unborn daughters and hearty empathetic Judges (scroll down to 2nd video). If the video doesn't work cause the last I checked it doesn't then just you tube "punished with a baby". You may also click here: Obama Says He Doesn't Want His Daughters Punished with a Baby for the answer which is c) "But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby." Now I hope that Obama wouldn't give that advice or give such a view of the situation to his daughters. In one sense it is a consequence of a sexually promiscous action but never at the expense of that unborn babies life (TALK ABOUT AN UNJUST PUNISHMENT!!! What did he or she ever do???). If one concieve of a baby as a punishment for bad actions an individual makes how much more should that same one understand the punishment of the innocent, period. Let us turn the tables, flip the coin, butter the otherside of the pancake and throw syrup all over it and respond to Obama and throw the comments that he threw at the unborn child right back at him and say if "they make a mistake I don't want the innocent unborn child punished either"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What did he/she ever do? Talk about social uncompassionate injustice to its lowest stooping degree to the most innocent/voiceless/poorest/helpless members of all in our societies and yet today we violated their most basic right of all rights the RIGHT TO LIFE. And then to hear Obama speak as he does attempting to belittle the concerns of those for the unborn by claiming he wants to only reduce abortions with no talk about the unborn at all, to some of us it makes us not fee so well (PC for sick)....But I will still pray for him no matter what!!!


Canadian Abortionist Receives Nation's Top Civilian Award

McCain and Bush for sharp contrast

McCain and Bush speak to National Right to Life-"National Right to Life has published the text of the comments by the President and Sen. McCain along with other information about the speeches. See the archive links dated between July 4-8."

Does the Vice President matter?

VP Pick Could Decide Swing States, Polls Show

Same Sex Marriages

Scottish Schools Ban Father's Day Cards

How Fathers Matter for Healthy Child Development


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