Last Week in Review

Cartoon to the left are actual quotations from Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence.


Why sinners love Christ

Rebecca St James music video which shows why sinners who have found Christ love Him so.

Pro-life videos and Baby Doe

Steve Taylor's "Baby Doe" song on YouTube and President Reagan's statement concerning "Baby Doe" on the 10th anniversary of Roe v Wade

Seventh Angel's Dr Hatchet: Pro-life christian thrash metal.

Saline Abortion survivor

Video of Melissa Ohden: Saline abortion survivor speaks about her failed abortion and has her own child in very hospital where her failed abortion occurred

First National March for Life in Europe

Video: Let the first national March for Life in Europe inspire you.

Planned Parenthood caught again

Live Action again exposes how Planned Parenthood counsels women in pregnancy crisis. 



Man gets 50 year sentence for stabbing and killing unborn baby meanwhile unwanted babies get no justice. and Man in New York charged with forcing girlfriend to have an abortion via a dangerous abortion drug.


Video: Crashers of the Tea Party Crash

Video: Conservative Republican Mike Pence cracks up over Democrat's claims of cutting taxes

Last year Tea Parties drew about a million across the country and already 10,000 have showed up in Reid's home town so what about tomorrow's second annual Tea Party.

Union: “We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama – $60.7 million to be exact – and we’re proud of it.” Obama: "I owe those unions." 

Liberal Media Bias

Anti-Tea Party networks CNN down a whopping 39% in viewership and MSNBC down 15% while Tea Party favorite Fox News has best quarter in network history.


Get ready for a repeat of 1994 or more. Our President now has lower approval ratings in his second term than did Clinton and Republicans are up in the generic ballot polls.
First Amendment Case Victories

Duke University reverses decision

After letter from attorney a NY community college decides to allow free speech.


Another study confirming humanity in the womb. Study finds unborn Babies respond to Mother's mood.

Study funded by Bill Gates: Maternal mortality rates decline 35% worldwide from 1980 to 2008 but in the US where abortion is legal for all 40 weeks a 42% increase.

Abortion rates in conservative states lower than in liberal states says Dr Michal J New PH.D. in Political Science from Stanford University

Newly elected New Jersey Republican Governor is stopping tax payer funding of abortion provider Planned Parenthood

Nebraska passes first ever bill banning abortion after 20 weeks gestation by a vote of 44 to 5, on the basis that an unborn child feels pain at that age

School board in San Diego unanimously voted to no longer require parental consent for teen abortions.

Same Sex Marriage 

High School students can invite gay speakers to talk at public tax payer funded schools but not ex-gay speakers during a day of "diversity". 

Values Voter News Stats

Values Voter News stats for March 2010 moving up a page rank.

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