Last Week In Review


President Obama's birth certificate issue surfaces again

Video: Watch the highest ranking officer yet to challenge our President to produce his original birth certificate by disobeying orders

Big Media is a major problem according to most American voters

Big Media is bearing false witness of their fellow Americans. TEA Party Americans are not racist unless you define racism as "a concerned patriotic American"

Majority of American voters continue to believe that Media Bias is more problematic than Big Contributions


Video: Two members of Korn come to faith in Jesus.


Senator Reid buys a car

Videos: Congressmen caught in embarrassing moments with over 2 million YouTube hits in less than 10 days 


Video: European conservative politician Daniel Hannan explains the absurdity of government spending via Mark Twain 

First Amendment Case Victories

Criminal charges dismissed against man arrested after criticizing Representative Kennedy on abortion.

Bible colleges in Wyoming saved from Wyoming state government's violation of the First Amendment.

Preachers in New Hampshire settle with city for $2100 each and criminal records annulled


Tax payers are subsidizing the price of tickets to Major League Baseball games and not only that the subsidy is increasing the cost of tickets for tax payers


US Department of Education: Study reveals that kids are more than 100 times more likely to be sexually abused by an educator than by a priest.  

Religious Freedom

Arrested and fined 1,000 pounds for preaching on the streets in the UK when the issue of homosexuality came up 

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