Last Week in Review

Image to the left shows the unemployment rate under the Obama administration thus far with some other interesting forecasts once predicted by the Obama adminstration in January. But consider how the unemployment rates are reported on today in comparison to when the rates were similar under Reagan at: Network Reports on Unemployment Rates 13 Times More Negative Under Reagan than Under Obama and then see March on Media 10/17/2009 event web site moves into the top 100,000 web sites in the US similar to the 04/15/2009 Tea Party event web sites. and Gallup poll and video: Only 19% of Independents, 20% of Democrats and 8% of Republicans say news media is "too conservative"


Faith and Family at work in spite of those groups that oppose Faith and Family see below.


$23 provides clean water for one person for the rest of their life un Uganda


Gospel For Asia missionaries bringing hope to India's flood victims


Faith Based Water Mission International one of the first to reach earthquak victims in Indonesia

Phillipines has this interesting video report from the Phillipines


Christian band from Samoa raising funds for Samoans


Council of Europe postpones vote on pro-abortion report as pro-life groups rally against it.

Video of speech: Conservative party in the UK brings up the issue of the intolerance of people of faith under the Labour party's rule in Britain


City of St Louis honors Joyce Meyers Ministries for outstanding humanitarian and community service

Video of Dr Dobson's speech: Dr Dobson receives Ronald Reagan Lifetime Achievement Award.

"...if there is a Holocaust in this country it is abortion..." Limbaugh in response to Grayson


Liberal Canadian MP petitions government to protect animals cause they feel pain as Conservative MP responds: so do unborn children.

In spite of....


British Prime Minister admits that 24 hour drinking law introduced by his party in '05 is "not working".


Teacher at a Catholic school is demanding reinstatement in school after being dismissed over "Sex Change" proving Maine marriage video


Planned Parenthood holds fundraiser for second year in a row at the Museum of Sex.

Former CBS Anchor Dan Rather to headline Planned Parenthood abortion event proving a conflict of interest in media bias

Call Chicago Mayor push 1 and then 2 and that is it to stop city ordinance that even the ACLU says violates First Amendment Rights of pro-lifers

Photos: Planned Parenthood in California rushes third patient to hospital in the past 3 weeks

Further evidence that legalized abortion disadvantages women against men as Tennessee man charged with murdering woman and unborn child over abortion.

Africa and Latin America

Alan Guttmacher Institute study suggests failed abortions in Africa and Latin America cost $250 million a year.

Video report on new documentary film concerning the negative effects of global warming policies



Video: Lou Dobbs Tonight exposes marxism indoctrination in 7000 public schools via movie called "The Story of Stuff" but "How the world works" rebuts


CSPAN Video of Geithner admitting that the perceived government safety net of financial institutions distorted the free market

Health Care

CBO's recent "cost estimate" of the Baucus Health Care reform bill is neither a "score" nor "cost estimate" according to CBO

Video: Press asks White House Press Secretary if Obama will read the bill before he signs it.

ObamaCare a payoff or trojan horse to Bigger Big Labor. Watch video to see how.

Michael Moore on video: "If a true public option is enacted - and Obama knows this - it will eventually bring about a singly payer system"

Video of Democrat Senator explaining why he won't read the legislative language of the bill. and 85% of Republicans, 76% of Democrats and 92% of Independents say congress should post bills online for all to read before voting. So why won't they? and Video of Mike Pence speech at March on DC calling on congressmen to "Read the Bills" as crowd chants "READ THE BILL"

Democrat Congressman compares our current health care system to the holocaust and Republican plan for reform to "die quickly"

Video: Rush Limbaugh allows caller to talk for 7 minutes. What did she say?


Watch video with 4.3 million YouTube hits since mid July over health care. Maybe the most viewed ever opening statement governmental speech on YouTube

President Obama vs Republican weekly address

Jokes and Cartoons

SNL spoof on the accomplishments of the Obama administration thus far this year.

Interesting cartoon from the 40's concerning Freedom

Health Care

Medicare denies more claims then private health insurance plans and compared to UHC by more then 2 times


Only a government ran tax payer funded US Post office facing massive debt plus it's union would pay employees to do nothing

First Amendment Case Victories

First Amendment victory for conservative college student in Philadelphia. College rescinds its policy over the case.

Values Voter News Stats

Highest and lowest rated posts for August and September at Values Voter News equals to overall rating of 4 stars or "Good"

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