Click on image to the left to read letter from Republican Congressman Forbes to American Family Association in thanks for its support to correct our national motto and be sure that motto was displayed in the new capitol visitor center. Now that's one cool congressman. Also, take note of the note at the bottom of the letter "Not printed or mailed at government expense".

If one is going to create a $620 million center at tax payers expense it should be historically accurate. For context see: New 620 million dollar new Capitol Center mistakes our national motto and Abraham Lincoln's famous table displayed but without a Bible....

Last Week in Review


BBC News: Current climate models fail to forecast that the globe is not warming even though man made carbon dioxide continues to rise

New York Times features photographer of aborted babies on it's online Photography section and features a FAIR article on front page.

5 minute video explaining just how the "birthers" are not as crazy as the Main Stream Media would have you believe


Faith and Family

CBNNews Video report: North Carolina Ministry giving life to Afghan children and Christian Band "SonicFlood" performs the first Christian concert in Turkey a country of 99.9% Muslims, performs at King of Thailands birthday and more and Sign up to adopt a liberal to pray for daily


Ireland signs Lisbon Treaty only after they are guaranteed to remain sovereign in their civility


Student Society at McGill University in Canada can't tolerate pro-life student club message


Video report on tax payer funded US Forest Service attempt to silence religious ornaments on Capitol Christmas Tree.

Video: Why many believe that the waste of tax payer funded public education has got to go?

Liberal Media Bias

Rush Limbaugh smeared by CNN and MSNBC via wikipedia as MRC demanded proof of the smears giving more reason to protest Big Media on 10/17/2009

Black Minister demands apology of media and Bozell at Media Research Center says to CNN and MSNBC, "I hope you all have good lawyers."

March on Big Media pre-events starting tomorrow as web site continues to climb into top 73,000 web sites in the US in only a month

Bill Watch

Hate Crimes passes house 281 to 146. Watch congressmen Gohmert speech on the floor concerning "hate crimes" bill being slipped into Defense Bill

First Amendment Case Victories

Our national motto has been corrected at the Capitol Visitor Center to read "In God We Trust" after citizens petition.


CBNNews that has been following closely the case of Ohio teenage runaway has this interesting video update. Watch part of arguments from the court.

83 pastors challenge the IRS for preaching on sermons about electoral candidates and government officials


Excellent video: Atheism is a religion.


It's not about race and hate but about Government waste. 50 examples given and a $1.4 trillion deficit and they continue to spend. Unbelievable.

Tax payer funded Washington Health Department holds regular meetings with abortion businesses

Ohio County contracts out $50,000 of tax payers money to Planned Parenthood.

US tax payers fund president's fundraising event for radical lobbying group

American Tax Payers are funding pornography addictions at the National Science Foundation


Pro-Life Attacks

Man in Texas convicted of attacking pregnant woman and challenges unborn victims law

Girl's boyfriend threatens to leave if she did not get an abortion and then she pays $150 for friend to hit her in the stomach to cause miscarriage

Pro-lifers under attack in our public institutions. Mid Schooler can't wear shirt (see image of shirt), Policeman takes picture of Jesus away and.....

Pro-life message censored once again at our Colleges

Abortionist in Georgia arrested after punching woman over road rage

Donations to breast cancer research thru Susan Komen are also donations to fund abortions

Liberal Media Bias

New York Times covers smaller liberal rally's with much more enthusiasm and fairness then conservative protests

First, New York Times and now the Washington Post on the front page covers protest of 176 people.

Katie Couric at CBS last year made sure her listeners new the record deficit reported by the CBO how about this year under Obama?

Today marks a historic protest against Big Media. And guess what, Jimmy? It has nothing to do with race nor hate.

First Amendment Case Victories

ACLJ reports on Pledge of Allegiance victory in Federal Court


Logical Fallacies: Formal Fallacies - Jason Lisle at Answers in Genesis


ABCNews reports on Creationists response to "Ardi"



French Culture of Minister in autobiographical book wrote, "I got into the habit of paying for boys...."

French abortions fail to decrease even after increase in contraception says French National Institute of Demographic Studies


African countries themselves should be able to receive aid without sacrificing their moral values


Two men in Canada plead guilty to murder of woman who refused to have abortion. Unborn child not recognized under Canadian law.


BBCNews reports on Jaw bone created from adult stem cells


"Muslim Mafia" gains more than 1 million places at in hours without having Big Media coverage

Same Sex Marriage

American Library Association urged to include Ex-gay books in banned books week

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