Marcia Walden

Christian Counselor Fired for Denying Advice-"The battle for gay rights may have cost one Christian counselor her job. Marcia Walden used to work as a workplace counselor for the Centers for Disease Control. She says she was fired after referring a lesbian worker at the CDC to another counselor. The woman wanted relationship advice."

Lillian Ladele

Also, see Religious rights trump gay rights vs Gay rights should not be used to harass people of Religious beliefs? which has links and video to a similar situation in the UK where a Christian Registrar won a unanimously decided case against Islington Counsel because of something similar to above. It is interesting to note that in the UK it appears that this made alot of news even on their BBC public TV whereas our PBS, NBC, CBS and ABC public TV never pick up stories at all like this with happenings in America. It is greatly dissappointing that in a more liberal England that these stories get more air time then in our more conservative America. Just goes to show that maybe in some areas like partial birth abortion and public TV we are more liberal then Europe.

Also, in that blog there is a must read article of a lawsuite pending right now against the city of San Francisco's resolution condemning the catholic church over similar issue and an update on McDonalds boycott where McDonalds spokesperson accuses those boycotting McDonalds as haters when the boycott has made it clear that it has nothing to do with hiring homosexuals in the workplace or anything like it but rather McDonald's support of an organization that is political active and one sided toward this issue in political matters. If McD's wants to be inclusive of all members of their society they need to not call some members of their society haters just because they disagree on a lifestyle choice on religious grounds. What about those being fired in the work place because of their religious beliefs??? What about ex homosexuals and their stories???!!! What about religious rights and discrimination???!!! I do hope that one day McD's will give a certain amount of money and support toward those who are on the religious side of this issue. That would indeed be being inclusive of all members of society!!!! Until then all that McD's will be getting from my pocket book is a Big Mac Supersized email/blogs of hypocrisy!!!

Crystal Dixon (Update to previous emails I sent out to you all on Crystal on 05/13/2008)"I am also a Black woman and a devout Christian...For more than 25 years, I have been a Human Resources professional and leader, providing excellent service to all people regardless of their sexual orientation. I have hired and recommended the hiring of both homosexuals and heterosexuals based upon their qualifications, skills and abilities. My performance evaluations with the University of Toledo are excellent...In my opinion, based upon Scripture, homosexuality is a practice of choice and cannot be equated to the color of one’s skin with which one is born....Let me be clear. I did not gay-bash nor do I hate homosexuals...It is ironic that at least two other colleagues at the University have publicly written articles in newspapers, in their official University capacities, in which they opposed or harshly (and unprofessionally) criticized the University's administration and/or Toledo citizens on other issues and no discipline or termination has occurred for them...My case may become a landmark case on multiple fronts."


"the divisive and discriminatory efforts to amend the California Constitution"-Obama's comments concerning the amendment to define marriage between a man and a women that will be on the ballot this Novemeber in California. If this is how Obama views those who view marriage as Crystal, Lillian and Marcia do then will Obama help end religious discrimination or continue to promote? I believe there may be a healthier balance/compromise for both religious individuals like the above and the gay activist in an email I sent to you all at What can our presidential/senate candidates and voters learn from NPR, The Christian Institute, BBC and the UK when it comes to "Hate Crimes"?. I have argued this position on discussion forums and have yet to get really any decent discussion over it but rather just heated passion about how necessary hate crimes laws are. That is find and dandy and to some degree I am willing to explore that possibility, however, they seem to completely bypass the concerns of the religious so far as if we hate them or something. I believe that many in the gay community have characterized the religious so falsely that they are lead to believe we are indeed haters of them. This is really sad. It seems no compromise can be made until this false notion is handled and companies like McD's stop encouraging the hate painting at a SuperSized level. Why not real discussion??? I am so looking forward to discussing these issues with a homosexual that can agree that disagreement does not equal hate nor discrimination and that maybe protection could be provided for homosexuals even by those who disagree with them if only we can do what has been done in the UK (UK: House of Lords recognizes dangers of hate laws to free speech and religious liberty) as the UK has been dealing with this for sometime and is continually dealing with it.

Conservative Christians Debate Same-Sex Marriage Ruling-But also includes a panel of differing views. This is a quick news report of of this about hour and a half panel discussion. If you would like to listen to the whole panel discussion go here. I have yet to hear it.

I have also been very impressed with the balance of coverage from this conservative news medium at I have found they do alot of stories and usually have both sides presented in the stories and yet cover issues like McD's accused of calling some members of our society as haters. Here is an example of just one of many balanced story on this issue with McD's at McDonald’s Accused of Equating Defense of Marriage with ‘Hatred’. They do not just do stories on moral issues either but you will see they are quite diverse in subject like most news mediums. You can sign up for E-mail daily News Briefs also, somewhere on that site and they just did a overhaul of their web site.

Other News of Possible Interest

Media is not giving you the whole Mortgage Crisis story: Fannie and Freddie is Enron x 19/Microsoft Sized Monopoly/Leading Compaign Giver and Lobbyist-"The Federal Reserve (another government factor)"..."Three weeks ago when a Newsweek poll put Democrat Barack Obama 15 points ahead of Republican John McCain...Newsweek survey released Friday placed Obama a mere three points in front of McCain"

Obama vs McCain on changes on Obam's web site concerning Iraq -How many days a year are we working to pay for the cost of Government earmarks and all? And check out the highest tax increase in American History around the corner in 2010.

Yanking Back the Balance/Filling in the Gaps/Emphasizing the Missing Headlines


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