Update on Crystal Dixon:

Here is how it all began:

Gay rights and wrongs: another perspective- The actual article that got Crystal Dixon fired!!!! Check it out for yourself as she opens..."I read with great interest Michael Miller's April 6 column, "Gay Rights and Wrongs." .... I respectfully submit a different perspective for Miller and Toledo Free Press readers to consider."

UT protects gay rights- President of UT's response..."The University of Toledo welcomes, supports and places value upon persons of every variety." Sure you do!!! "We will be taking certain internal actions in this instance to more fully align our utterances and actions with this value system." Is not Crystal Dixon a valuable person to and thus her religiously conservative opinion that she has "respectfully" and "unhatefully" submitted? Let alone this is not just her own this is the opinion of many of UT's religiously conservative students. What about their value? So how does he consistently apply these values without redefining his values as "The University of Toledo welcomes, supports and places value upon persons of liberal variety at the expense of the religiously conservative variety." This is a bad model of tolerance/diversity/value of persons of every variety/inclusivity/human rights being modeled to UT students in my opinion. What you do to model tolerance to your students is to allow for both opinions and go home loving each other period. That's tolerance!!! And that "places value upon persons of every variety." consistently and non hypocritically!

And here is how it ends:

UT offered Dixon alternate position prior to termination-"A former UT administrator who was fired for opinions she expressed on Toledo Free Press' Web site said the university offered her a demotion and pay cut prior to terminating her employment....After declining the offer, Dixon was notified of her termination May 9 through her attorney, Tom Sobecki, she said, noting UT's offer was "unacceptable because I didn't do anything wrong.""


If you don't believe Hate Crimes Legislation will be used to silence religiously conservative speech think again and again. In this university you don't even need a Hate Crime bill to punish those of the religiously conservative perspective. All you need is an intolerant President.

Check out these comments given to the Toledo Free Press from many of their readers.

Reaction letters to Crystal Dixon's article both good and bad but check out the bad. Notice how they deem such speech!!!

Crystal, but not clear-President and Publisher comments on situation. "Not since the Marines controversy have so many hundreds of readers sent letters and left phone messages on a topic. The hot button has been pushed. Here's hoping Dixon and UT find a graceful exit strategy that allows her to move on amiably and protects UT's mission of diversity and inclusion." However, if UT's mission is truely diversity and inclusivity then they are clearly violating there own mission.

Please feel free to review an email I sent to the President of the UT here on an email I sent out 05/08/2008.

"Thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things."-Romans 2:1 in principle.

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