Last Week in Review


Not to often you find the issue of the unborn at the University of California at Berkley, New York Times, NBC, and CNN...

October has been a great month for the unborn in media coverage: New York Times, then CNN, then NBC and now again CNN

Breaking News: NBC and CBS actually air shows that are sympathetic to Pro-lifers and expose Government waste in Government ran Medicare

Genocide Awareness Project hits liberal University of CA at Berkely with disturbing yet powerful images and comments

The Two major Hang Ups blocking health care reform

The Two Hang Ups currently blocking passage of health care reform: one in the House and one in the Senate

Breaking Video revealing two Stupaks: One that opposes tax payer funded abortions in ObamaCare and recently one that doesn't... and Democrat leaders may not allow vote on pro-life health amendment cause it may pass says AP and AP confirms Gibbs is wrong on Hyde Amendment protecting federal tax dollars funding abortions via ObamaCare and Excellent Video: FRC responds to liberal media bias and the White House with the evidence on tax payer funded abortions in health care reform and Video: Democrat says he has about 40 pro-life democrats that may just kill the health care reform bill. Watch why?


Debate on the floor over Senate Health Care bill between Republican Alexander and Democrat Durbin.

Video: Pelosi vs Republicans on new House health care bill.

John McCain on the senate floor exposing Obama's broken campaign promises on health care reform

New Video proves townhallers are better informed then their congressman as to whether or not the public option is a "trojan horse" to single payer

More Health Care discussions

Average cost of health care insurance varies from $3000 to $12,000 a year depending on which state you live in. Why?

Heritage Foundation Blog has this great first glance assessment at Senator Reid's announcement of health care legislation

Breaking News: Video of Senator Reid's announcemen that Senate health care reform bill in Senate will include a public option and option to opt out



Virginia OB/GYN with 10 years experience is futured in ad for Bob McDonnell a pro-life candidate for governor in Virginia

Video: Get to know 40 Days for Lifers in Ohio, NC, Illinois and New York City as 40 Days for Life in 39 days has been used to save 490 babies


Watch out for new movie inspired by true story in March '09.

Liberal Media Bias

Molotov Mitchell at Proof-Positive releases new video concerning the "birthers"

Bozell has this interesting video concerning the recent smears of Rush Limbaugh

Congressman Mike Pence slams Big Media in recent speech on the house floor

First Amendment Case Victories

City of St Louis pays $80,000 for damages, fees and costs for violating groups first amendment rights.


Jesus in a manger censored after 63 years



Like in the US European Parliament votes to oppose pro-life amendments to stop tax payer funded forced abortions.


Germany gives a 3 year imprisonment for embryo destruction so why are these Americans trying to get to Germany for stem cell treatment


African Bishops call for a rethinking of Africa by the rest of the world

African bishop says, "I know workers for NGOs who hang around with boys in order to introduce them to homosexual relationships"


Pro-lifer vs Pro-Choicer debate at University of Victoria in Canada on YouTube now

Canadian student placed in isolation for whole day for standing for life

Galapagos Islands

New documentary of the Galapagos islands just released.

Cuba video report: Cuba releases two baptist pastors for taking donations from churches in Florida to help churches in Guantanamo province

Bill Watch

President Obama signs into law new hate crimes law elevating some Americans deemed worthy of more protection then others

Video: John McCain's comments on the Senate floor concerning Democrats push of Hate Crimes bill slipped into Defense Bill


Mississippi homeschoolers ask for Susan Komen refund on donations after they learn Komen gave $700,000 to Planned Parenthood

Abortion rates in Ohio are at an all-time low


Tony Perkins at Family Research Council has this revealing video concerning Obama's safe school Czar Kevin Jennings

Liberal Media Bias

Wall Street Journal passes USA Today as the top selling newspaper in the US and was the only paper to increase in circulation


Audio sermon titled "The Poor and Needy" by Joshua Harris at Covenant Life Church

Video interview of armed robber in the middle of the robbery hands over gun after praying with victim

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