Last Week In Review

Found chart to the left at Heritage Foundation's blog which is reposted at Values Voter News here: White House released the first hard numbers on how many jobs the stimulus package has created or saved at a cost of $533,000 per job and then see Creating jobs at tax payers expense is getting far to expensive, Video: Newspapers to be bailed out at tax payers expense? and Tax payers will now be bailing out the bus industry via stimulus package and Tax payers funding free golf carts? Private Jet, airports, unnecessary road sign advertisments for the stimulus package and now this. and Interior Secretary wants to take $96 million of tax payers money to move horses around and $63 million in Medicaid fraud in 5 states alone GAO finds


CDC report shows that abortion and pregnancy rates dropped to historic lows from 1990-2005. Abortion rate by more than 1/3.

Values Voter News on Sundays tries to keep Sunday set apart for more spiritual posts. To keep in line with honoring the Lord one day in seven as He revealed in the 10 commandments remembering and honoring that He is our Creator and Saviour (Exodus 20:8-11, Deuteronomy 5:14-15 and John 1-21). Below is an example from this Sunday starting with Headliner Nick Vujicic

Take a tour around the world with Nick Vujicic on YouTube

Piper interviews Doug Wilson concerning new video documentary/debate over the existence of God

Video trailer: The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry in theaters now. Including interviews with Gavin MacLeod about movie.

Video: Get to know 40 Days for Lifers in Kentucky and Florida as 40 Days for Life in 31 days has been used to save 405 babies

Faith and Family at work in Thailand, Haiti, Indonesia and Michigan

Missing her left hip and leg Michele Perry has opened a home for 100+ orphaned children in the middle of warfare territory in Africa


Obama has the largest 2nd to 3rd quarter drop in approval ratings ever on the Gallup poll and other interesting polling stats


Liberal Media Bias

Americans For Prosperity asks its readers to compare Fox's Hannity show with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow show

Excellent video interview of Andrew Breitbart of that was intrumental in defunding ACORN on CSPAN and If they are going to ignore us let's start ignoring them by turning them off!!! 40 days for life protester assaulted by abortion advocate: no media.

Many videos of Operation Can You Hear Us Now? events and what is next?

2nd Amendment

Video: Guns Are Good


Local Video News report from New Hampshire on how well the stimulus package is working for their state. and White House released the first hard numbers on how many jobs the stimulus package has created or saved at a cost of $533,000 per job

Maker of IndoctrinateU has video comparing Obama merchandise sales when first in office to Obama merchandise sales now

Health Care

New Video exposing ObamaCare at tax payers expense funds abortions and so does the AP in a recent 10/09/2009 article

Breaking News: First Senate vote on ObamaCare fails big time.

Obama adviser speech in '07 describing what an honest democrat president would say about health care reform

Bill Watch

Excellent new GOP.COM video exposes broken promises of transparency by our current congress and president over Health Care Reform

Global Warming

Video: Professor of meteorology at MIT on panel answering questions concerning the subject of global warming after premiere screening of new movie


Video" 1 million prolife protesters in Spain. CNN actually covers it but what about America's annual pro-life protests?

Excellent new pro-life video out of Europe for TV in 5 parts. Must view....

Religious Liberty

And yet another UK Council worker sacked for witnessing online to gay christian is labeled "homophobic"

Same Sex Marriage

Take a tour around the world with Nick Vujicic on YouTube

Jokes and Cartoons

Here lies....Best Epitaph

Remember: It ain't over till it's over


Signs that democrats are in trouble in '09 and '10 elections.



African Bishops lambast Western media for spreading "abuse, lies and hate or derogatory propaganda"

African bishops, "vigorously denounced the ideology and international programs which are imposed on African countries under false pretexts.."


Italy rejects "sexual oreintation" in hate crimes legistation arguing that it would produce an inequality


Video" 1 million prolife protesters in Spain. CNN actually covers it but what about America's annual pro-life protests?


And yet another UK Council worker sacked for witnessing online to gay christian is labeled "homophobic" reports on what Big Media won't: British woman gives birth and dumps body at recycling plant and same thing in the US. Unbelievable.

British Doctor found guilty of poisoning lover to cause an abortion

BBCNews reports that Dutch MP won appeal in Britain and can now enter Britain.


Jamaican PM said Jamaica will not recognize same-sex marriage while he was in power

Bill Watch

Last count shows 778 ear marks attached to Senate Defense Bill

Faith and Family Philanthropy vs Government volunteerism promoting volunteerism for ACORN which is scrubbed but now promotes volunteerism for Planned Parenthood to combat 40 days for life

Attorneys have donated $100 million worth of pro bonon litigation work toward the fight for religious liberity across the globe.

Faith and Family at work in Thailand, Haiti, Indonesia and Michigan


Abortionist writes about her experience of dismembering one baby while feeling her own flutter in her womb

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