
Americans will not only be funding abortions via taxes worldwide and in America but now in the name of faith Americans will be forced to fund.......-Unbelievable!! Obama's faith based initiative unlike Bush's may actually be another area where Obama will allow the use of American tax payers money to fund abortions. In the name of faith and government will Americans be paying for abortions. Puke...

The mother of a baby ‘born alive’ and hidden on the roof of a Hialeah clinic tells her side of the story.

Child born of rape victim thanks mom who said, "I couldn't kill a kitten or a puppy, how could I kill an innocent baby?"

Abraham Lincoln was gay suggests CBS Early Show and more....

US History

Abraham Lincoln's unyeilding oppositon to slavery grew out of his dedication to the principles of our Founding Fathers

"can the liberties of a nation be thought secured..." and "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just"


"The Word of God no more needs defense than does a lion in a cage."


For a thorough, detailed, and honest assessment of all the issues surrounding detainee treatment.

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American Vision


FDA has now approved the first experiments using embryonic stem cells in patients...

YouTube video of 12 year old that caused parent to turn off comments because so many "loving, tolerant people...posted vile...threats"

Email your Senator to be sure Nancy Pelosi doesn't allow our tax money to go to abortion advocate organizations.

Rape victim comes forward since justice has yet to prevail....

Pro-Abort activist vs Pro-life Pregnancy Resource Centers

"The public be damned and the babies be damned..." Wisconsin State Senator Glenn Grothman...

Same Sex Marriage

Watch the court arguments for and against Prop 8 in California over Same Sex Marriage on March 5th...

California teachers vs their own union, hollywood and those on the left on the issue of same sex marriage...


Homosexual indoctrination internationally...

A growing problem in our world today going largely unreported in Big Media...

LifeSiteNews.com has daily articles concerning Life and Family issues worldwide. A must subscribe to feed...-A must subscribe to feed to find out what is happening worldwide in issues of faith, family and life!!!!


Pro-Lifers pelted with stones from pro-aborts in France...


German study of 2 million proves that prior abortions increase premature birth risks. Link to biggest study in the last 30 years here...


Good news for the unborn in politics in the EU


Human rights are in conflict with tradition family values says UNPFA leader and hopes human rights triumphs over Godly family values....


The unborn just got a push of support in Canada!!!

YouTube video of protesters disrupting pro-life event in Canada and some lessons learned...


200 year old Christian charity reveals the "institutionalised Christaphobia" of UK's Brighton Council and the council backs down...


Uganda's first lady says, "To be true to myself, as a mother and as a believer in Jesus Christ, I am prepared to continue advocating for these values"

Religious Freedom

Christian called a "fascist bastard" in front of class over students view of marriage and faith...

63 First Amendment case victories since 06/2008 and other pending cases/situations

Actual YouTube videos of NY parents having to endure an interesting 'religious sincerity test'...

YouTube of Senator Jim DeMint speaks out in Senate about stimulus bill that contains religious discrimination....

Liberal Media Bias

Big Media continues to bias the American voters against the unborn...

When Big Media ignores grassroots grow...Another video is handed over to authorities exposing Planned Parenthood's unlawful practices...

Obama trying to take control of the 2010 Census with no Big Media air play as of yet

Couric and CBS caught in bias by omitting an important poll finding from their own poll...

PBS show demonstrates just the opposite of what PBS show was claiming about media coverage of Obama...

Facebook censors Conservative Group's Anti-Stimulus Petition and TV stations prove the point of a Christian TV series by not airing it...


Oklahoma and New Mexico consider academic freedom legislation that successfully passed in Louisiana...


Dow Jones falls again after Stimulus bill passes in the Senate and new financial plan unvieled...

See Republicans and Democrats make comments on stimulus bill

Video update from Focus on the Family's Citizen Link. A conservative view of the Obama agenda that needs to be known.


Get 22weeks. Based on a true story. "A young woman is locked in the bathroom of an abortion clinic..."

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