
12 year old girl's pro-life speech was rejected by judges but they change their minds and she wins the competition in Canada and moves forward...

Update on 12 year old's popular pro-life presentation. Unborn child saved and many converted and attracts 200,000 YouTube views and counting....-But now over 330,000.

Democrat gets partial birth abortion ban passed in Arkansas and says pro-abortion congress may overturn the Federal Ban...

Great, great grandson of William Wilberforce supported Personhood bill passes North Dakota house 51-41 and heads to Senate but that's not all...

The little known African American History that will blow your mind...

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American Vision

Video Highlights

YouTube from '04 hearing proving Republicans were trying to reform Fannie and Freddie which are back in the news in a big $400 billion dollar way

YouTube video of African American pastor being harrassed by pro-aborts and guess who the authorities threaten with jail time-Update (Breaking News. Pro-life pastor sentenced to 30 days in jail, three years probation and fined $1130.)

Watch the program online that has been banned from TV stations in Michigan and Ohio which proves the plot of the movie.

YouTube video of officers arresting a peaceful pro-life street education event on sidewalk near school...

Watch what Big Media is not telling about what is happening to free speech and religious liberties in America part 1

Watch what Big Media is not telling about what is happening to free speech and religious liberties part 2

Watch what Big Media is not telling about what is happening to free speech and religious liberties in America part 3

Watch what Big Media is not telling about what is happening to free speech and religious liberties in America part 4

American Remembrance

George Washington's birthday is in 4 days. Comments from some who have heard his prayers during the revolution...

Liberal Media Bias

A study and report documenting how the networks covered the biggest spending bill in history...

New York Times Co. gives to the abortion industry and other liberal groups year after year...

George Stephanopoulos from Profiles in Bias at Media Research Center

Glamour magazine reveals bias against those who are for the unborn...


Fetal stem cells trigger tumors in ill boy and Pope tells Pelosi and other catholic politicians to protect life at all stages of its development.

In the name of service to the community we dismember unborn children at a Wisconsin University Hospital...

Here is my email to a Wisconsin University Hospital pleading for the lives of the unborn and their response...

YouTube video of man with pro-life anti-Obama sign pulled over and faces police and secret service...

Same Sex Marriage

Read actual letter from office of former President Clinton trying to punish hotel owner for supporting Prop 8 in California...

Watch what Big Media is not telling about what is happening to free speech and religious liberties in America part 1



Brazilian Government finds 99% of its citizens are "homophobic". Check out the questions asked on this survey to determine "homophobia"


School receptionist faces sack over prayer request in UK

UK Govt. fights to keep abortion information sealed from public..


Link to entire interview of Spanish Medical Expert that says damage to women caused by abortion is scientifically proven


19-0 Mexican state amends consitution to protect life from conception. Read the actual article.


Fires in Australia spark a "green" debate and revive faith in God for some as Christians pray for revival


Good news and bad news for christians in China

Religious Freedom

First amendment case victory awards $34,300 to firefighters who were sexually harrassed and forced to participate in a gay pride parade

Faith discrimination in the name of Obama's faith based initiative?

Will Obama's faith based initiative allow organizations to remain faithful to their faith when receiving federal funds...

Obama Watch

See memorandum sent to US Senate Judiciary Committee asking them to reject Administrations DOJ nominee and why...


Poll after Poll and Dow Jones after Dow Jones shows that Americans and Investors do not believe the economic stimulus plan is the plan of recovery...

Market is responding poorly to the actions of Obama and congress after the first week of the signing of the stimulus bill?


High School football philanthropy makes CBNNews.com. Great story...

Weekly address

Obama vs Lisa Murkowski in this weeks weekly address-This is actually last weeks weekly address. Below is this weeks weekly address.

Obama's weekly address vs Republican weekly address

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