Last Week In Review


Abortion "care"
in health care?

New Pro-life ad: "Health reform is the issue to insist..for his first term..Public option is key"-says influential abortion advocate Wendy Chavkin and The AP recently claimed "Obama....told CBS that the nation should continue a tradition of not financing abortions..." Yah right

Video: Pelosi says she is for the right of a woman to choose but the issue of abortion in health care will not stop bill from passing.

Public debate heats up

Many videos of TEA Parties moving to townhall meetings and now protesting ObamaCare?

Breaking Videos: US Citizens making their case. Does it look scripted to you? One lady is in tears. Another lady has no paper as she speaks.

Breaking Video: AARP walking out on its own members at townhall meeting

Humorous videos of a parable describing the criticism of those on the right by those on the left over ObamaCare

John Stossel of 20/20 reflects views of many who are concerned of the US heading in the direction of government ran universal health care.

White House vs those "scaring" the public on ObamaCare over the issue of the public option being a step toward universal health care or not.

Obama's speeches prove what many are concerned about that being the Government politicizing decisions the physicians make.

The President's weekly address vs Michael Steele and comments from Values Voter News

Mike Huckabee talks about abortion being covered in the health care reform bill

The real answer Faith and Family

New Scientist magazine reports on research that show mothers and fathers make different contributions to their child's upbringing both important

Divorce makes children more likely to divorce. Divorce also hurts children in more ways then this, drives costs of welfare and healthcare and more....

Government Report says faith based organizations do most volunteering and have highest rate of retention.

Not only does divorces hurt children and drive up costs of welfare but now divorce drives up costs of healthcare

God's way is THE WAY. See more on how much God's way saves our society at label
George Washington's Proclamation in 1798 and Romans 1:19-22

and Jokes

What will our democrat lead congress and presidency do?

The Prosecuting Attorney Gets Tough - Joke of the Day

How to make record profits.

Video: Officer Abuse - Jokes



Video: Randall Terry to Pelosi, Reid, the Obama Administration and Big Media with 25 years of peaceful protesting against abortion.

Video exposing Pro-abortion group really fudging the facts in recent video

Supreme Court

Video of John McCain on CSPAN declaring why he did not vote for Sotomayor and see vote record of who voted for and against

Global Warming

Video Interview of New York Times best seller over the issue of Global Warming.

Health Care

Video: GOP vs Obama Administration on Health Care Disinformation on whether or not the public option will lead to government ran health care

Liberal Media Bias

Video: MSNBC's interviewers heckling attorney on lawsuit asking for proof of Obama's eligibility which Dr Fukino states exists. vs CNN's Loud Dobbs on Obama birth certificate. Are those who are asking why not release the original birth certificate racists? and Attorney files motion on 08/01/09 for authentication of alleged 60's Obama Kenyan certificate from Africa

God and Debates

Hitchens vs Wilson over the existence of God part 4

Found these interesting videos from back in '07 from 1888NEEDHIM

Video: If your looking you can see proof of God's existence and more...

Video Sermon on Grace at Mars Hill Church

Liberal Media Bias

If Big Media doesn't tell you which party a politician belongs to who is involved in a scandal assume democrat

Clinton and Obama both made front cover of Time Magazine 8 times before August. Guess how many times the last three Republican Presidents made it?


Congress condemns CEO on private jets but now approves millions for making their own reports ABC News



Tax payers in the UK are funding play potraying Christ as a transsexual


Pro-family/life building in Amsterdam vandalized


US casualties in Iraq down to all-time low in July


Conservative Christian activist denounce and condemn shooting at Gay and Lesbian Center in Tel Aviv


Logical Fallacies: Introduction - Jason Lisle at Answers In Genesis

Values Voter News Stats

Values Voter News July '09 stats. Values Voter News has best showing in Technorati to date.

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