Last week in Review


Court orders $25,000 for damages and rules Chrisitan man free to share faith in Connecticut and two other related case victories in New York

UCLA drops unconstitutional threats against internet speech and Minnesota library stops banning religious meetings and charging extra fees...

Texas A&M rightly concludes that Christian club may remain Christian

YouTube video of Erica Corder's graduation speech in part that school denied her diploma over

Education Secretary doesn't answer whether or not Martin Luther King's views on God's law should be taught in public schools. and Dr Alveda King Niece of Dr Martin Luther King Jr Remembers Sen. Edward Kennedy

Government hearings becoming popular on YouTube calling for a new category on YouTube

Cartoons and Jokes

Tim Hawkins latest video - The Government Can

He's a Nazi - Cartoon

Cartoon - Michael Vick vs Abortion Clinic


Liberal Media Bias

Chris Matthews at it again. This time with Tom Delay.

YouTube video of banned ad by ABC

Obama Watch

Sunday marked our President's lowest Rasmussen approval rating yet but there is more...

CNN video: Black Cambridge Officer says Obama Lost Her Vote


The Heritage Foundation's blog titled "Myths and Facts about ObamaCare" responds to claimed "Misperceptions about the president's plan.." at NBC

Abortion becoming the battle in Healthcare Reform and and Time Magazine finally confirm that health care reform would mark significant change in tax payer funded abortions

White House leaks the news late Friday that the President's spending plan will nearly double the already high national debt

Video of McCain being booed for sticking up for Obama. Democrat Senator says, "Nobody is going to bring a bill before Christmas..."


National Geographic's "Inside the Womb" video now available on YouTube in 9 parts

Video: If Will Ferrell were pro-life....


Video Sermon on Dating at Mars Hill Church


Ray Comfort vs Thunderf00t first 30 minutes on YouTube III


Mayo Clinic Doctor says abortions hurt women and cause premature births

Sunday marked our President's lowest Rasmussen approval rating yet but there is more...

Missouri budget keeps abortion alternative funding

4 former employees of late term abortionist LeRoy Carhart have come forward with claims of unsafe and illegal practices

Planned Parenthood

Three lawsuits in Ohio associated with the use of abortion as a means of trying to cover up sex abuse.


Sunday marked our President's lowest Rasmussen approval rating yet but there is more...

Same Sex Marriage

Breaking News: NEA looses as Supreme Court of DC rules that ex-gays must be recognized under sexual orientation non discrimination-laws

AIDS rate 50 times higher in homosexual men reports Center for Disease Control


National Geographic News: Dark Energy's Demise? New Theory Doesn't Use the Force



UNFPA, UNESCO and International Planned Parenthood team up with a radical sex ed. document. Teach 5-8 year olds about masturbation and more...


European Committee upholds pro-abstinence sex ed program in Croatia


Slovakia President signs pro-life and woman bill informing them of abortion risks



"Homeschooling is the sleeping giant of the American education system"-Homeschoolers beat the national average on ACT Test

New Hampshire court orders "superior to grade level" home-schooled child into government-run school

Public Education

Los Angeles Board of Education voting to privatize a third of the schools to private operators


Logical Fallacies: The Fallacy of Begging the Question - Jason Lisle at Answers in Genesis

Faith and Family

Aviation Missionaries to be honored in Space via "Discovery" at NASA

CBN video: Faith-Based Prison has proven many times more successful then non faith based .

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