
Radiometric Dating and the Bible.

How to interpret science news? With great lessons for interpreting any news from AnswersinGenesis.org

Same Sex Marriage

Same sex marriage debate effects psychologist counselors who disagree with the psychology of same sex relationships

Conservapedia vs Wikipedia on the issue of homosexuality teaches a lesson in bias.


Gay campaigners are set to use this year’s Pride London event to press the National Blood Service to accept blood from men who have engaged in gay sex

First homosexuals in New Jersey sue for not being allowed to perform same sex ceremony on church owned property now witches sue

Hate Crimes

The US commission on Civl Rights opposes Hate Crime bill in senate and makes some interesting comments as to why.


Before you donate again to the United Way be sure they don't support your local Planned Parenthood abortion business like they do in Florida since '76

Obama gives Gitmo terrorists legal standing but rolls back protections for the unborn.


Brazil Supreme Court condemns pro-life group for calling a pro-abortion anthropologist an "abortion anthropologist".

Pro-lifers for the most part prevail at Geneva Human Rights Council Meeting.


Links to many interviews and testimonies of ex-gays

Church and Family Philanthropy

Faith and Family key to curbing school contacts concerning behavior problems.


Christian ministry last month was honored by China now honored by Mexico

BBC video report of church providing shelter for Romanian forced to flee their homes by neo-Nazi's


Why bailouts won't help objective reporting as much as it has helped our economy?

YouTube of UK conservative politician Daniel Hannan stating the obvious as he critiques why stimulus packages and bailouts have not worked in Europe

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