Adult Stem Cell research makes Oprah Winfrey Show with a lesson in Liberal Media Bias.


Pro-life ad on bus is banned after one complaint in Canada...


Link to Pro-family and life activist in Brazil's blog who has fled to escape charges of "Homophobia"...


Pastor released from jail early but leads 6 men to Christ and now has multiplied support for woman to make the choice of life outside clinic...

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. jailed Good Friday in 1963. Good Friday 46 years later another black man is jailed.


Georgia House of Representatives are calling on Germany to "recognize the...rights of determine the educational upbringing of their own.."


YouTube video of arrest of Kansas Pastor in 2007 just now wins his case. See trail of 81 First Amendment Case Victories since 06/2008.


Illinois pharmacists gain a conscience rights victory!!!


Belguim government votes 95-18 to "react strongly against any state or organisation that...brings into doubt the benefit of using condoms"


YouTube video of heated debate over same sex marriage on MSNBC Hardball

Is Condom Distribution Smart Health Policy?

How does a presuppositional apologist deal with someone who has another “god” or another religious book, etc.?


What do Mick Jagger, Susan Sarandan, Sonny and Cher, Michael Caine, Jude Law and Jay Leno have in common?

Infamous abortionist Tiller is under fire again. See YouTube video presentation of the evidence from two accusers...

YouTube testimony of infamous serial killer David Berkowitz

YouTube testimony of Basketball Great Pistol Pete Maravich who signed the biggest contract in the history of sports at the time...


Video of Barney Frank answering a conservative Harvard student about whether or not Barney is at all responsible for the mortgage crisis.

Further evidence that the banking issue is the issue of our economy!!!

Obama "Not once, during the solemn 52 minutes and 5,902 words of his speech to Congress did he mention the Fed, Fannie, or Freddie."


Church and Family Philanthropy under a 3.87 billion dollar attack by Obama's budget
Tax payers are paying for group to advise teens on how to decide if they are gay...

Tiller and Planned Parenthood's numbers are in and it is clear what they are in business for at our tax payers expense...

Government will cost Americans 103 days of pay in 2009

Weekly Address

Weekly Address

Weekly Address's from last week. Listen to the reasons why not one Republican has voted yes on this budget from Republicans themselves.



Freedom of speech under shariah law and hundreds of muslims attack christian shops in Egypt


Uganda won't give in to international pressure to legalize homosexuality


God is back. There are more christians going to church in China then there are members of the communist party!!!

Liberal Media Bias

CBS/NYT poll not as accurate as some may want you to believe. Just see how inaccurate this poll was for the popular vote between McCain and Obama.

Gun control equals less crime?

Cost of Global Warming in pictures...

Big Media again and again miss party ID on democrats connected with crime but not so with Republicans

Same Sex Marriage

First Iowa and now Vermont legalizes same sex marriage in this years legislation...

Iowa redefines marriage and undermines the institution of marriage as nothing more then a stereotype when marriage would cut child poverty by 2/3

Obama watch

Who were Obama's peacemakers in the abortion debate in last Friday's call?


Illinois FOCA bill dies in Illinois House!!!!

North Dakota passes bill that requires woman to be informed that abortion is terminating the life of another but won't pass personhood bill that....

Church and Family Philanthropy

Church ministry helping thousands find jobs....

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