Here is TV schedule for PBS in NM for this documentary-

In other states it may be actually earlier.

Here is web site of documentary -"In 1858, ABRAHAM LINCOLN acknowledged that "every school boy" in America knew the great character of William Wilberforce. Yet today the man and his legacy is virtually unknown today in the United States. The emancipation leader FREDERICK DOUGLASS saluted the energy of Wilberforce "that finally thawed the British heart into sympathy for the slave, and moved the strong arm of government in mercy to put an end to this bondage. Let no American, especially no colored American, withhold generous recognition of this stupendous achievement -- a triumph of right over wrong, of good over evil, and a victory for the whole human race.""

"It was important for us to film the original documents which ended the slave trade. Pictured here, in the House of Parliament Archives Division, WE FILMED THE ORIGINAL British 1807 Act of Abolition of the Slave Trade. Instead of printing, the text was handwritten on parchment using the skins of eight sheep sewn together. The curled sections of parchment are amendments that were stitched on top of the original."

"We also filmed the ORIGINAL MANCHESTER PETITION, which was THE FIRST EXAMPLE of a MASS PETITION to the House of Parliament. It contains some 2,500 names; and of particular interest is that it was THE FIRST TIME THAT THE SIGNATURES OF WOMEN appear on a petition."

"The documentary explores the 20-year effort of William Wilberforce to lead the abolition of the British slave trade -- a business that was key to the country's economic strength. Wilberforce and his Clapham colleagues brilliantly executed this enormous task. They MANAGED TO SHAPE OPINION WITHOUT the help of mass communication technology."

This should be interesting!!!!

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