Last Week In Review

Cartoon taken from post at Values Voter News titled Cartoon: Bad Bad America with many more interesting points to take note of. 


Introducing Alfonzo Rachel

Alfonzo Rachel at Zonation explains the economy and big government. and this one goes well with this one at Was Jesus a capitalist? and Videos: Conservative and Socialists debate Greece, the US and socialism 

Alfonzo Rachel of Zonation rocks the liberal mind set against "Tea Bagging" patriotic Americans

Zonation takes on the issue of spanking and the scriptures.

Video: Alfonzo Rachel of Zonation and Death Row


The more you attend church the less likely you are to approve of our President.

Quick Commentary 

Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight


Faith and Family Philanthropy

The Rock University heads to Haiti and Atheist China officially requested of faith groups to help with rebuilding efforts and recognizes efforts of the religious community.


Lamplighter Theatres new free 3 hour audio drama download

Video: "We the People" to President Obama and 3 million YouTube views since mid February.

Memorial Day tear jerkers and one with over a million YouTube views in less than 4 months.  

Global Warming

Should a Christian fight global warming for the sake of the poor?

Video: Al Gore's commencement address 


Video: Caitlin Bruce tells story of how she changed her mind during abortion procedure but abortionist aborted child anyways.

Abby Johnson in latest and newest video from 40 day for life explaining how 40 days for life was instrumental in her decision to quite Planned Parenthood.

Last week abortion clinic ads began to run in the UK just as a woman dies from "safe" abortion in Marie Stopes clinic in India. 

Illegal Immigration

Video: Sheriff in Arizona has been taking the law into his own hands before the law even passed in Arizona.

First Amendment Case Victories

Rocky Mountatn Church in Niwot, Colorado wins a major victory in appeals court this month.

College of Alameda pays attorney fees of students they disciplined for praying. 

Dr Douglas Collins has contract cancelled after praying with inmates even after he asks permission of inmates to pray. 


Man rapes daughter and then murders her and baby after a botched abortion.

ACLU threatens legal action against Texas sherriff who refused to drive inmate for abortion

Aborted baby sent for cremation but found alive in box just before cremation.

Abortion push at G8 should consider new encouraging studies that back life affirming foreign aid.

Pro-life and Family Arizona group say they have had the most successful legislative session to date.

Thumbs up to life before birth

Women who refuse an abortion often face attacks, death and backlash empowering the choice of those around her rather than her own choice.

University of Wisconsin abandons plans to provide sescond trimester abortion services after pro-lifers raise the issue.  

Same Sex Marriage

Homosexual activist priest caught with child porn and sexually abusing a teen in Milan

Homosexuals in Military three times more likely to sexually assualt according to publicly available documents.

Health Care

Oklahoma voters will have a chance to nullify ObamaCare

Labor Unions

Two influential labor unions will spend $100 million in 2010 elections to keep our current unpopular congress in office.

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