Last Week In Review


Also, Values Voter News has for the first time picked up on the issue of illegal immigration. This is a touchy subject so Values Voter News decided to wait until something hit the political seen and boy did it hit it in a big way in Arizona. See new label .

32 African American Republicans are running for office this year

What if in November Americans wake up with 4 African-American Tea Party Republicans in congress? 

Virginia Governor making a big difference in Virginia in just his first year.

Video: It is ok to pray in Jesus name in Virginia under Republican Governor McDonnell and Virginia's new Republican Governor gets his amendment to block tax payer funding of abortion in the budget passed by one vote in the Virginia state senate.

Our President's birth certificate issue just won't go away and why. 

Hawaii's Governor caught in a mistatement concerning President Obama's place of birth which changes nothing of the debate and 5 facts remain indisputable.

Bible Commentary

Capitalism and the Scriptures

Video: It may not be a sand cave - The Death of Floyd Collins  



Check out what one of the 10 most brilliant innovators of 2009 according to Popular Mechanics is doing.

UK Election results: CSPAN 14 minute video summary of the elections and discussion concerning the hung parliament

Video: Is overpopulation of the earth just a distraction to the real reason why there is hunger in the world? 

Economy and Taxes

Video: Paul Ryan on MSNBC and Fox talking about the debt crisis in America that if nothing is done will get worse than Greece.

Video: Palin is sick of hearing about another crisis that the government is going to stick it to the job creators with to fund community organizers 

Liberal Media Bias

Worst catastrophe in Tennessee since the Civil war and only 15 minutes of National News Coverage?

Mayor of New York first suspected an angry anti-Obama conservative left the bomb in an SUV in Time Square. Think again. 

Same Sex Marriage

DC Mayor caught between a rock and a hard place. Just more evidence that gay lobbying groups are out to stifle those of differing opinions than there own.


Videos: Another Scott Brown like upset in the working in the House in Pennsylvania in a special election on May 18th in a district that is 2 to 1 Democrat? 

Illegal Immigration

Gallup, Rasmussen and New York Times poll all point to the fact that Americans agree with new Arizona immigration law.

Wouldn't it be nice if Big Media were to report on why Arizona passed it's immigration law? Consider this...


Harrison Ford to Green Critics: ‘I’ll Walk Everywhere When They Walk Everywhere,’ ‘I Only Fly One’ of My 7 Planes ‘At A Time’ 



NCPA: The Greek Economy Explained

Health Care

Why marrying the health insurance industry with the Federal Government is a bad idea for Doctors and Patients? 

Does having health insurance make us healthier?


Canadian study shows links between Abortion and Mental illness/Suicide. 

Back in March Florida Pro-lifers successfully bring end to Planned Parenthood Program Funding

Global Warming

Is your sex life being effected by global warming? Government scientists wants more tax payer's money to find out.

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