Last Two Weeks in Review

My family and I were on vacation for the last 10 days or so which means I was unable to post much last week and the week before and was not able to post the prior week in review. So this will be a quick two weeks in review from posts made at Values Voter News. I posted a post titled Values Voter News on family vacation the day we left on vacation that has the top 10 posts at Values Voter News so far for 2010 that may be of interest. Also, from last week some follow up after the health care bill passed in congress. Check out these speeches from Republicans as last minute speeches to persuade a "no" vote on ObamaCare at: Video: House Republican Minority Leader's speech from the floor just before the vote that passed ObamaCare in the House. and also see Planned Parenthood vs National Right to Life on the Executive Order deal between Stupak and President to get health care reform passed in the House. For those who want to get the best available unbiased resource on the debates in congress see I just wanted to brag about CSPAN here for a moment and highlight some features using the recent health care debate on Sunday.


Video: High School clinic arranges student's abortion. Parents beware what you sign.

Centers for Disease Control: Gay men are 44 times more likely HIV positive than heterosexual men and 40 times more likely than women.

Video: Government so out of control that it is becoming safer to invest in the market than the government 


New CNN poll released Monday: 70% of Americans believe ObamaCare will increase the deficit and 59% oppose the bill.



Incan descendants considered to be one of the oldest indigenous people groups of the Americas celebrate new scripture translation.

Video: Christian musicians produce an inspiring music video and CD to raise support for Haiti. 

As pro-lifers lost a close and big battle in the US over tax payer funding of abortion in ObamaCare Canadians gained a close victory concerning funding of abortions in foreign aid

Girl Scouts " abortions" and "access to comprehensive sexuality education" right off the web site.  


Adult Stem Cells gives 10 year old boy a new Trachea

Same Sex Marriage

Crystal Dixon story continues. Fired over expressing her views on homosexuality in May of 2008 and continues to fight employer in court. 

Health Care

Video: Nancy Pelosi reveals why many Americans are switching from AARP to a conservative alternative in Amac or American Seniors

First Amendment Case Victories 

Tax payer backed US Post Office backs down from restricting free speech of a tax paying Christian man after letter from attorneys arrive.


Highlighting once again with pro-family, faith and life news from around the world

Same Sex Marriage 

Gay Marriage forcing pro-family views out of therapy association in California

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