Last Week in Review


Health Care Summit highlights

Videos: Highlights from the Health Care Summit... and also see
What's the truth about rising health insurance premiums? and Excellent factual and contextualized history of the Reconciliation process. Bush used the reconciliation process twice in '01 and '03 with no political backlash contrast that with ObamaCare.

President Obama and CNN polls

Obama now has a negative approval rating in every state that he flipped from the Bush column to his in 2008 says liberal polling firm

New CNN poll: 56% of America think government is a threat while CBS News/New York Times poll says 59% think the goverment is doing to many things that would be better left to businesses and individuals  

American Remembrance

Video: "We hold these truths...Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God"  


Graph: Republican lead congress created 8.1 million new jobs from 2003-2006 before Democrats took over in 2007.

Networks continue to ignore mortgage giant bailouts

Big Business

Wal-Mart teams up with VUDU and eliminates Adult Section then teams up with Proctor $ Gamble to sponsor Family-Friendly TV

Same Sex Marriage

NCAA won't allow a pro-life, faith and family group to advertise on its site after pro-choice and same sex marriage groups complain.



Video going viral with some interesting thoughts concerning the questions on the 2010 Census 

Representative Mike Pence and Jeb Hensarling discuss a spending limit amendment they are introducing


Abortionist accused of running over pro-life signs

Liberal Media Bias "To know the different sides of the issues without bias"

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