Last Week in Review

I was responding to a poster on a forum that was making a case for same sex marriage and thought it may be of interest at Argument for same sex marriage and a response to that argument. Also, see Same Sex Marriage running faith based adoption charities out of Massachusetts now out of DC.

Also, see how President Obama makes an excellent argument for a Republican Tea Party influence take over of Congress in 2010 at President Obama points us in the right direction as he answers the question: Why should Americans trust Democrats to reduce government spending and debt?


Must read comments from Democrat Senator Bayh who recently announced his retirement   

Democrat Senator Bayh on CBS News said “If I could create one job in the private sector by helping to grow a business, that would be one more than Congress has created in the last six months.”

Sen. Bayh before retirement announcement: “Whenever you have just the furthest-left elements of the [Democratic] party attempting to impose their will on the rest of the country, that’s not going to work too well.”

Canada's Conservative Party recently won big and is making a big difference on abortion funding

Update on debate between liberals and conservatives in Canada over abortion in initiatives to promote women and children's health.

Tea Party organizer wins in Democrat area of New York

Tea Party organizer wins in New York in district held by Democrats for that last 13 years and only the 3rd Republican in last 37 years. and related to this is the last Kennedy is retiring President and CEO of PhRMA steps down after committing some $100 million to help ObamaCare as last Kennedy after Scott Brown victory steps down.  


Video: The story of Dr Ben Carson awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2008 and what empowers him

Videos: Olympic athletes discuss the importance of faith at their jobs

Young lady attacks pro-life at knife point then 3 months later changes heart and says “If they weren’t there, I probably would have gone through with it and regretted it for the rest of my life..."



Video: Geert Wilders opening statement in trial against him for his film FITNA

Video: Thought provoking video skeptical of population control advocates 

Pro-lifers in Spain generate one million signatures to petition after a million show up to protest 6 months before against new abortion laws


Audio evidence of of abortionist in California violating the law.

Video: Very interesting street conversation between church leaders and pro-life protester protesting the church to do more about abortion

Videos: Check out new pro-life website called 


Video: Brian Riedle on CBN News and why tough choices will need to be made on the budget and deficit

Check out this forced unionization story from John Stossel in Michigan and further corruption from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac


Breaking: Five Muslim Soldiers Arrested at Fort Jackson in South Carolina on Christmas Eve

Taxes reports that tax payers paid federal workers more than $400 million to stay home on last week's snow days


The maternal mortality rate declined from 275 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in 1960 to 18.7 deaths in 2000, the largest reduction in any Latin country. So what's the secret?

Global Warming

Global Warming: The debate is not over says scientists and Phil Jones the very director of the Climatic Research Unit

Liberal Media Bias

Liberal Media Bias highlighted once again as CBS Early Show reports on latest CBS News/New York Times poll and leaves out valuable information.

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