
CNNMoney reports that Fannie and Freddie will be the most expensive bailout

Video: Another child saved from burning car and another recent incident at Breaking Video: Family Rescued from Burning Car

Pregnant woman killed and unborn child at 8 months taken from her body



Video: Dave Barry, Pullitzer Prize-winning author, censored at Marquette University. What does Dave have to say? and New York School District to offer Pregnancy test but not to inform parents of results


Video: Palin on some in the Media as she steps down as Governor of the state of Alaska

Reagan in 1961 makes valid points for today concerning healthcare reform

Video of Pence speaking out on House floor against tax payer funding of Planned Parenthood. See who voted for and against.

Video: Democrat John Conyers says their is no point in reading 1,000 page Health Care Bill without two lawyers to interpret it

Video debate over abortion in health care bill in congress


Video: Tim Tebow stumps reporter's question on whether or not he is saving himself for marriage

Global Warming

Quick Video: Overpopulation is a Myth

Video that answers the question: Why Global Warming Policies Are More Dangerous Than Global Warming Itself and CNSNews.com reports on another study in the Journal of Geophysical Research that undermines climate change via man made

Liberal Media Bias

Video: Obama's birth certificate issue makes CNN and NBC. It's not about conspiracy but rather transparency as Lou Dobbs makes some valid points.

Video of Rush Limbaugh making some valid points on the credibility of Big Media and alternative media sources.


God Loves a Broken Heart and Jesus Loves Yah - Jon Gibson


Hitchens vs Wilson over the existence of God part 3

Sunday Sermon

Video Sermon on Predestination at Mars Hill Church


Pro-life group challenges Planned Parenthood to a debate over abortion and health care as Planned Parenthood criticizes pro-life group's position.

Roe of Roe v Wades to Nancy Pelosi "Don't Put Abortion in Health-Care Reform Bill"

Turkish women with abortions have 66% increase in breast cancer risk

Tax Payer funded Federal Employees may get abortion "care" included in their tax payer funded health care if Democrats get their way

Susan B Anthony List is beating NARAL in petitions 112,000 to 12,500 over the issue of abortion in healthcare.



People who try cannabis just once show signs of behaviour linked to schizophrenia says study at Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College, London

Tax payer funded library in the UK allows mints to be passed out that mock Jesus but won't allow poster for church event for children

Christian doesn't get fired after all but barred from voting on cases.


Rwanda Genocide 100 day commemoration ends with 2 day festival of 70,000


Religious freedom, political dissent and free media are loosing ground in Fiji

First Amendment Case Victories

Atlanta Public Shools pay attorney fees and recognizes Christian club as IRS withdraws audit of Minn. pastor

WWJD business motto lawsuit brought by competitor is dismissed after counterclaim was filed

After letter from religious freedom group Navy changes policy to allow religious speech on NavyForMoms.com

Obama Watch

Obama's Science Czar advocates legal rights for trees, de-development of the US and a human being not human even after birth

Obama approval rating amongst likely voters is at its worst day yet and Republicans are up for record 5th week in a row

Liberal Media Bias

Good Morning America reports on New Jersey political corruption of about 50 individuals all democrats but one and doesn't mention that fact.

Dr Fukino's second statement confirms errors at Snopes.com and FactCheck over Obama's birth certificate

Faith and Family Philanthropy

Not only does divorces hurt children and drive up costs of welfare but now divorce drives up costs of healthcare

Government Report says faith based organizations do most volunteering and have highest rate of retention.

Jokes of the day

Joke of the day: Not all change is good change

The 193 Year Old Trial Lawyer


Republicans stop $8.7 million of tax payers money from going to connect Whalers to their ancestors

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