Click image to the left for George Washington's first proclamation in his own hand writing as President and thus America's very first proclamation by it's Presidency. Many consider George Washington to be the "Father of America". My wife and I some years ago vacationed to Washington DC and visited George Washington's house and at the tomb of Washington is plaqued John 11:25,26: "I am the Resurrection and the Life; sayeth the Lord. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die.". See Read and view image of America's very first presidential proclamation in Washington's own handwriting. Just a good reminder for Americans of our roots and to think about getting back to them.


Quick Comments about some polls and articles over the weekend

First, President Obama's overall approval rating is at 47% which ties his worst ever performance and 52% disapprove but what is more telling is 41% strongly disapprove which is Obama's worst strong disapproval rating yet while only 32% strongly approve. Below is a poll on ObamaCare that 44% strongly disapprove and over all disapproval is 53%. There is currently some talk about possibly taking out the public option over the weekend see New York Times article titled ‘Public Option’ in Health Plan May Be Dropped . But for now it is just talk who knows really which way it will go.

Other telling polls

Gallup and Pew Research just released public opinion polls on health care town hall protests. GOP has first time lead over democrats on health care.

Support for current plan to reform health care in congress is at an all time low and 44% of the 53% that oppose strongly oppose

Poll after Poll prove that the townhall protesters concerns are the concerns of a majority of Americans

Fact Checking our President

AARP releases statement that they are not on board with ObamaCare even though Obama says they are

Obama is comparing apples with oranges in comparing the public option to the options members of congress have.

New Whitehouse Reality Check web site needs a Reality Check itself.

New Whitehouse Reality Check web site needs a Reality Check itself. II

Breaking News: Obama's Fact Check site refutes Obama's recent town hall meeting speech over single payer health care


Just because Planned Parenthood is not named in the health care bill does this mean they will not get tax payers money from the health reform bill? and Planned Parenthood fined $700,000 for Medicaid overbilling on abortion

Video of congresswoman in California at town hall meeting responds to question with: "abortion will be covered as a benefit...I think it should be."

Video exposing language in the bill that answers the question: Will abortion be covered in Health Care Reform bill.


Video: Howard Dean vs Mike Franc on CNBC concerning Health Care-This quick debate may need to be viewed in an alternative browser.

Should the US have Universal Healthcare? -

Town Hallers

Video: Town Haller on MSNBC has good reason for not believing Obama on single payer health care coverage and Michael Moore: "If a true public option is enacted - and Obama knows this - it will eventually bring about a singly payer system"

Excellent video potrayal in support of town hall protesters

Union members gang up against black conservative protester and many more Health Care Protest videos

Liberal Media Bias

Chris Matthews suggests protesters are racially charged.

Is Chris Matthews blind or what? Judge for yourself.


Obama Watch

Video: White House press secretary vs Congressman Price on why bi-partisanship and common ground and reaching cross the aisle are not happening

Have you been getting emails from the White House lately and are wondering why?

Video: Leading feminists congresswoman Boxer and now Clinton get offended.

Democrat leaders when John McCain was running for presidency said we need full transparency what about Obama

How did Department of Homeland Security determine that "right-wing extremism" was a security threat? We now know...


Excellent video released in defense of the lives of the unborn.


Video Sermon on Sexual Sin at Mars Hill Church


Ray Comfort vs Thunderf00t first 30 minutes on YouTube


Cost of Government Day reports it costs 61.34% of our national income to run our Government

What is the Government going to do with all those clunkers that still have life in them?

First Amendment Case Victories

Welcome all conservative students to Gonzaga University's Manager of events, "almost all stupid people are conservatives" andUniversity of Iowa department of History has no Republicans and College of Law has one but hired 20+ years ago.-These posts do not show a case victory but why these cases are necessary.

Conservative and Religious Student Clubs gain two court victories this week and believe it or not court rejects challenge to recitation of the pledge

Liberal Media Bias

New York Times fails to mention Sen. Dodd as democrat when allegations arise but makes mention when he is cleared


Brand new nationwide study confirms homeschooling beats public schooling across all demographics


Pro-life displays at the "biggest open-air festival in Europe" "Przystanek Woodstock" in Poland destroyed


Obama repeatedly promised during and after his campaign that 3.5 millions jobs by the end of 2010. Chart revealing where we are at.


India officially added to US Commission on International Religious Freedom, persecution in Pakistan, beheadings in Somalia and christian runaway

Ian Paisley Jr speaks out against the hypocrisy of the treatment of Christianity by some on the left in England


Logical Fallacies: The Fallacy of Reification - Jason Lisle at Answers in Genesis

Values Voter News Stats

Values Voter News just recently added a rating system to posts late July. Values Voter News has received its first two ratings. Both the reader rated the post poor.

Here are the actual posts themselves: University of Iowa department of History has no Republicans and College of Law has one but hired 20+ years ago. and Excellent video interview of Kristan Hawkins making some great points in the health care debate on coverage..

Not sure why they were rated poor but if it was for the content the reader may want to review the label and the most recent posts concerning the subject at Welcome all conservative students to Gonzaga University's Manager of events, "almost all stupid people are conservatives" and Conservative and Religious Student Clubs gain two court victories this week and believe it or not court rejects challenge to recitation of the pledge

As far as Excellent video interview of Kristan Hawkins making some great points in the health care debate on coverage. it does seem Kristan has made a decent points. A health care system that is quicker then another would indeed benefit patients in situations like hers. So which system provides quicker care? See John Stossel of 20/20 reflects views of many who are concerned of the US heading in the direction of government ran universal health care. for more and Many videos documenting the problems with universal health care which Big Media seems to ignore.

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