A new most viewed post at Values Voter News this week

YouTube video of valedictorian's speech that was censored while speech was given. Watch students reaction...-for a more recent occurrence See complaint filed in the courts against Butte High School in Montana for censoring Renee Griffith's valedictorian speech...


YouTube video of prolife ad that will air on the closing episode of American Idol. Same group that was censored from advertising on CNN and NBC...

Snopes.com vs Darrell Scott the father of Rachel Scott who died in the Columbine school massacre incident in 1999...


YouTube update on testimony of Charlene Cothran an ex-gay and gay activist and gay magazine publisher along with other testimonies...


YouTube video of Alan Keyes and over 20 others arrested during peaceful protest at Notre Dame

Breaking News!!! Alan Keyes and over 20 pro-life protesters arrested at Notre Dame. Watch YouTube videos of Keyes trespassing warning from yesterday.

The heat is on at Notre Dame. Protesters expect to be arrested in the next couple of days and other protests planned for the 17th.

Breaking News!!! Man detained for displaying patriotic bumper sticker. Maybe DHS is serious. Also, YouTube video of prior similar pro-life incident.

YouTube video of Mike Huckabee calling out the Obama Administration on the swine flu and the unborn and gets audience applaude during show.

Video interview of Tony Bennett. Another Hollywood actor blindly following their leader...

Happy Mothers day from a Tangle video that has been the #1 viewed video for most of this last week

YouTube pro-life music videos from Flypsyde, Nick Cannon's true story and Holy Soldier...


According to Rasmussen poll Republicans in congress have had their first two consecutive victories which hasn't happened since April '07


Somewhat of a quick Debate between Jay Inslee (D-WA) and Joe Barton (R-TX) on cap and trade. Al Gore, California and Spain vs Texas.

YouTube video: Are you smarter then Congress? Milton Friedman makes valid point against typical criticism from the left on capitalism.


New Reality TV show highlights what families and a ministry have done to help three children with life-threatening heart defects.


Baby grabbing Dr's hand from the womb is now 9 years old and is thankful to God that he was in that picture..

Obama is pro abortion choice. Obama is what? First, no ads are allowed at CNN or NBC and now it's billboard sign companies....

Missouri to use stimulus money for pregnancy centers and maternity homes in their state. Model for others?

Alaska Air Force man accused of causing forced abortion of wifes unborn child...

Planned Parenthood makes cuts in its total number of non-abortion centers but increases its numbers of abortion facilities...


Countrywide Financial tops the list of the top 25 lenders in the subprime market but guess who was their biggest rewarder/customer for their practices

Same Sex Marriage

Same Sex Marriage will effect education.

More than 20 parents file suit against a California school district concerning a lesbian minister who was invited to school to speak about wedding...

Obama Watch

Read letter sent to White House by a pro-life student group of over 492 universities calling out Obama on suspecting 48% of 18-29 yr olds as extremist

Weekly Address

This week's Weekly Address. Republicans, President Obama and CitizenLink weekly update.


American Tax Payers are funding abortions in the US, globally and now in our nation's capital. It gets worse. Tax payer funded abortion litigation!!

Liberal Media is biasing viewers in favor of Obama's international tax plan which some say disadvantage the US globally and thus domestically...

USA Today vs TEA partiers. Does USA Today get the point?

Tax payers money being spent to study link between drinking and homosexual sex in Argentina and Hillary pledges $1 billion to Palestinians....



YouTube video of first Plan B over the counter commercial in the UK and 7 out of 10 students in survey say they use it cause of unprotected sex...

Hospital in UK requests local painters to not paint pictures of churches in order to adhere to the dogma of multi-faithism...

Hundreds protest speakers in London who say Gays can change if they want to...


YouTube video advertising Canada's March for Life in 6 days. Canada is the only nation in the western world with no law regarding abortion...


Grandparents denied visitation rights because of anti-gay stance in Scotland and Chile student's are taught that Christianity is discriminatory....

Slovak Republic

ADF goes international by supporting pro-life group in the Slovak Republic...


Brazilian president wants to "Criminalize words and acts offensive to homosexuality".


African Archbishop says, "...dealing on a daily basis with people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, I know that the Pope is speaking the truth"

American Remembrance

National Day of Prayer-05/07/2009 and read a proclamation of humiliation and prayer with four hymns to go with it from President Madison in 1812.

The signature of George Washington, liberty of conscience and the Constitution.


Barack Obama voters ask Obama WHY? on the DC School Choice program...

First Amendment Cases

California high school teacher who filed suit against fellow teacher for discussing creationism gets sued himself and loses for irreligious behavior.

Quick Bible Commentary

New Testament words and passages that deal with eschatological timing. Quick Bible Commentary.

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