
Videos and Pictures that speak in parables. Obama receives his earthly honor of the praise at Notre Dame as arrested priest receives heaven's honor.



Video: My Redeemer lives- Team Hoyt. Over 13 million views on Tangle and over 4 million on YouTube a must view video.


YouTube video of James White Introducing Islam from a Christian perspective.

Two interesting videos showing how our world is changing and changing fast to becoming a muslim and highly technological world.


Video of Roe of Roe vs Wade being interviewed and then arrested at Notre Dame as she protests Obama's speech at Notre Dame

Video of Baby crying during Obama's speech on abortion at University of Notre Dame


YouTube video of San Diego rally during Obama's speech at Notre Dame


YouTube video of 12 year old speaking before a 12,000 member crowd in Canada's March for Life for 8 minutes.


American Tax Payers to pay $80 million to move detainees at Guantanamo Bay somewhere. Even democrats say no to Obama until a plan is in force.

YouTube video illustrating for us laymen Obama's cut/spending and our National Debt in parables.

YouTube video with apology to homeschoolers criticizing our government for labeling pro-life Americans as possible extremists.

YouTube video calling on pastors and educating them on the issue of the recent "hate crimes" bill being decided in the Senate.

Liberal Media Bias


CNN again ill-educates the masses with recent poll question on Roe v Wade


Evening News Ratings for Big three networks continues to plummet. Now down 25% since January 26 Obama's nomination.

I wonder if Fox News was the only network that reported the new Gallup poll days before Obama's Notre Dame speech


Oklahoma and Texas

Oklahoma passes first American sex selection abortion ban and requirements for better reporting on abortions in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma and Texas deciding to fund Adult Stem Cell Research instead of Embryonic.


Louisiana Nurse will get her day in court over conscience rights for health care professionals who refuse to offer Plan-B.


New Arizona Governor drops Planned Parenthood from health fair of over 60 organizations.


Wisconsin Hospital under the Providential gun. Pro-life ads to appear in State Journal and are under lawsuit for denying care to disabled who dies.


Minnesota approves $4.7 million to award 37 life affirming organizations for both the health of the unborn and pregnant women



The Government in the UK is considering a bill that would force churches to accept practicing homosexuals in youth worker positions.


Parents rights under attack in Canadian schools. If you don't think the gay marriage/rights debate has anything to with parental rights think again.


Family Research Council releases 26 page doccumentation of how UN conventions on women's and children's rights undermine faith and family.

Obama Watch

The Obama administration takes bible verses off of Pentagon's daily intelligence briefings.

Billboards across America are being raised to demand transparency from the Obama administration on his birth certificate.

Our President speaks of open mindedness and common ground while at the same time forcing pro-life Americans to fund abortions via taxes.

Obama pushes embryonic at the expense of adult stem cells at Notre dame and when it comes to conscience rights for Dr's talk has proven to be cheap...

Weekly Address

Weekly Address's

Weekly Address from last week.


Obama spoke about more open mindedness while our universities only invite liberals to speak at commencement addresses and censor conservatives.



Californians voted against Big Government to raise taxes by nearly 2-1 and passed a ban for pay raises for elected official.


American Tax Payers will now fund $2.2 million for research exploring potential for 'Human Hibernation'

American Tax Payers to fund study of "Party Drugs" in Brazil. If a University wants to do this with their own money, fine, but quit stealing from us.

First Amendment Case Victories

Church can put sign up on church property as City scraps sign ordinance after attorneys got involved.


Google, evolutionists and Big Media introduces the "missing link" to the masses but is there another possible explanation?


Dow Jones proves once again the real issue of the economy

Same Sex Marriage

Popular homosexual activist Andrew Sullivan says hate crimes unnecessary. Matthew Shepard's murderers were prosecuted to the fullest with no hate laws


Schools in Alameda, CA to re-educate "homophobic" kindergartners...

Quick Commentary

New Testament words and passages that deal with eschatological timing.

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