Zeitgeist the movie thoroughly refuted...

Texas Governor Rick Perry proclaims April as Abortion Recovery Awareness Month!!!!

From LifeNews.com: Study finds abortions cause relationship problems and domestic violence

Another UK council worker gets suspended. Bosses told him that even saying "God bless" was unacceptable.

500,000 Spanish pro-lifers protest the Spanish Socialist government

70% of conservatives believe Jesus did not commit sins while only 38% of liberals believe the same..

ABC in the Devil's existence debate teaches us a lesson in liberal media bias...


The Cross in theatres now. See YouTube trailer and video here...

YouTube videos of Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron

YouTube video of Chris Smith's speech in congress concerning Hillary Clinton's awe of Margaret Sanger

Obama's hypocrisy exposed on what he wrestles with everyday...

Jailed Pastor Hoye speaks about his sentencing before jailed and wife speaks out on YouTube

Petition and Make Comments

Conscience rights for Dr's under attack by the Obama administration..

Only two democratic members of the Senate tell Obama to protect conscience rights of doctors...


Jihad to Jesus. YouTube testimony of Militia Muslim turn to Christ and others...


Toxic Assets and mark-to-market explained in laymen's terms...

Liberal Media Bias

New York Times amazing omissions in interview with Barney Frank


University of Maryland cancels porn movie after lawmakers threatened to cut funding of the state university.

Same Sex Marriage


Same Sex Marriage legal in Iowa...

Pepsi boycott update

Ex-gays are being targeted by Pepsi supported PFLAG. Sign with almost 249,000 others and counting to boycott Pepsi products....


Sweden legalizes same-sex marriage by a vote of 261 to 22 becoming the 7th country to allow same-sex marriage..

Obama Watch

3.5 Trillion dollar budget passes both House and Senate with no bipartisan support since not one Republican vote

Oprah and Obama's spirituality under analysis....

The first 50 days of Obama's presidency and what do we have for it....

Notre Dame University Controversy

See list of 13 bishops oppose Notre Dame Obama invitation and student prayer rally in response

Obama vs Notre Dame on Rush Limbaugh

Bill Watch

A pro-life victory on the House Floor!!!

Watch congressmen speak of the dangers of hate crimes legilsation that some are trying to pass in congress.

Watch Gov. Sebelius testify before Senate from yesterday


Planned Parenthood

No wonder why Planned Parenthood gets away with it. Attorney General's may be in PP's pocket of events.

Jailed Pastor writes a letter from prison....

First it was Abortion pride day no it's Abortion is a Blessing? Wow!!!

Women want out of abortion business during 40 days for life...

Church and Family Philanthropy

Serve America Act not so great after all....

Awana prison ministry. Church and Family volunteerism



Homeschoolers pass law school exams and parents still face arrest...

Religious Freedom

Police stop student led prayer during lunch time...


Beware of Philosophy!

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