
CNN listeners come away thinking "embryos aren't fertilized" or so says ex-President Clinton with no correction from Obama's surgeon general bidder...-Clinton probably meant that embryos that have not been implanted rather then fertilized but then take that even to it's logically absurd end. Found these comments below at JillStanek.com- "At any rate, substituting "implanted" would render Clinton's statements more nonsensical than they already are. As commenter Raving Theist wrote:

If so, did he mean:

(1) We shouldn't carry on the research inside a woman's uterus after implanting the embryo?

(2) We shouldn't create the embryo through IVF, implant it, and then take it out and use it for ESCR?

(3) We shouldn't remove naturally conceived and implanted embryos for ESCR?"

Did Obama really condemn cloning and who is really restricting the successes in stem cell research?

Obama sponsored a pro-cloning bill in Illinois in 2003?


Watch a three minute testimony and get a free change to win a vehicle...

Post abortive woman testifies. Help for those in similar situation.

Link and YouTube videos of the testimony of ex-gay and post abortive former "Rock and Roll Cat" in the US National Tour of "Cats" turn to Christ...


Hollywood used to outlaw blasphemy

Take Action

Easy link to make quick comment on HHS web site concerning Obama's administration to lesson the rules under Bush to protect the conscience's of Dr's

Chris Matthews of MSNBC at it again. First, he redefines objectivity and journalism now terrorism...Petition link here...

Weekly Address

Weekly Address from President Obama, Republicans and Democrats...



Harvard Aids expert and 20 year Ugandan AIDS activist says condomn distribution makes AIDS worse....


One thousand scientists, physicians and intellectuals and counting have signed manifesto in Spain against abortion with actual link to manifesto....


Another Mexican state approves pro-life amendment to constitution to protect unborn from conception....


Not only does faith and family work in America but now a study in Canada proves the same...


Scottish government refuse to publicize results of investigation concerning gay adoption

Iraq, Germany and Egypt

100 christians find refuge in Germany coincidentally on the 6th anniversary of the war in Iraq and Egyptian christians can't adopt....

Obama Watch

Obama takes a 180 on a very unpopular idea for our veterans. Will Big Media report it?

Democrat Chris Dodd says Obama Administration is to blame for AIG bonus as he eliminated the bonus restriction in the stimulus bill...

Obama's first Judge nominee ruled against prayer and informed consent in which he was rebuked on appeal to higher courts and is member of ACLU...

The most pro-abort President of the US continues to prove that claim worldwide at the expense of post abortive women and unborn children at the UN...


This is what Jesus would do....

ACLU threatens lawsuite against school for requiring students to obtain parental permission for leaving campus for "confidential medical services"..

Video number 4 exposing two new Planned Parenthood Clinics covering up statuatory rape violations....

Check out this radical abortion clinic in Illinois as 9 babies have been saved there since the 40 days for life campaign began...

Not only does the AP leave out Tiller's ties to Sebelius but also, that 2 days earlier a patient is transported to a hospital...

Tiller abortion patient transported to Hospital with no lights or sirens another reason why Sebelius should not head HHS

Undercover videos from we the people helped the Orange County Board of Supervisors vote 5-0 against funding $292,000 for Planned Parenthood....

Christian Broadcasting Network gets Obama Administration to talk about abortion and now the president of Planned Parenthood....

Same Sex Marriage

Should transgender or homosexuals be allowed to use the bathrooms of the same biological sex...

Gay activist John Corvino and Focus on the Family staffer Glen Stanton model tolerance....


Legalize Marijuana or no... OpposingViews.com allows for experts and the best of the best from both sides to debate....

Church and Family Philanthropy

Global Food Crisis Awareness Day rakes in 3.1 million from 1,000 Christian radio stations inspite of poor economy....

Liberal Media Bias

CBS isn't telling us when a Democrat is under investigation but makes sure we know when a Republican is....


Abstinence rocks comprehensive sex ed in North Carolina as pregnancy rate drops and teen abortion rates drop...


Get ready for the Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party and sign the petition against Big Government spending


Providence vs Tiller, President Obama and Sebelius. See video footage of Tiller's recent victim taken to the hospital....


Dow Jones has bounced back last week and some reasons why that points to the need to fix our banking problem...

CBS Evening News: "...pioneering businessmen like Bill Gate who created companies that have created the jobs and the wealth in this country..."


"...the battle is not one primarily of this fact or of that fact. The battle is basically with respect to a philosophy of facts..."

Religious Freedom

73 First Amendment case victories since 06/2008. Why no media attention?

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