
Lesson in Big Media and liberal media's coverage of abstinence studies and a "fact that many media reports have missed cold."
-"A medical journal starts it off by announcing a study comparing teens who take a pledge of virginity until marriage with those who don't. Lo and behold, when they crunch the numbers, they find not much difference between pledgers and nonpledgers: most do not make it to the marriage bed as virgins.

Like a pack of randy 15-year-old boys, the press dives right in.

"Virginity Pledges Don't Stop Teen Sex," screams CBS News. "Virginity pledges don't mean much," adds CNN. "Study questions virginity pledges," says the Chicago Tribune. "Premarital Abstinence Pledges Ineffective, Study Finds," heralds the Washington Post. "Virginity Pledges Fail to Trump Teen Lust in Look at Older Data," reports Bloomberg. And on it goes.

In other words, teens will be teens, and moms or dads who believe that concepts such as restraint or morality have any application today are living in a dream world. Typical was the lead for the CBS News story: "Teenagers who take virginity pledges are no less sexually active than other teens, according to a new study."

Here's the rub: It just isn't true...."-Two excellent articles and must reads. Quite revealing how a study's title can mislead a biting media at a time when congress is trying to pass funding for Planned Parenthood's sex ed.

Same Sex Marriage

"There are more and more "ex-gay" people...and not one single ex-African American"-Got a point...

Exposing San Francisco as a city of intolerance see trailer to Shaky Town.-"Here is a youtube video trailer of Shaky Town of how San Francisco treats other San Franciscans over the issue of gay marriage. Talk about intolerance!! It is a little scary if San Franciscan liberals have their way. You can bet on it this will effect religious freedom and already has."

Who said, "We can no longer tolerate people who tolerate intolerance"?-"Barney Frank Democrat from Massachusettes.

"We can no longer tolerate people who tolerate intolerance," he said. See Hundreds rally in Hub for equal rights for gays

1) This is completely inconsistent logically for the statement itself tolerates intolerance of people who believe differently then Mr Frank on the issue of hate crimes and same sex marriage.

2) I believe it is possible to tolerate and love one another though we have differing opinions apparently Mr Frank does not.

3) Hate crimes elevate some members of society over others which creates unequality and unfair treatment of those not listed in the special classes within hate crimes laws. If Mr Frank would have his way he would rather not tolerate this point of view.

4) If you believe marriage should be between one man and one woman you will not be tolerated if Mr Frank had anything to say about it. It may actually be deemed a hate crime.

5) This is further evidence that many on the left will not tolerate other points of views and will use these laws to punish those who differ."


Everything you wanted to know about Obama's transition team and more....-Keep up to date...

Two current happenings in the 111th congress: Democrats pass bill for a less open Congress and Republicans introdue the Broadcast Freedom Act.-So much for bypartisan hopes...

Democrat Bill Clinton is the recipient of Big Foreign Oil Money...-"The largest foreign-government donor was Saudi Arabia, which gave between $10-25 million. The foundation did not reveal specific amounts, only ranges for the donations..The Dubai Foundation -- established by the Sultan of Dubai -- and the Friends of Saudi Arabia both gave between $ 1-5 million..Sheikh Mohammed H. Al-Amoudi, a Saudi oil tycoon, gave between $1-5 million...Saudi billionaire Nasser Al-Rashid gave $1-5 million. Rashid owns The Lady Moura, the 11th largest yacht in the world and is the founder of Rashid Engineering....The list, which accounts for $492 million in contributions from 205,000 donors, did not say when during the last decade the amounts were given, nor did it give any information about the donors other than their names and range of their donations"



India Supreme Court Order Protection for Orissa Christians being targeted by Hindu extremists in the worst sectarian violence since....-"India’s Supreme Court ordered this week the state government of Orissa to protect the tens of thousands of Christians being targeted by Hindu extremists in the worst sectarian violence since the country’s independence from Britain."


Baby Kai is born after parents reject Dr's advice to abort-"A couple who went against medical opinion and twice refused an abortion before switching hospitals are now the proud parents of a healthy baby boy.

Even though doctors gave up on baby Kai’s chances of survival and advised he be aborted, his parents never gave up on him."

Burma and Iraq

Burma in the news again....-"In the heavily Buddhist country of Burma, both Christians and Muslims were ordered last week to stop holding religious services in residential apartments....."The lifeless body of a young Christian was found yesterday by the army in Mosul (Northern Iraq). The abandoned body uncovered in a street in the east of the city was that of 36 year old Chourik Bagrad..."


Vietnam War Memorial is 10 ft high and 500 ft long. How long would a memorial for the unborn in America since Roe vs Wade look like?-81 miles long...." See video by clicking on link.

TV ads from Vote for your favorite.

Former employees of Planned Parenthood are alleging that Planned Parenthood.....-"As I’m sure you’ve seen in the news over the past several months, there have been allegations that Planned Parenthood is engaged in inappropriate activities and misrepresentation in obtaining federal funds for its activities. The allegations are being made by former employees of Planned Parenthood in southern California."

New Pro-Life movie based on a true story that Jill Stanek first wrote about in 2005.-" is pleased to announce its first post-election project: co-hosting with Operation Rescue the premiere of 22Weeks, a movie telling the true story of a baby aborted alive in an Orlando abortion mill in 2005."

ACLU file a anti-religious phobic lawsuite in support of abortion "care" against people of faith who don't want to give the option of abortion.-"Abortion what? Yes you heard it abortion care. Some kind of care. Check out what the ACLU is suing over...Or how about in the second article below abortion "services". So now we have called abortion a service and a care. Not in my dictionary.

Will the ACLU ever quit imposing their anti-religious phobia on those who do find it uncomfortable to support abortion. So what if these catholics believe that only life should be supported. They are helping people out. Leave them alone."

64 percent of women who had an abortion felt pressured to abort by others and 80 percent reported inadequate to no counselling...


Family and Faith key to good grades, school attendance and much more...-"Makes you wonder how much doing things His way saves a society."

Faith and Family key to curbing theft and shoplifting..."This could be considered preventive philanthropy. Or catching the need for philanthropy before it gets expensive."

Stories of ultrasounds saving babies as mothers testify and a fact sheet-"An ultrasound can help a woman to make a more informed decision consistent with her own values and priorities...Virtually none return to say they regret the decision to give their baby life"..."Over 400 ultrasound grants in 49 states"..."Focus on the Family provides 80% of the cost"..."100% donor supported"...""International expansion of Option Ultrasound is now underway, with the first grant anticipated in Romania in 2009."

Bush's Faith Based Initiative a success...-"Securing a “level playing field” for faith-based organizations and establishing clear, constitutional guidelines for their use of public funds...has fundamentally changed the government's strategy for improving the lives of the downtrodden…. [D]ue to the achievements of faith-based charities that have received Federal aid, the partnership between government and religious organizations will continue to strengthen.”
– Peyton Miller, Harvard Political Review, 11/5/08..Thousands of participating FBCOs helped produce results that outperform many national programs on multiple measures."

Hollywood, Liberal and Smithsonian Bias

Tom Hanks, Robin Williams, George Clooney, Michael J Fox, Ted Danson, David Lettermean, Mike Myers, Dan Aykroyd and Steve Martin....-"Hollywood bias. Money talks louder then movies."

Oprah not only censors Palin but now censors Kurt Warner's faith...Hey Kurt, why not Tim Tebow it...-"During a visit to The Oprah Winfrey Show, Warner "basically had three sentences to say, so, in the middle one, I made sure I mentioned my faith, because how could they cut it out?" he said. "I went to watch the show on replay . . . and they cut it out!"

Plaque on Bush at Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery-"It is sad that all we know of Bush is what Big Media wants us to know of him. Big Media is so influential that even the Smithsonian can't acknowledge some of his accomplishments and only focus' on the controversial issues. This plaque is banking on highly interpretive events as if their is no interpretation as if Big Media is the thus saith the Lord."

Sludge Spill 30 times worse then Exxon-Valdez.-"Just as with Fannie and Freddie the networks aren't giving you the whole story. Whenever a private sector company fails in some area the networks make a bigger issue about it then when a government program company fails and when it is reported you would barely know it was a government failure.

For similar story on Fannie and Freddie see Media is not giving you the whole Mortgage Crisis story: Fannie and Freddie is Enron x 19/Microsoft Sized Monopoly/Leading Compaign Giver and Lobbyist.

Read the article below all the way thru for more interesting info and click on link for article in its entirety comparing the government ran company TVA and those around and where they are at now. Bear in mind this economic crisis we are in is largely a government sponsored enterprise failure not a private sector free market failure. See for why."


The Heritage Foundation vs Center for American Progress go head to head on CSpan. See video here.-"The Heritage Foundation (Conservative Think Tank) vs Center for American Progressive(Liberal Think Tank)

A suggestion to readers who desire to truely get both sides of the political debate on many issues. Bookmark these two reputable think tanks from both sides and maybe even subscribe to their daily emails. You may then better understand the political arguments on all sorts of issues. Big Media doesn't do a good job in presenting both sides of the debate so why not get it straight from the think tanks on both sides and decide for yourself. This should better inform one self for a more informed vote and understanding of the issues for those who care to be a well informed voter."

Now list Planned Parenthood among democrats, ACLU and other left wings groups that all benefitted from Wall Street's biggest Ponzi scheme in history..-"...The Florida-based Picower Foundation, which gave substantial donations to the abortion business, shut down in December because Bernard Madoff had mismanaged its assets. The foundation was worth $1 billion and one of the top financial backers of pro-abortion groups."

Campaign and PR financing

Pepsi is on the Obama bandwagon giving more reason to boycott Pepsi-"The logo looks similar but I don't care about that. Could just be coincidence. What concerns me is the web site that Pepsico has put out called and refers to Obama as "the man who is about to refresh our nation". Pepsico is clearly supporting Obama politics which is far from conservative or bypartisan.

Pepsico is already in the hot seat for supporting gay marriages see Levi Strauss, Google, AT&T, Pepsi, NY Times, and High School Libraries vs Pastors, Churches, BoyScouts and those with differing points of view and Pepsico, HRC, Obama, Rick Warren, James Dobson, Boycott and more in an email I sent to friends and family....

I don't find Obama's policies toward Faith, Family and the Unborn to refreshing nor bypartisan. Not one of his transition team members have a pro-life bone in them so far and so I doubt his policies or selected judges will either. See Everything you wanted to know about Obama's transition team and more...."

Quick Bible Commentary

What does praying for kings and modesty have in common?-"I was not pleased that Obama won but God exhorts and urges us to give thanks for our leaders as we pray for them."

Religious Freedom

54 First Amendment victories since June of 08 and many other pending cases...-"Tomorrow is Religious Freedom Day, yet World Changers of Florida has been denied the right to distribute Bibles within the Collier County School District."

American History

Providence would have it that the first battle of the American Revolution would be on the lawn of a church pastor in Lexington-""The shot heard round the world is connected with Patriot's day, which is on April 19th. There is sometimes a dispute on who fired the first shot of the war. This occurred in Lexington earlier on the morning of April 19. It is not known whether a soldier of the British Army or a colonial militiaman fired this first shot of the Battle of Lexington and Concord. Jonas Clark, pastor of the church on whose lawn the battle was fought, and who had been housing John Hancock and Samuel Adams that night, a year later on the anniversary of this day said "From the nineteenth of April, 1775..will be dated..the liberty..of the american world"[1]-Wikipedia"


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