Illinois and Indiana


What do Jill Stanek, Obama, Blagojevich, Rahm Emanuel, Arne Duncan, Planned Parenthood have in common?-"Illinois. It appears to me that Illinois is an abortionist stronghold politically...


Providence or Coincidence: Planned Parenthood of Indiana, Christmas Gift Certificates, ABC News and the pro-life movement-"Christmas Gift Certificate this!!!! Providence says to Planned Parenthood of Indiana don't mess with the unborn and that Christmas is not the time for your agenda it is rather the time for His. Which is forgiveness of any sin, including abortion or supporting it or voting for it, by trusting in the Christ of Christmas who shed His blood on the cross even for those who support the shedding of innocent blood did He spill His own. Praise the Lord and Merry Christmas all!!!! May many find the real reason for the season......."

Pro-life video subpoenaed in Indiana as Providence unfolds this Christmas season...-"This Christmas season Planned Parenthood of Indiana of all the 50 possible states decided to give away gift certificates in Indiana for their services which includes abortion. Coincidentally or Providentially this story made it to even ABC World News which is a note to take note of.
Six months earlier just so happen to start a sting operation video recording unlawful practices of Planned Parenthood of Indiana that have just this month been released to the public via YouTube by a bit before ABC World News reported on the Christmas season gift certificate.

I have posted the videos in the below links with interesting comments from various well known pro-lifers.

And now the latest news is that the AG if Indiana is investigating and a grand jury is set to and the videos released by are being subpoenaed in their unedited version and the film maker said according to AP article below, "Rose said Thursday she would cooperate with investigators and urged the state attorney general also to examine Planned Parenthood's activities statewide..."

Bible Puzzles

How old was Azariah when he began to reign? 42 or 22 or both!!!!-"What age was Ahaziah when he began to reign? Does the bible contradict itself?"


Want to see Ford's Auto Worker's union contract. All 22 pounds of it, 9 inches thick and 2,215 pages full.-"And not one concession when asking for an auto bailout of billions!!!"..."Barack Obama is top recipient of cash from the UAW and Democrats heavily outweigh Republicans."

MIT published book says "minimum wages do not achieve the main goals set forth by their supporters."-"Based on their comprehensive reading of the evidence, Neumark and Wascher argue that minimum wages do not achieve the main goals set forth by their supporters. They reduce employment opportunities for less-skilled workers and tend to reduce their earnings; they are not an effective means of reducing poverty; and they appear to have adverse longer-term effects on wages and earnings, in part by reducing the acquisition of human capital..."

Don't bailout AIG just yet....-"Dr. Muhammed Imran Ashraf Usmani, the Pakistani member of that board, supports the belief that Muslims in Western countries have an obligation to wage violent jihad against their host country..."


Teacher's Union part of the problem says some teachers and successful Charter bipartisan school system in Washington, DC.-"Twelve years ago a Republican Congress and a Democrat president came together in a bipartisan fashion and passed one of the nation’s strongest charter school laws for the Washington, D.C., school system....the charter schools are free from union contracts, so they have the freedom to decide who the hire and fire...Students in the District’s charter schools have opened a solid academic lead over those in its traditional public schools. … Charters have been particularly successful with low-income children, who make up two-thirds of D.C. public school students...The Heritage Foundation sincerely hopes he looks to the charter movement’s success in the District of Columbia as a guide for much-needed reform..."

Obama's choice of Secretary of Education not so impressive...-"In 2007, only 17 percent of eighth graders tested at or above grade level in reading in Chicago Public Schools – the school system administered by Arne Duncan since 2001..."-And it only gets worse!!!

American History

America's first national day of thanksgiving exactly 231 years ago...-"In light of America's current war in Iraq and ongoing war against terrorism, the actions of our Founding Fathers in times of war are instructive. This is the text of the first national day of thanksgiving in America (set for December 18, 1777), declared by the Continental Congress on November 1, 1777...."


Obama's birth certificate issue not going away...-"America Online is conducting a new poll asking readers whether they believe there is any merit to the controversy surrounding Barack Obama's citizenship – and most respondents say "yes."With nearly 77,000 national votes in the unscientific survery... private investigator has released to WND an affidavit that casts doubt on whether Barack Obama's family lived at the address listed in the published notice of his birth in 1961."

Obama suprises all with Rick Warren...-"My take is that this is a good thing and a possible in to the heart of Obama. You just never know what good can come out of this relationship. Keep it in prayer!!!As far as whether or not it is right of Warren to open with for such a president consider 1 Timothy 2:1-6.....God has enabled a good relationship between the two without compromise. This to me is a good thing and one of our best hopes into giving Obama a perspective of the evangelical community and who but knows that God will change Obama's heart on many of these social issues."

Global Warming

CNN Meteorologis says "the earth is presently entering a cooling cycle – a result of nature, not man."-see video comments of meteorologist who is "is a senior fellow and science director of The Heartland Institute, an organization that will be holding the 2009 International Conference on Climate Change in New York March 8-10."

Church Philanthropy

Church Philanthropy again. Documenting the benefit to society of the Church-"interesting study. Documents the differences in certain behaviors between kids that have an intact family and how often they go to church proving the benefit of the nuclear family and church attendance to society...Give a listen to November 18 broadcast of Wallbuilders live. Churches at times are discriminated against by the cities because when they apply for land the land isn't taxed so there is no revenue for the city when a church seeks land within a city to build their church. But who knows how much the city is being spared by having a church in their community!!! Especially in light of next story..."Youth-Reach Inc., a Christian-based nonprofit organization, brings in trained staff to supervise and teach boys 12 to 21 in the group foster home setting....He said about 30 area churches and other supporters raised more than $1 million in the last four years for the Summerdale project, which will have a $600,000 annual operating budget. No state or federal funds are involved.And there's no charge to the residents or their families."

Religious Freedom

Faith Based Initiative, Conscience rights and Faith Based views of marriage should not be left at the door says Obama....-"Secularists are wrong when they ask believers to leave their religion at the door before entering into the public square. Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, William Jennings Bryan, Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King--indeed, the majority of great reformers in American history--were not only motivated by faith but repeatedly used religious language to argue for their cause."-said Obama!!!!

Sarah Palin's church severly damaged by arson.-"Palin told her pastor said she was sorry if the fire was connected to any "undeserved negative attention" during her vice-presidential campaign."..."The report also mentions that the church came under heavy criticism after promoting the “Love Won Out” conference sponsored by Focus on the Family which helps people struggling with homosexuality to overcome same-sex attractions..."

The Legacy of Bush revisited-"President Bush’s administration and a host of court rulings have indelibly altered the way that the federal government relates to religious charities, according to an analysis by experts on the subject...Now, eight years into this, it doesn’t seem like such a radical proposition...Tuttle said Bush’s effort to boost government funding of religious groups has been largely successful...Lupu noted that the incoming Obama administration could choose to reverse some of the Bush interpretations of such provisions in a couple of ways..."

Google acknowledges human intervention in search results and wants its own Fast Track on the Web...-"Google this week admitted that its staff will pick and choose what appears in its search results. It’s a historic statement - and nobody has yet grasped its significance . . . The celebrated openness of the Internet -- network providers are not supposed to give preferential treatment to any traffic -- is quietly losing powerful defenders."

UN Islamic 'Defamation' measure: "the number of countries supporting the resolution fell behind the number of those voting against or abstaining."-"Thursday’s vote passed by a margin of 86-53, with 42 countries abstaining. The result showed a significant erosion of support since a similar resolution passed in the General Assembly last December by a vote of 108-51, with 25 abstentions.For the first time, the number of countries supporting the resolution fell behind the number of those voting against or abstaining."

African American Pro-lifer threatened with 4 years in jail even though witness testified that no use of "force against them, threatened them, or.."-"3 more First Amendment Case victories which now totals 48 since 06/08 see trail of all cases starting here at 2 more First Amendment Case victories totalling 45 since 06/2008!!!See below that the ACLU is actually right for once and the personal story of pro-lifer that is going thru a free speech case right now in California below..."


Planned Parenthood and other abortionists at it again...-"The boy and girl wanted to marry and have the child, but the mother of the 15-year-old's boyfriend insisted on an abortion, found a clinic that would do it, and sent them on their way...The girl arrived at the clinic with a faked consent note forged by the boyfriend's mother on the day of the abortion...The girl's parents knew nothing of the abortion until two weeks afterwards, and have now sued Northside Women's Clinic saying it broke Georgia law. Attorney Little sees some irony in the situation in that the girl's mother previously had taken her to have her ears pierced -- but was turned away...So you can get an abortion [without proof of parenthood], but you can't get your ears pierced"...""[S]he informs them that this little girl has been raped by the mother's boyfriend, and the mother wants to keep the boyfriend..."[T]his kind of stuff happens every day in Planned Parenthoods across the country -- every day," she argues. "They're covering for statutory rapists."

Danny Glover is caught on video not supporting the Civil Rights...-"I am praying this is not the end of the story for Mr Glover on this issue..."


The "all" inclusive all demanding secular one's are becoming more and more intolerant.... In the UK "But this year she was astonished when an employee of South Tyneside Homes called at her house and informed her that the decorations she was displaying might be offending her neighbours". In Spain "Argument over nativity scenes and church-state separation are not limited to the United was taken down on orders of an official in the prosecutor's office". In Mississippi "In her email, she specifically stated: “He and another child did a poem about Christ. I know we can't discuss these type [sic] of things in school so I asked the two of them to do another poem of their choice.”

Christmasophobia: Christmas Grinches and Santa's Helpers part 1-"TOP Grinch-o-Meter Award: The 17 congressmen who supported a resolution recognizing Islam and Ramadan but voted “no” or “present”(that is, there but wouldn’t vote) on a similar resolution introduced byRep. Steve King (R-Iowa) recognizing Christianity and Christmas. Lawmakers who voted “no” for Christianity and “yes” for Islam are:....."

Christmasophobia: Christmas Grinches and Santa's Helpers part 2-"• The Wisconsin State Assembly voted to call the balsam fir in the Capitol a “Christmas tree.” The tree had been called a Christmas treefrom 1916 to 1985, according to Rep. Marlin Schneider (D), but hadbeen downgraded in recent years. In an interview with Fox News hesaid, “Political correctness took over and then we decided it wouldbecome a holiday tree. But what it really is, is a Christmas tree, andthere’s nothing really wrong with that.”

Christmasophobia: Christmas Grinches and Santa's Helpers part 3-"Dan Barker of the Freedom From Religion Foundation said during an appearance on the Dec. 4 "Fox & Friends" that the nativity scene represents "hate speech" and "a direct attack on good human values."-Did I just read that right??? Now in light of what this atheist said was "hate speech" check out his display which says, "There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."-Wow!!! A nativity is "hate speech" and this is not! If the nativity is indeed "hate speech" then the atheist speech must be murderous!! I have one word for this irrational behavior amd reasoning, "Christmasophobia"!!!

Christmasophobia: Christmas Grinches and Santa's Helpers part 4-"3. Federal Judge William Griesbach fought back against the Freedom from Religion Foundation’s legal intimidation in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The organization brought suit against Green Bay because the city’s 2007 Christmas display features a Nativity scene. Griesbach dismissed the case due to lack of standing. According to the Christian legal organization Liberty Counsel, Griesbach ruled the claims made by Freedom from Religion were "so fleeting and slight that they do not warrant pursuing in federal court."Standing up against the tyranny of the minority: 6 hearts.


Bush leaves a First Amendment rights legacy in the health profession and Illinois Supreme Court sides with pro-life health care pharmacists...-"Contrast between Bush and Obama on the issue of what Bush believes to be life and Obama believes to be above his paygrade or he just doesn't know..."The Family Research Council (FRC) praises President Bush and Secretary Leavitt for the Administration's issuance of regulations to enforce the Church, Coats, and Weldon Amendments that protect health care providers' right of conscience. These regulations will increase public awareness of, and ensure governmental enforcement of, these vital statutes." "This is a huge victory for religious freedom and the First Amendment"...For Contrast Obama..."Last week, the Obama-Biden Transition Project posted a report on its website that calls for dramatic policy reversals on abortion, including $1 billion in taxpayer money for international abortion groups like Planned Parenthood"

American Society of Reproductive Medicine Statement Confirms the Pill Causes Abortion/Birth defects 2 to 4 times more likely via in vitro-"Amidst an ongoing debate among prolife advocates about whether to classify the Pill as an abortifacient or a prophylactic, pro-abortion advocates have published an authoritative statement declaring that the Pill prevents implantation of embryos, thereby causing an abortion.."...."Babies conceived using in vitro fertilization are two to four times as likely to have certain birth defects than those conceived naturally, U.S. researchers said on Monday"...and more

Same Sex Marriage

Fannie and Freddie just months before they collapsed gave more the $30k to PFLAG...-"the Freddie Mac Foundation has given more than $125,000 to gay-activist groups since 2005. The Fannie Mae Foundation has donated about $80,000 to such groups over the last decade."

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