William Wilberforce and his allies boycotted sugar at one time because of the link between sugar production and slavery. This election has made it clear where Big Media's (CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS) heart is on the issue of the unborn. Their heart is as silent as the voice of the unborn when there lives are taken from them and it's not right!!! To say it in unjust politically correct terms concerning the statement "it's not right". From a pro-life perspective it's much worse then not right it's taking a side on the issue with no equal coverage. In other words an unjust attack on "the least of these" in our society, the unborn. The only time Big Media makes it an issue is in defense of Obama's voting record or in offense toward the McCain's/Palin's. God can not be happy with Big Media reporting on this issue. I believe this election has, as the anti-slavery movement, given for just reason to boycott the networks and move over to something new until they 1) take the issue up and 2) when they do justice to both sides of the issue and 3) rely upon the American people to make the right choice rather then journalistic ideological/political commentaries!!!! I believe if Big Media was as onesided against the anti-slavery movement in his day, he too would be considering a voluntary boycott of those from his side see Denver Post vs the legacy of William Wilberforce, other christians and the unborn.

Secondly, think about this, Studies: No Doubt About It: All But Fox News Tipping Obama's Way, If Only Journalists Voted: Presidents Mondale, Dukakis, Kerry..., and 96% of Slate Staff to Vote for Obama; 55 Obama to One for McCain.

Click on those articles to find that FoxNews is more balanced then Big Media!!! 1) FoxNews does report on the issues of abortion and 2) allows both side's point of view on their network!!!

If you ever have a chance to watch Hannity and Colmes it's a model of fairness and balance!!! Here you have Hannity a conservative and Colmes a liberal democrat that asks questions of their guest (which are sometimes republican or conservative and sometimes democrat or liberal guests) that would be real questions each side would like to ask in the phrasing they desire and then the guest gets to respond and further follow questions are made and then you the American gets to decide!!!!! That is a balanced show and fair to the two sides and respectful of the intelligence of the American public!!! A must view show!!! Here is a 5 and a half minute segment of a show in which 1) Hannity and Colmes took up the issue of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act and abortion survivor Gianna Jessen ad calling on Obama to vote for protections for babies that survive an abortion. So 1) good job to Hannity and Colmes for taking up an issue that many are concerned about!!! 2) Good job to this shows balance and fairnes for this show allowed a conservative view on this issue to be presented and then the liberal side!!! And 3) this is typical of this show on Fox and is a model for others and seems to be the best way to portray your network as fair and balanced to the American public without insulting the intelligence of the public nor relying upon the ignorance of the American public.

Watch it here at" BornAliveTruth.org introducing Gianna Jessen, the first abortion survivor to be featured in new television ad.. You will need to scroll down till you see the first YouTube video. That is how it should be done and that is why FoxNews is the #1 watched cablenews program and can claim that it is indeed more fair and balanced then all Big Media!! As is confirmed by above independent non-partisan study and multitudes of studies are coming out confirming this!!!

But lastly, back to another point to be made about the above studies that show a very lopsided ideological background of a majority of journalists in Big Media. This may be one of the reasons why Big Media is unfair toward the unborn but also, gives us more reason to boycott because then our viewership of Big Media is not only going to a Media outlet that is unsupportive and quite the opposite of the unborn but also, to a Media that is probabily giving their money from our viewership over to politicians that are not supportive of the unborn either. So it is a double wammy on the unborn and to add a triple wammy that these journalist that we are feeding by supporting their horrid journalism in viewing their shows are also, not only probabily giving money and bias coverage for their party but are in no doubt VOTING for these candidates!!! So Big Media has Big if not Bigger links then the sugar industry ever had of slaves. So I sum up my argument for a Big Boycott of Big Media, using William Wilberforce and the anti-slavery movement in example and the Big Connections that Big Media have to preventing care for the unborn and treating them as if they are not alive and a non-issue!!!

And lastly, would Jesus support such a onesided industry???!!! I think it's a fair question. He would probabily do more then boycott like give his life so that another may live but if one is not willing to sacrifice a little unfair coverage and focus of issues and simply vote for the unborn at the sacrifice of a theoretically political possible benefit to themselves then how can one say he/she would play the part of a good samaritan anywhere, else if a thought out carefully laid out and elogent argument/excuse arose for a reason not too!!!

For those of us who are aware of the Big Meda bias against the unborn I think we can make a difference by bringing awareness of the Big Media stumbling block to the unborn and band together for a boycott. I am a noboby but who knows that maybe somebody who is a somebody catches a wiff and/or many of us nobodies come together to form a boycott and make ourselves a somebody for a cause to glorify the God of life and the one who laid down his own life for infinitely less worthy one's that maybe this issues can kill two birds with one stone 1) the taking of the lives of the unborn the most innocent beings of our society and 2) the salvation of many who have been involved in this sin and for all of us who have fallen short of the glory of God ourselves including those in Big Media, Presidents, Congressman and all of us nobodies. We all need God's grace as is plain and clear to any objective observer. No one individual is any better or worse then any other without God except God Himself and so as Christ laid down His perfect sinless life for our quite the contrasting and opposite lives, so must we extend that same love God extended to us to those who claim the right to take the lives of the unborn and to the unborn themselves before God says enough is enough or before one dies in his/her sin!!!

Remembering that it is never right for people to act vengefully for as God says "vengeance is mine". It is not ours. Our's is to love our enemy and turn the other cheek and pray for those who persecute you winning our enemies over with love as Roe of Roe vs Wade was see Testimony of Roe of Roe vs Wade!!!

I do apologize for my bad grammar. I hope the spirit of the blog is what is perceived and not the bad grammar!!! :)

Now with that all said....

Want some alternative news coverage and commentary on election night!!!-If you have the internet here are some alternatives and maybe some of these like CBNNews coverage will be on cable or digital TV!!!

New Pro-Life Movie

http://www.22weeksthemovie.com/ - based on a true story. More below on the true story aspect from http://www.jillstanek.com/.


What could 2012 look like under an Obama presidency? -Check out at http://www.eyeblast.tv/ a 13 minute or so video concerning Obama that has received almost 8 million views. http://www.eyeblast.tv/ is newly formed web video uploading site like YouTube but videos from a conservative perspective. There are also, many videos that are censored by YouTube which is making http://www.eyeblast.tv/ more popular amongst pro-lifers and conservatives!!!


CNN apologizes for comments concerning Palin but only because people like you petitioned!!!!-Wow. Give credit to CNN!!!


Funeral in Miami for infant who died after surviving an abortion-A local news report on youtube about the recent funeral and charges against planned parenthood and the born alive issue surfacing providential on the weekend before the election. Also, "Obama's Abortion Train Wreck-"The pro-life Susan B. Anthony List group is going for a little shock and awe in an abortion mailer they're sending out about Barack Obama's record on the subject.The mailer shows a baby carriage on the railroad tracks. View it here. According to the group, the mailer is being sent out to "over half a million identified pro-life voters in battleground states: Ohio, Minnesota, Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and Colorado."-There has been so much grassroots efforts like this one that is sending a powerful message to many this election. No matter what the outcome of this election one of those outcomes will be more awareness and coverage and concern for the unborn!!! And if the most pro-abort president nominee in history becomes president you can bet it will continue without the aide of Big Media as it has already begun!!! And if McCain wins you can bet Roe vs Wade is on it's way to being overturned with momentum!!! Either way we know God has a plan!!!

IN THEIR OWN WORDS. Obama vs McCain speech's at each supporting organization for contrast. ADF sues Governor of Colorado and then some!!-"2.9M Hispanic Voters get Anti-Obama Email from Hispanic Bishop (English Version)-"Randall Terry says: "Bishop Gracida's radio ad is causing a massive uproar and major defection from Obama in the Catholic Community. This may be the first time in American history that an election is determined by Hispanics and a Catholic Bishop."The letter was sent in Spanish. The following text and audio clip From Catholic Bishop Rene H. Gracida was sent this morning (Friday, October 31) to 2.9 Million Hispanic Voters via email.Bishop Gracida's ad is running on radio and TV in swing states. Here is the English Translation of the Spanish text that was sent to 2.9 million Hispanic voters." Also, many more interesting stories like this one: "Why the States Did Not Prosecute Women for Abortion Before Roe v. Wade-"The political claim—that women were or will be prosecuted or jailed under abortion laws—has been made so frequently by Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and NOW over the past 40 years that it has become an urban legend."-Snope it baby!!!

Abortion Survivor, Gianna Jessen, responds to Obama's attack ad.-"Focus on the Family Action, a Colorado-based family organization, is kicking off a $500,000 radio ad buy featuring the original Gianna ad revealing Senator Obama’s voting record on born alive infant protections. See here.Gianna’s first ad will air on radio stations across Colorado and the new Gianna response ad will air on TV in Cleveland.."-And is airing in Pennsylvania from Friday till elections!!! Also, Dr Dobson makes an issue of abortion by dedicating a radio program to the issue. Also, in this blog:

22 Weeks screenings-"WorldNetDaily.com has more info on 22 Weeks, including the fact a screening before Congress is planned January 22, 2009, the 36th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision....I began writing about the death of Baby Rowan soon after it happened in 2005, having received a call from his distraught mother, who had an instant change of heart when seeing her baby.He was aborted in an Orlando, FL, abortion clinic toilet and survived for several minutes. The Born Alive Infants Protection Act should have protected him but didn't. State and federal prosecutors failed him. Clinic workers went so far as to turn away EMTs at the mill door who the mother had called to help her baby. Now a short movie has been made of that tragedy, 22 Weeks. Here's the trailer..."

Jill Stanek blog now moves into the top 6000 blogs!!!-And moving up!!! Also, in this blog:

US Senate candidate's graphic abortion ad airing now-"A campaign ad for IL Constitution Party US Senate candidate Chad Koppie that contains graphic images of aborted babies is scheduled to air 1x tonight during Chicago NBC News 6p hour, right before Barack Obama's 30 minute pitch..."-A video that was pulled from YouTube that actually aired just before one of Obama's infocomercials in his home political state of Illinois."-This is quite an interesting video. The video is done by a US Senate candidate and so the campaign ad could not be censored from TV and actually shows aborted babies!!! YouTube yanked the video so I reposted it in below post about Eduardo. And also the unborn get more publicity..."Coming in a newspaper near you: Hype-"I blogged in July on the movie, Hype:The Obama Effect, which includes an interview with me on Barack Obama's opposition to Born Alive.Reported the Associated Press yesterday: Readers of OH's 3 largest newspapers, along with papers in FL and NV, are finding an anti-Barack Obama DVD in editions this week. Citizens United, a conservative advocacy group based in Washington, plans to release a 95-minute film in the five swing-state publications to highlight Obama's record on abortion rights, foreign policy and his past associations.... The group said it planned to spend more than $1 million to distribute about 1.25 million copies of Hype: The Obama Effect...."

Pro-Life Latino Star Endorses McCain, While Other Latinos Say Obama’s ‘Pro-Life’ and a must see video before you say Obama is pro-life.-"Check out Eduardo's video at http://www.obamamustsee.com/. There is a pre-warning and they give you the option to click to fast forward past some graphic images of aborted babies. A must read article below concerning Eduardo endorsement and note the individual at the end of the article." And are we not getting tired of this excuse again again for not banning Partial Birth Abortion. Even though Partial Birth Abortion is banned at the Federal level at the state level it may be different. It doesn't fully make sense yet. But here is a telling article: "Court Rehears Partial–Birth Abortion Ban Case-"On Tuesday, October 28, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, whose jurisdiction includes North Carolina, held an 80–minute hearing on the constitutionality of Virginia’s partial birth abortion ban. The Partial Birth Infanticide Act was passed into law in 2003. It outlaws the abortion procedure known as partial birth abortion and carries a felony penalty of up to 10 years in prison. The law has already been struck down by a three-judge panel of the appellate Court twice since the Center for Reproductive Rights brought the suit on behalf of Richmond Medical Center. Originally, in 2005, the statute was struck down because, in the Court’s opinion, it posed an undue burden on a woman’s right to an abortion. In 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the similar federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 in Gonzales v. Carhart and remanded the Virginia case to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals for reconsideration in light of the upheld federal statute....In September, Americans United for Life filed a legal brief in support of Virginia’s ban."-Bear in mind that no other country in the word allows this procedure but apparently some believe it poses an undue burden on a woman's right to an abortion and her Dr as in the case of Obama. In this post is the actual recorded audio of Obama arguing against a provision that would protect babies that survived an abortion. Listen to him for yourself!!!

Two leading democrats asked about Obama's position on the Born Alive Infant Protection and South Dakota abortion ban update-Some updates reports on Colorado ballot initiative to define person from conception and South Dakota ballot intiative in a tie but check out voter fraud video. Also, Biden’s Bishop says Biden has presented a “seriously erroneous” picture of church teaching on abortion-Oops!!! Over 100 Bishops Have Spoken Out on Priority of Life Issues and video responses from two leading democrats responding to concerns of Obama's Born Alive Infant Protection Act votes in Illinois. Also, U.S. birth rates up...more pro-life?-"A human rights activist and author says after years of a sagging birthrate, the U.S. has once again climbed above the all-important replacement birth rate. Steve Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute, recently he completed work on his latest book -- Population Control: Real Costs, Illusionary Benefits. As previously reported by OneNewsNow, Mosher says due to years of voluntary birth control, the native European population is dying off. But he says fortunately that is not the case in the United States. "The good news is that we have now gotten back up to 2.1 children [per family], which is what you need for what is called 'replacement rate fertility'...We dropped below replacement when abortion was legalized in this country, and so for almost 40 years we've been below replacement rate fertility -- 1.8 children, 1.9, 2.0 -- and now we're back up to two-point-one."

Religion, Politics and Big Media Bias admitted by Big Media and Hollywood

Health care a civil right? Redistribution of wealth? A liberal paper endorsing McCain in a Blue State?-"Obama will REDISTRIBUTE THE WEALTH to his Abortion Cronies-"Obama recently told Joe the Plumber that he believes in "spreading the wealth around." If someone works hard and dreams about owning a business which employs people, Obama would punish success with higher tax rates. Obama justifies this by claiming he will help people from the "bottom up" by spreading other people's wealth around. (Note that his running mate, Joe Biden, lives in a $3 million dollar home and gave just over $3,000 to charity. They'll "help people" as long as it's not their own money.) In light of the audio clip that surfaced on October 26, 2008, where Obama said it was a "tragedy" that the Supreme Court did not pursue redistribution of the wealth, this is particularly timely....He will make YOU, the taxpayer, pay for people's abortions (he has voted for taxpayer funding for abortion in the Illinois State Senate). He will send federal tax money to foreign abortion promoters by repealing the Mexico City Policy. Will he help the poorest of the poor? No. He will give more of our money to have them aborted! He will redistribute the wealth to already rich abortion cronies. The Kansas Coalition for Life has prepared a short video (00:01:28) discussing Obama's redistribution of the wealth plans when it comes to abortion. We recommend that you pass it along to anyone who might be leaning towards voting for Obama." and check this out...Hell is Freezing Over-"This is news: one of the most liberal, left-leaning newspapers, in one of the top 5 Bluest States...has just endorsed John McCain for President: The Connecticut Post. I'll say it again: The Connecticut Post."-An excellent article to give to reason with those who lean liberal!!!

New Pastor Wright ad. Heritage calls on Obama to pull false ads. Obama's Big Money versus grassroots.-Check out a video report on Pastor Wright's house and a new campaign ad reminding the public of Obama's connection with Wright and other reports of interest concerning campaign financing and a comparison between Obama and McCain on that issue. Remembering the public that Obama broke promise to use public funding with McCain. Also, Obama called on to correct campaign ad that misrepresented them. Also, "Media bias against media bias-"Is there a media bias against media bias? Lets put it another way, is it possible that even when a member of the media elite admits to media bias that others in the media refuse to even talk about it? That question was raised recently by John Fund in his story in Political Diary. Two weeks ago there was a major conference in New York sponsored by TIME magazine and CNN. One of the speakers was Mark Halperin, an editor-at-large for TIME and co-author of the campaign field guide, "The Way to Win."During his panel discussion, Mr. Halperin was asked if the media has been too soft on Senator Barack Obama....It seems that even when someone in the media elite admits to the fact that political coverage of a campaign has been biased, other biased reporters refuse to report it."

Orson Scott Card (Democrat who is also, highly critical of the free-market and capitalism) writes a powerful argument and telling piece!!! Must read!!-"Hollywood Blasts Media Coverage of Election?-"Yesterday many television executives attended a Caucus for Producers, Writers & Directors at the Beverly Hills Hotel titled "Hollywood, America and Election '08." This would not normally be a newsworthy item to me, except for the fact that many attendees criticized the way the media has covered the presidential election." And more political stuff.

Same Sex Marriage

ABC News and Orlando Sun-Sentinel report that Obama minority black voters may help pass marriage amendments in California and Florida!!!-"In this historic presidential election year, political observers say high voter turnout for Democratic frontrunner Barack Obama — who is predicted to draw record numbers of church-going African Americans and Latinos — may spell the demise of legal gay marriage in California."-Bear in mind that California isn't going to vote McCain anyways!!! "NAACP Los Angeles President Alice Huffman Sells Out Black Families-"Campaign finance records reveal that Alice Huffman, President of the California State NAACP, the only major African American leader in California to endorse legalized gay marriage, has received nearly $200,000 from the NO on 8 campaign in “fees” through her company AC Public Affairs...African American leaders throughout California were shocked when Huffman, as a member of the NAACP Board, endorsed the No on 8 campaign despite the statewide, unified voices of African American political and religious leaders in support of traditional marriage....Trina Williams, Vice President of Inglewood’s NAACP Chapter, said today that...“Alice Huffman has used her position without support of the vast majority of African American people and interfaith leaders in our communities in Los Angeles or California. It is very disappointing and misleading to say that she is representing the African American community or the NAACP, which is and has always been passionately in support of traditional marriage and traditional families...African American voters formed the largest supportive voting block for traditional marriage when it was on the ballot in California in 2000. Political experts anticipate that the African American vote will weigh in heavily on Tuesday, November 4th, thanks to the candidacy of Barack Obama. YES on Proposition 8 expects the turnout to be very helpful to its campaign." Not only in California but in Florida the marriage amendment must pass with a 60% majority vote which is not easy. But..."Florida: “Analysts: Blacks could tilt state vote on gay marriage ban”-"The Orlando Sun-Sentinel reports: “Barack Obama’s presidential candidacy may give foes of gay marriage the edge they need to get a ban added to the state constitution. Backers of the proposal are certain Obama helps their cause, and some independent analysts and amendment foes think they’re right.” Visit:http://www.yesonmarriage.com/"-But unlike California Florida is a key state for McCain!!!
Also, in this blog:

"Calif. Prop 8 supporters raise $5 million in one week-"One week after issuing a plea for donations, supporters of a constitutional marriage amendment have surpassed their goal -- raising more than $5 million -- although it remains to be seen whether it will be enough. Frank Schubert, campaign manager for ProtectMarraige.com, the main group behind Proposition 8, sent an e-mail to in-state and out-of-state supporters Oct. 23 warning that unless the campaign raised $3 million "in the next week, we're going to lose." Since that day and through Wednesday's figures posted on the California secretary of state's website, the campaign has raised $5.2 million, bringing the total for the month to $7.45 million. The figures include only donations of $1,000 and larger. Schubert's plea came as opponents of the amendment were enjoying an influx of money from various groups. Prop 8 opponents have raised $14.68 million this month -- double what supporters have hauled in -- including $4.3 since Oct. 23. Included in that mix for October was a $1 million donation from the California Teachers Association, $1 million from the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Services Center and $100,000 from talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. Additionally, opponents brought in $4 million at a Hollywood fundraising event."

The Call California. Same Sex Marriage debate in California reveals hypocrisy!!-"Yes: Other side's hypocritical argument-"It is simply amazing how the "No on Prop. 8" campaign is unwilling to stand up for what it believes. For a week now the campaign has said one thing; yet it believes something else.What do I mean? Well, the "No on Prop. 8" campaign maintains that, if Proposition 8 fails, kids will not be exposed to same-sex marriage instruction in school; yet it maintains that gay marriage is a fundamental right. Huh? If gay marriage is a fundamental right, then it should be taught in school. Can you think of another fundamental right that is not taught in school?", YES ON 8 CHALLENGES SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION JACK O’CONNELL TO LIVE DEBATE-"The Protectmarriage.com – Yes on 8 campaign today challenged Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell and the No on 8 campaign to a live, televised debate this weekend so voters can learn the truth about the issue of gay marriage being taught in California public schools.", California’s fight over marriage hints at changes in the culture wars-"The Economist reports: “Proposition 8’s supporters have assembled an extraordinarily broad coalition. Although much of the campaign’s ideological heat comes from evangelicals, much of its money comes from Mormons. More donations to Protectmarriage.com, the initiative’s chief proponent, have come from Utah than from any other state except California. Orthodox Jewish synagogues have weighed in, too. It is an unusual movement indeed that unifies blacks, Mormons and orthodox Jews. It hints at how cultural conservatives might evolve to meet the challenge of an unfavourable Washington political climate in the next few years.

Will same sex relationships be encouraged in public schools with no opt out option for parents if same-sex marriage is legal?-"New You Tube Video Clarifies Yes On 8 Proponents' Concerns: Education and Protection of Children is at Risk-"Proposition 8 preserves the rights of parents to decide what lifestyle choices are taught to their children and protects children. The absence of the words “between a man and a woman” which were deleted from our laws this past May by the California Supreme Court, has provided an opening for gay activists to force their agenda of sexual orientation education into our public schools. A new video available on http://protectmarriage.com/ and on YouTube through the following link, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5qdOQ-yzFU clarifies the issues at stake.This new video shows an actual “pledge” card that 5-year olds were compelled to sign in the Faith Ringgold Elementary kindergarten last week. It commits them to protect and defend gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender relationships. Parents who challenged the teacher were not permitted to “opt out” of this instruction."

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